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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey

  1. i want gooch to stay at NUFC and make me proud! 


    i still wonder how marvell wynne would do in the EPL.  he fast enough, but the weather might be his undoing!  he's a california boy.


    Unless you take pride in us having a s*** defence, him staying won't bring anything but sadness.


    no, i don't take pride in that.  if he embarrasses or disappoints then of course i want him to go.  do you really think there's no hope for him to be successful at nufc?


    jamesD  you rate marvell do you not? 


    From what i've seen, he's been disappointing - even dangerous - more often that he's shown quality. In a couple of games he's been the embodiment of that awful "game of two halves" thing, where he has looked good one half, bad the other. But overall, he's not shown an awful lot of promise.


    I can only speak about him at NUFC, never having seen him play before, and on the basis of his overall performances so far, i have not seen anything that fills me with great hope.


    (still better than Shambles and Moore, clearly).

  2. i want gooch to stay at NUFC and make me proud! 


    i still wonder how marvell wynne would do in the EPL.  he fast enough, but the weather might be his undoing!  he's a california boy.


    Unless you take pride in us having a shit defence, him staying won't bring anything but sadness.

  3. Nailed on!


    The boy just needed a bit of a break as the games were coming thick and fast for a moment there. I think the whole squad needed one to be fair.


    Anyway watch him explode this weekend!


    You heard it here first.


    Oba is going to go on to be what Drogba has been for Chelsea. Productive in his early seasons but seemingly lacking in technique, but as he gets more comfortbale i.e. not being the new guy, and he gets a regular partner he will become what Drogba has been this season and maybe even better.


    Watch him go this weekend...




    If it doesn't happen, can we get a promise you won't start any more threads?


    If it does, will you promise likewise? :lol:


    Choices, choices.

  4. looks like he's having some sort of breakdown tbh.

    first thing he does after the defeat to alkmaar is have a rant about our substandard defence. Very f****** unproffessional, and if you have a problem with our defence, DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT you useless weasel. Now he's saying "players will be going" "no bottlers" etc... and the usual tripe about injuries "i never complain about them honest" stop f****** talking to the media and do some f****** work on our match tactics such as keeping possetion, breaking down teams and defending as a unit. The best way for him to improve us in these areas would be to step the f*** down and tell freddy shepheard to hire a tactically savvy manager for once. Unfortunately if you haven't captained the side or have never owned a season ticket at the club your chances of appointment are slim to nil however.


    You'd have more chance of being taken seriously if you could put your points across coherently.


    You're bright enough to figure out what he means. And you know he's right.


    Roeder is a fucking terrible manager, with a poor transfer record, woeful tactics, fuck all motivaitonal skill, and little ability with the media. He's a disgrace as a manager.


    Canny bloke though... ;)


    Oh, aye, lovely.


    Doesn't like bottlers, mind. They disappoint him.

  5. Dyer should have gotten a 5, max. But he wasn't on long enough to warrant a 3. If he's continued ballsing up he might have, though.


    As for the Sun, i stopped reading that pile of shite when they offered that keeper a couple of seasons ago a car or something if he kept a clean sheet against us - some minnow we played in the cup.


    Un-biased national press? My fat Geordie arse.

  6. Only just realised that if the plan of a return against Chelsea is true how close we are to seeing him back, only just over 3 weeks!


    I think he could really give us a massive lead and help ua get that vital Intertot or UEFA Cup spot.


    Neither spot is going to be ours, mate.

  7. looks like he's having some sort of breakdown tbh.

    first thing he does after the defeat to alkmaar is have a rant about our substandard defence. Very f****** unproffessional, and if you have a problem with our defence, DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT you useless weasel. Now he's saying "players will be going" "no bottlers" etc... and the usual tripe about injuries "i never complain about them honest" stop f****** talking to the media and do some f****** work on our match tactics such as keeping possetion, breaking down teams and defending as a unit. The best way for him to improve us in these areas would be to step the f*** down and tell freddy shepheard to hire a tactically savvy manager for once. Unfortunately if you haven't captained the side or have never owned a season ticket at the club your chances of appointment are slim to nil however.


    You'd have more chance of being taken seriously if you could put your points across coherently.


    You're bright enough to figure out what he means. And you know he's right.


    Roeder is a fucking terrible manager, with a poor transfer record, woeful tactics, fuck all motivaitonal skill, and little ability with the media. He's a disgrace as a manager.

