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Everything posted by stlouismag

  1. That site and and nufcblog are ploys by tribalfootball to increase their credibility. I'm sure of it.
  2. The black and white stripes are very slimming, and I'm a tubby bastard. Really, one of the cable sports channels started showing Premier League games while I was at law school, and I was mesmerized by Beardsley. Liked "soccer," thought it would be fun to follow a team, and have stuck with Newcastle ever since. Thank goodness I didn't tune in when he was playing with Everton or Liverpool - think how boring my football life would have been!
  3. The Malaysians aren't out, a Malaysian who never said he was in but a lot of people and papers speculated/hoped might be part of the group of Malaysians for the simple fact that he's the richest Malaysian is out.
  4. Shepherd out! Just getting that in early so I can quote myself in a couple of weeks if this actually happens. Cheers.
  5. American record? It's the U.S. record for attendance at a college football game. There are several other schools (Tennessee, Penn State, Ohio State) that have similarly-sized stadiums, and someone will expand their stadium (Michigan is actually in the midst of a small expansion now as part of a renovation), or cram a few extra people to a game some day soon to beat it. I did my undergrad at the University of Michigan, and grew up only about 25 minutes away. Here are some fun stats on attendances over the years: http://bentley.umich.edu/athdept/stadium/stadtext/mattend.htm#attendave The most amazing one (especially given the completely crap year they had last year) is that they've not been under 100k for a home game since 1975.
  6. The pics showing it yellow and white are better than the dual yellow it looks on the pics of Taylor and Beye. If it is indeed stripes on the back, rather than a big patch, I'm going to have to get it.
  7. Gte me his email address and I will, email seems to be the way these things are done. [email protected]
  8. Too late to get in a decent manager, and too late to get in any decent players. The only other ending I can see to this debacle is no sale at all, which I just can't bring myself to think about.
  9. Nile Ranger. Someone was going to say it, so I figured I'd just go ahead and get it out of the way.
  10. Cups - Especially if things are still going pear-shaped.
  11. Saying the right thing at the right time. Thanks for the faint glimmer of hope that your act of class, heart and professionalism gave me today, even if you "change" your mind tomorrow.
  12. I told my pastor I'd be camped in front of the computer, listening to the stream (official!), and drinking a beer come Sunday morning. He agreed that I'd likely get a lot more praying in than if I came to church.
  13. the way both teams have played recently i'd dispense with the 90mins and go straight to the coin. The coin toss would end in a draw. With both Viduka and Steven Taylor going off injured.
  14. In all fairness, Jose is a common French . . . um . . . . Actually, I was hoping he'd get convicted, we seem to be able to land those who've done time for assault.
  15. stlouismag

    Red or Blue

    Gotta vote blue, just because I can't bear the idea of voting for anything red. Why not black and white, lads?
  16. Did it twice - got 36 points each time. I am pretty pessimistic today, even for me.
  17. I thought he was a center back, not a central midfielder?
  18. Mine went through today (my renewal date as well) at 11.99. International transaction via credit card.
  19. Thanks for the warning on board talk. A new thread with the mere mention of NE5 in the title was sufficient warning though - what else could it be about?
  20. MLS and Villareal have agreed a $10M fee for Altidore: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2008/soccer/06/04/bc.soc.mls.altidore.villarreal.ap/index.html
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