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Everything posted by stlouismag

  1. Announce or pronounce? Can see Fat Sam having real problems with that one . . . .
  2. The commercials have been amazing. Hoping for the German version of Neil Sika to be calling the match.
  3. That Everton keeper is a standard Nike template too. My daughter wore it (last season! ) in white for her U10 team: http://images.nike.com/is/image/DotCom/PDP_P/Nike-Park-IV-Long-Sleeve-Boys-Goalkeeper-Soccer-Jersey-000448265_100_A.jpg?wid=500&hei=375&fmt=jpeg&
  4. This is, by far, my favorite thread. My heart beats a bit faster seeing a new post in it than any other.
  5. stlouismag


    Can't believe it took until page 57, tbh.
  6. "Personal circumstances" = his wife killed him.
  7. It soon became clear to all that it was Shola who had farted.
  8. :lol: As always, this thread is the highlight of Transfer Deadline Day.
  9. stlouismag


    On the grounds that Gervinho was merely removing a speck of dust from Joey's brow, after Joey had kindly helped him up earlier. There was a mosquito on Barton's cheek, just about to have a bite. Just helping a fellow professional by giving it a slap, tbh.
  10. 3, 6, 21, 8, 4, 11, 15, 1, 19, 16, 24, 23, 20, 22, 7, 2, 10, 17, 12, 9, 5, 13, 18, 14
  11. Lass at works mother texted her at 5PM and told ger to be careful going home cos it was kicking off up the west end. Northumbria Police twitter reckons there's sod all happening up here. Aye i know. She lives Benwell though so she'd be better placed than someone on a pc in Ponteland. Well I'm off down the west end in an hour so if I come back with a new flat screen telly and some Air Jordans, it was all true. FYP.
  12. Won a blue ribbon in the soccer goal shooting competition at my hometown's primary school field day competition when I was in 4th grade. In the late '70s that was pretty much the American equivalent of playing professionally.
  13. He's got a website! Here's his resumé: http://neilsika.com/resume.html
  14. I have to say that even in the Uh-mare-ick-an "soccer" "announcer" genre, we are experiencing a truly rare treat.
  15. stlouismag

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    "If Hatem Ben Arfa breaks his leg again, we might be forced to rest him for a match or two." [ /paraphrasing ]
  16. A fair point. Plus, I like Caulkin. Doesn't excuse agents and club execs though!
  17. My job pays the bills - if I have work commitments, I don't go on vacation regardless of what my wife and kids might think. If my livelihood was based on 10% of someone's contract, putting together a winning (or at least not-to-be-relegated) squad, or even breaking transfer stories to sell papers/generate web hits, I'd be on the clock 24/7 during the window. Maybe I'm just greedy or conscientious.
  18. Gotta say, I'm utterly mystified at football journos, and even more so at agents and club execs, who take vacation during the transfer window! It's not like it's a fucking secret when it is.
  19. stlouismag

    Joey Barton

    Now, that's just too plain sensible. Take that "logic" and "reason" crap to the "Not Worthy of a Thread" thread, please.
  20. St. Louis checking in. 3 main footie bars here - Barrister's in Clayton (1st ring suburb just west of the City proper), The Scottish Arms in the Central West End, and The Amsterdam Tavern near Tower Grove Park. All open early for matches, are mainly populated with ManU, Arsenal and Chelsea folks, with a nice smattering of other team's supporters as well. Generally, it's a pretty knowledgeable bunch. We have one of those faux Irish chain places now (a Tigrin) that I hear shows games, but I need a better beer (or whisky!) selection than they offer to get my ass out of bed that early.
  21. Still amazed and will always be grateful for pulling that disaster of a relegated team together and winning the Championship. Quibbles with team selection and substitutions this year, but wtf do I know? It was so refreshing to have a manager who conducted himself with class and dignity. He deserved much better than this from the Club.
  22. Not touching him until he comes through without injury against Werder on Wednesday. If I transfer now he's bang on to get a serious knock.
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