  8. "That is something I will not accept. I know who these players are and it will not matter to me whether they have contracts or not, they will not feature in my long-term plans.

    reads pretty clear to me "oot on there arses"


    Not sure about that tbh. The bit in bold scares the shit out of me.


    1) The wasters are not here for the 'long-term' according to Roeder which implies that they are here for the short/medium term. In other words, unless we find anyone thick enough to take them off our hands, their contracts run out or we sign their replacements - we're stuck with them.

    2) Roeder is under the impression that he himself has a 'long-term' future at the club.  :buck2:


    And he has as the same fans are buying, the same fans are attending, and until anything changes the board can do whatever the fuk they feel like.


    Welcome to the next 20 years.




    If that was the case, that wanker Souness would still be here.

  9. The thing is, people are mentioning the likes of Carr, Babayaro, Bernard & Luque, but he's talking about a few players who played in those 2 games. None of the above did. I reckon he's talking Bramble, Moore & Emre.


    As do i. I hope all of the names above are peddled, and one or two more.


    Mind, Roeders media statements are getting more and more shite. The man's an idiot of the highest order.

  10. Blaming the players yet again...


    Big bad Glenn the bully picking on our poor multimillionaire players who can't string together a pass against Charlton or maintain a 4-2 advantage in Holland.  FFS.


    Roeder has made some stupid decisions and done nowhere near enough in the transfer market, but a new manager won't change the fact that some of them just aren't good enough. 


    A good manager wouldn't stand by players like Bramble & Carr or magically transform them into Premiership quality....he'd sack them and replace them with better ones. 



    But a good manager wouldn't pretend they were top class. Neither would a good manager be as tactically woeful as Roeder.


    He talks a load of shite, and isn't good enough. Simple as that.

  11. Anyone see Duff tonight? He was top class in the first half, destroyed his two markers.


    You have to remember he spent the best part of 2 years in shackles at Chelsea. Mourinho doesn't like wingers and didn't want him taking on players, just using his brain and passing simple. He's taking a while to get the ability to beat player back and it's finally back. He's still not at his very, very best but I'm certain you'll be impressed when he plays for you again.


    So when he plays for us again, and is shit, what then?

  12. Isn't this thread meant to be about Owen...?... I'm really looking forward to having him back. The brief spell of games he had for us in 2005 showed what a great player he is.


    i'm looking forward to seeing him back, to see if he has anything of the old Owen left or not. I'm not convinced he'll stay, but hope he does (assuming he still has it). But i'm not fussed for this season - i'd rather increase the chance of him coming back under a competent manager, not Roeder.


    Ive always thought, when it comes to the lads who travel all the time, Give them a game.



    The one bit i agree with


    Otherwise,he is talking s*** again,A reminder to us that he is a c***..


    Why though? Should we give Srnicek a game just because he travels to every game? Or Pattison? Or O'Brien? etc..


    I was thinking Luque :D,Harper,Edger,etc..


    ha ha.

  14. -----------------Ameobi---------Owen



    Joe Cole----------------------------------Gerrard






    We need to start playing something like that, except replace Shola with another striker. Can't have players like Johnson who aren't international class playing


    Yet you have David James in. Odd.

  15. why dont you guys just get it over and fuck already?


    theyre still deciding who's the giver and who's the taker. Shhh, these are delicate times


    They should have a read of GC over on Toontastic (I know they both love it there :razz:), there's a very eye-opening thread.


    Not that eye.


    Thats how infections start, that.

  16. Thankfully I don't have to live in and around you northern monkeys, don't know how you do it tbh. Still shitting in holes in the garden, bathing in tin baths, washing your clothes down the river etc.. Fair play to you though for getting on with it.


    I don't get it. Because i think people who are from a different part of the country can't be Geordies, i suddenly live in Sunderland??? Odd fucker, you.

  17. I say keep Gooch, he'll only get better and his presence is huge. No point in letting him at all, we need the bodies and imo hes doing well for us.


    Keep him and get a bunch more defenders in too O0


    Thats what some people used to say about Shambles. They were wrong.

  18. Any cunt even hints that where I live, is even slighty not-geordie, they fan fuck off for all I care, they obviously don't live here.




    Fucking gateshead is a different city, though. Shields, fair enough, its not slap-bang next to SJP, but its still Geordie. Gateshead want to br a city in their own right, fine, but lets not then pretend that they come from Newcastle.

  19. Downing coming on in the 85th minute with Dyer sat on the bench = N'Zogbia coming on in the 85th minute with Milner sat on the bench...


    Downing on the left is a better bet than Dyer, in fairness. But he needed more time, clearly.

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