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Mr Logic

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Everything posted by Mr Logic

  1. A sociopath can lie with ease and not trigger the detectors. Soldiers have to be trained to be able to do it. For psychopaths it comes natural.
  2. Hatem speaking of intuition, instinct & playing with the heart rather than the head much alike Charles Dickens in Hard Times. My favourite player to ever play in England, simple as that really. I prefer watching him over any of the Premier League greats. That’s delusionally ridiculous You literally can’t argue with who someone’s favourite player is I kind of agree with IC, I just love watching Ben Arfa and can't think of anyone whose highlight reel I'd prefer to watch from the PL. Ronaldinho, that's a different story. delusionally ridiculous
  3. Just weren't at the races today, a bit poor in too many areas.
  4. Just me or is Ritchie's passing way off tonight? Seems to be giving it away or selling team mates short nearly every time he's on the ball.
  5. Had a dream it was 3-1 tonight so I stuck £2 on Newcastle + Almiron to score for £285 and £8 on Arsenal for £80. Watch my dream be a load of bollocks.
  6. Similar to the early Keegan years, being told you're too small but having the determination to just keep going no matter what anyone said.
  7. Mr Logic

    Alan Shearer

    Some of these goals man!
  8. Its getting tedious now, almost every post.
  9. Ferguson's debut, Solano's first goal for the club (and an assist) and that wanker Gullit in the dugout. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n2qEi8Sy89k https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1998%E2%80%9399_Newcastle_United_F.C._season Reading the Wiki reminded me that previously mentioned wanker didn't even give Rob Lee a squad number at the start of the season. Made me angry all over again.
  10. Ferguson screamer, Keane sent off, and the match where Andy Cole turned from ex-favourite to a piece of shit for me. Forgot to mention, note what would be stonewall penalties today - Silvestre's push in the back
  11. As far as I am currently aware the opposite is true. The FA don't know what happened due to non-disclosure (or unsatisfactory disclosure) from the club. So by charging him they can look into it themselves. No? Surely you can't just charge someone (and make it public knowledge) will nilly? Well wouldn't the complaint containing the alleged remark "You lot should be good at this" be enough to charge someone in order to investigate further?
  12. This just makes me pure sad though. I played as him in World Cup doubles and now he’s not only a stooge of shit regime which you can half forgive but he’s very much likely a daft old bigot. I've no idea how old you are Disco but the world has certainly changed in my lifetime, mostly in the last decade or so and, it seems, at an accelerated pace of late. Its difficult to imagine Beardsley as a bigot considering the wide number of clubs and players he has played with and never a hint of inappropriate behaviour prior to this. There used to be a time people knew when something was said in jest and when it was more nasty. The politically correct world that surrounds us today is bordering on insanity compared to the world I mostly grew up in. I was just listening to a Dean Martin clip last night where he is referring to Sinatra as the 'Dago' and someone else as the 'Jew', everyone was laughing, including the 'Dago' and the 'Jew', because everyone knew Martin wasn't being serious or disparaging. We know playing the 'race card' is an easy thing to do these days but we don't know anything about the youth player that has complained, his character etc. How would you prove the alleged "You lot should be good at this." comment was racial rather than a sports related comment. Only Beardsley knows and unless it comes out there has been a history of inapprpriate comments I'll be reserving judgement.
  13. As far as I am currently aware the opposite is true. The FA don't know what happened due to non-disclosure (or unsatisfactory disclosure) from the club. So by charging him they can look into it themselves. No?
  14. https://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/everything-black-white-podcast-sir-16003448 There you go, now go and wash your dummy Thank you.
  15. Why the fuck don't people post links anymore?
  16. Not to be all Daily Mail about it, but it really is disgraceful that they're getting a combined 17 years or so for selling illegal football streams, when you consider the paltry sentences you see banded about for things like drunk drive sentences where someone's died as a result. Completely agree with you but I suspect the high sentence is due to the fact that they are a small group of inidividuals versus a rich global corporation in todays definitely no so skewed society. Your honour, under the rules of capitalism we have gained a near monopoly on incoming revenues from broadcasting football matches. These (enterprising) little scrotes, sorry your honour, three individuals, have managed to tap into the market and gain less than 1% of our yearly revenue/profit stream. Monies which I am sure your honour will agree rightly belonged to us. The judge criticising the pubs as profoundly dishonest probably doesn't have a clue how much they are charged for licences. That IS piracy, the prices they charge. Why don't Sky explain that unless you are wealthy enough to afford to watch football you'll just have to go without. Poor people are simply denied access to what used to be the working mans sport. And they have the nerve to call it piracy. Whole thing is a joke. The entire system of courts and fines is taken from Maritime Law from centuries ago and is just a way of the accepted big fish chewing up any small fish that try to grow. Broadcast all the matches of every team and set a subscription. They'd make more money and the crowds at games will not diminish by more than 5% is my guess.
  17. If Lascelles looks uncomfortable with the ball what was Mike Williamson? Think Lascelles is competent by comparison.
  18. That looks more like a satisfied sigh than annoyance. http://www.quickmeme.com/img/7e/7ea7a6f7c5d1efa8ad23ed97d60475f4be9ad12f5bd7616a60288adcb93a6c91.jpg
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