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Captain Underpants

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Everything posted by Captain Underpants

  1. Newcastle are about to announce the appointment of old time hero Temuri Ketsbaia as their new manager (Dear Santa..) sorry...
  2. tbh, Ashley looked really worried when the cameras was filming him after the game. Something needs to be done. NOW!
  3. everton under a little bit of pressure now..
  4. Maybe he doesn't understand spanish?
  5. HUGHTON YOU CLUELESS FUCK! AAAAAHHHHHRG. I cant take this shit anymore. How come everyone can see what they cant?
  6. 'When Kinnear is back we'll be fine' Im seriously starting to believe that is what he really thinks. FUCK OFF ASHLEY
  7. Ibrahimovic having a good time turning Ronaldo inside out!
  8. That Santon looks a canny player. left back?
  9. Ailton equalize on a free header against City!
  10. Thats it. We're doomed. Ashley should just fuck off. Give the club away or something. Anyone.
  11. Just seen a couple of highlights of Peter Lovenkrands when playing for Rangers and Schalke 04. Looks like a good player. Got pace and an eye for a goal. A couple of great goals in the clip. Good squadplayer at the very least.
  12. If we score i really want it to be jonas who scores. Would be a big confidence boost for him.
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