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Mr Logic

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Everything posted by Mr Logic

  1. Mr Logic

    Steve McClaren

    I've got no problem with the ball going backwards or sideways if it is just to maintain possesion and it is only 10-20% of the game. Last night was fucking horrible though, the reason the ball was going back much of the time is there was simply no outlet forward. Then Krul would give the opposition possesion and the problem was solved for a while. :/
  2. The problem might be that he wants to play as a number 10, which might be fine on the continent but he's not cutting it in the PL. Needs to drop deeper until he gets a better handle on all things English I think. McClaren should see this also.
  3. Mr Logic

    Papiss Cissé

    If he was wanting to fight for his place that chance should be gone now.
  4. Mr Logic

    Steve McClaren

    I think a lot of us knew after 15-20m that something needed changing on the pitch and I kept waiting for McClaren to do something. That nothing happened until 60 something minutes was very alarming and it wasn't even the right choices imo. I remember reading from a Derby supporter that he was no good at changing things during a match. I absolutely saw Colback hiding yesterday, as in not making himself available - and it looked quite deliberate to me. He was watching the ball go back and fore between defenders. I saw signs that both Wijnaldum and Mbemba were bewildered/annoyed and its likely a lot of the players know something is not working. Where does Cathro sit during the match, every time I saw McC he didn't seem to be anywhere near him. The main thing for me was it keeps showing the midfield dynamo of Anita and Colback is more of a stumbling block than any kind of solution and Perez should be the first name on the team sheet.
  5. Mbemba was getting frustrated with no-one to pass to a lot of the time, forced to play back or hit it long.
  6. Merson was in my missus.. stopped reading there.
  7. I think the opposite. He'll be loving it, the attention. He's completely delusional about his abilities in Fat Sam proportions. By now memories of his time at Newcastle will have been subtly altered to his preferred version of the truth, one where everything that went wrong was out of his control and he really did a fabulous job under the most trying circumstances.
  8. Mr Logic

    Steve McClaren

    More boring than Pardsland?
  9. Total agreement. It was clearly neither. The ball was there, the ball was gone. Oops. Tough shit, it happens every game near enough. No way it was malicious or intent.
  10. Your opinion has come too soon. (I hope). He's going to be fine unless it's a death by media circus we're going to see.
  11. Mr Logic

    Steve McClaren

    So do I but I'm half scared to say so in case we're all quoted 2 years from now when everyone hates him.
  12. Shearer as a pundit is a complete wanker and I've lost an awful lot of respect for him over the years since he stopped playing.
  13. get f***ed man, seriously he's not moving when it happens, this is madness, i'm out, everyone has lost their f***ing minds...watch cazorla...he's laughing about it because he's knows it was f***ing stupid I'm not denying that it's a stupid rule, but it's the rule, so it's a red. I really don't see how anyone can argue against that. Don't think it was particularly dangerous, but it was a red card. You think you'll get some slack for switching to the 'rule of law' argument.
  14. Needs to play deeper, he can get fwd as much as he wants but he can't command or control from to far fwd.
  15. Refs shouldn't let reputations influence decisions, they must be aware more than most how sensationalist the media is. Mitrovic was going for the ball, the toe poke removed the ball before his foot landed. The linesman probably influenced the decision. Shouldn't have been red.
  16. Somebody post some Wenger gifs and cheer me the fuck up please.
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