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Everything posted by MW

  1. How about a banner instead http://photos-c.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/s600x600/521302_10151270741760009_750847670_n.jpg
  2. Bowling crofty? I'll have work in London the Monday He said check the 2 time slots left that are available on the website. O aye, cheers
  3. What time would kick off be? More importantly, when would it finish?
  4. Absolute ball ache for arranging plans. Arseholes
  5. However the Liverpool game will move to Sunday, 28th April with a 12 noon kick-off, and remain live on ESPN, should Liverpool reach the Europa League semi-final. What if we get through
  6. why do none of the islands off england (Jersey, Isle of Man etc) have a decent football team?
  7. It was, should have the prior 15 secs also. I want more gouffran ran ran, would be much better
  8. Villas boas croak he's like a frog
  9. Bet dudek didn't have a fucking clue what carragher was saying
  10. Mostly home fans round the ground. Last year me and my mate said we weren't going to the match and got let in. There was some Irish centre near WHL station that had our fans in, might go back
  11. MW

    Other clubs' transfers

    Palace shared with Charlton also
  12. Anyone heard anything regarding tickets?
  13. Man utd 7-1 Roma? Italians after all
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