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Captain Underpants

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Everything posted by Captain Underpants

  1. Jonas & Colo might be his besties Get on the phone, Jonas!
  2. I refer to myself beeing a proud Newcastle supporter, also known commonly for beeing a "Geordie". Beeing a Geordie for me, is not just about the place where you were born, but also the way you act among other people, especially people from Wearside. If you refer to them as a sad mackem bastard in person, then you should be able to call yourself (atleast) an adopted Geordie. And im from Sweden, before anyone asks. Being a Newcastle supporter since 1995, I have bled black&white for this team, cried after certain games and felt proud and overjoyed too when we're winning. Supporting this team means so much to me. Former girlfriends can vouch for that. Unfortunately i have never had the chance or opportunity(sp?) (due to studies and economical reasons) to come visit you all in Newcastle, but hope to do it next year. I love this team. Howay the lads!
  3. YES. Why, is he a possibilty? Wasnt he banned for drug use or whatever?
  4. and.......... F5 F5 F5 F5 F5...
  5. thought he was fantastic today. this. unfortunately he only play like this every ten games or so.
  6. ...and I know nothing about the lad. Anyway, happy days!
  7. How is he better than Rooney? You think Fergie should sell Rooney and go all out for Ibrahimovic then? Thats not what he's saying is it? He thinks Ibrahimovic is a better player than Rooney, and I'm prepared to agree with him. Ibrahimovic is (by far) the better player when he is arsed, however, Rooney is more consistent so its a case of getting the better out of the player and I dont think Fergie could get the best out of Ibrahimovic with the style of play he prefer.
  8. Great player on his day. Remember him from the World Cup -94 when he and Jonas Thern was the central midfield of the swedish team when they finished third. Met him a couple of times aswell, nice bloke.
  9. I want us to really adress the midfield situation this summer. We have a couple of good players, but for some reason it doesnt work. We need an outlined plan on how we want our midfield to play, with one defensive midfielder, a beast if you like, and one player who comes forward, maybe a box-to box player in the Scott Parker mould. Scott Parker alongside maybe Raul Meireles (sp) with two pacey wingers would be great. I think that is what we are missing at the moment, with both Guthrie and Nolan playing with basically in the same role. They both want to attack and keep hold of the ball far to much with the defensive part of their game seemingly falls short. (Sorry if my english isnt up to standard today, im a bit drunk and have a headache. Maybe the alcohol is why I have a headache, but for now it seems to be curing it. Atleast that is what I keep telling myself. )
  10. I wonder who'd win in a 30 yard race, Geremi or Nolan. Actually, it would be a draw because neither would be able to run 30 yards.
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