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Everything posted by stlouismag

  1. http://25.media.tumblr.com/ebd75c1a80df35b50a0084d9ca48716b/tumblr_mwcpryeYOo1r3gb3zo1_400.gif
  2. Blatantly waiting for page 700.
  3. Oh well, that's it, he's gone http://i.imgur.com/xtlxwSR.gif
  4. The only positive in this dragging on is that my "no" vote in the poll is starting to look like it might be a winner.
  5. First time opening this thread in months (avoiding it has improved my mood incredibly!), and I am sure this will only end in heartache and disappointment whether in the form of Pardew staying (more smug than ever) or Ashley somehow finding someone even worse to manage the Club. As long as Ashley is in charge, I fully expect following Newcastle to continue to be the football equivalent of: http://31.media.tumblr.com/eb46548376e29712ebcc144a3c7a7f34/tumblr_n0g64stTft1rx1h2ho1_400.gif Back to hide over in Chat for me like.
  6. 60 sq. meters (per the .cock article) really isn't very big - 6 meters by 10 meters? Obviously, not fitting in my living room, but by contrast the giant screen in the Dallas Cowboys stadium is 1,070 sq. meters. The one here at Busch Stadium is 155 sq. meters, and it's not anything special in the context of a sports stadium.
  7. And I can't even drag my fat ass three blocks to the gym. Well done, Jonas!
  8. Oh, and they've got a simple striped Umbro kit with no back patch too. For fuck's sake, I'm jealous of Hull City.
  9. Watch him end up demoted to the Hull reserves within 6 weeks, and we're all
  10. This forum is frankly all that's keeping me remotely interested in the club, and has been for a while. Love this place to bits.
  11. Instagram only AFAIK @hatembenarfaofficiel
  12. Given how dire England have been, and how little hope there seems to be of that turning around any time soon, you might be able to turn that into a positive: "C'mon lad, we'll shelter you until England are no longer a shambolic shower of shite, and you can move on in [2? 5? 10? 25?] years with your international reputation unsullied."
  13. Looked like something from one of my daughter's U11 games - both the defending and the ball control. Only thing missing was having the shot be directly at the keeper.
  14. More like: http://www.medsupplier.com/product-images/Combs-and-Brushes/Donovan-Industries/Donovan-DawnMist-Wide-Mini-Hair-Pick.jpg
  15. Shit. Was so used to the second game starting an hour earlier, that I already left work and poured my first drink! Sorry, boss.
  16. Growing up in Michigan, if a state didn't have a Big Ten university (back when it was ten . . . don't get me started on that!) in it, we didn't consider it part of the Midwest. Having lived in St. Louis for the past 20 years, Missouri, Kansas, and Nebraska definitely include themselves in the Midwest, and folks here would almost certainly exclude Ohio, Indiana, and Michigan from the definition. Probably would exclude Wisconsin and Minnesota too if they ever thought about it. In other words, the Midwest is a pretty flexible concept with some serious regional variation in its definition. More a state of mind than anything else really.
  17. http://25.media.tumblr.com/762a56bbb1af46e53b3e766a78d33faf/tumblr_mhcvroo5Uz1qcmw6lo1_400.gif
  18. stlouismag


    Depends whether anyone quoted it in their signature if I understand things correctly.
  19. Brendan Rodgers @brodgers_lfc Thatcher's dead, Fergie's retired and Liverpool are on course to win the league. Somewhere there's a Scouser with a lamp and no wishes left. Liverpool-supporting friend of mine retweeted that earlier. Gave me a laugh.
  20. stlouismag


    I don't know anyone who thinks we have any World Cup chances.
  21. http://www.modernette.ca/press/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/tv-addiction-emma-stone-meh-gif.gif
  22. Fuck yeah, ice dancing short program is on at the same time! Touch choice, but winter Olympics are only once every four years and all . . . .
  23. http://24.media.tumblr.com/e3760744f2217760914c99d3489d100f/tumblr_mq5oku602s1suyjsvo1_400.gif
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