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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey

  1. I have never seen Zidane live but I know he was better than Emre.


    Coming from my pal who frequently questions me if I have seen any players (I suggested) live  :knuppel2:


    Not being funny but you come out with things like "so and so (who has made ONE senior start) for Middlesborough is better than Taylor" how the fuck do you know that? You claim to know about pretty much every youth player at Manchester United and a few other clubs. You must travel the country watching a hell of a lot of reserve/youth matches OR (and I think this is the case) you spend too much time playing Football manager games and getting all your "knowledge" from how these players develop.


    That WOULD explain some "he's a great player for NUFC, world class*" type shite from a number of posters on here.....so busy playing games, they can't actually go to the game.



    * ie - "Bramble has potential", "Babayaro has shown he has the heart".....yadda yadda.

  2. I agree with Madras and the Northumbrian, but then I have never been an England supporter - so no surprise there.


    To add to the controversy I think NI should have its FIFA seat revoked with Windsor Park leveled to the ground and be treated like they are in Rugby: As one Country. You want to be proud of the lads from Tyrone or Belfast or wherever, fine - watch 'em play for Ireland.


    I think that's a bit of a harsh attitude towards Northern Ireland football.  I can be as proud as I want standing in Windsor, which is in my own country as opposed to Dublin which is in a foreign country.  By that rationale, England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland should exist as a British team, which I wouldn't want to see either.


    As David Humphries, Ulster & Ireland rugby player said, "It's good playing for Ireland but nothing beats playing for your own country" (May not be exact words used)


    What I said is admittedly harsh and as I said controversial. I still feel that way though. I think the comparison with NI as opposed to Scotland/Wales/England is not completely the same, but there are admitted similarities. I dont want to hijack this thread by discussing "the troubles" but obviously I feel that if NI were forced to play with a unified Ireland that might help bring the communities closer together and even if it didn't it would be one less excuse to drive them apart... which you must admit Windsor Park certainly does. Example: Lennon's reception a few years ago.


    Despite my own feelings on the matter, I can't do anything except tip my hat to the current NI set up and respectfully acknowledge how much they have drastically improved with very little talent at their disposal (quite stunning really). It is possible NI qualifies and England does not which would be sweet.

    bearing in mind they are 2 seperate countries,where as england,scotland,wales and northern irealnd aren't really seperate,wouldn't it make more sense to join up the "home" nations.


    i don't support this but it seems more logical (captain) than the other suggestion.


    I don't see NI and the south as being seperate countries. Just because WE made it that way last century, doesn't make it right.

  3. I don't know I would say doom and gloom has quite a monopoly on this forum so im still betting on the "will be gone in the summer" if he makes a good come back or the "he is finished, hasn't got the legs for it anymore" if he doesnt make an instant impact.


    Doom and gloom?? As if. :)


    I hope to fuck he comes good when he gets back. I have a fear around his ability to change his game to cope with his likely loss of pace, but i'll be pleased to see him back, we need him.


    On an unrelated (other than being a striker thing), i hope to god someone is stupid enough to make a bid for Ameobi, because i'm fucking damned sure Roeder is stupid enough to play him. Not from the start, because even Genius Glenn isn't THAT daft, but to try to "change the game".......dear god, the very thought.


    I suppose if we want to, say, change a game to a one where we have less chance of scoring, that woudl be ok. Other than that, any game where we have to play Shola is a sad one.



  4. I have never seen Zidane live but I know he was better than Emre.


    Coming from my pal who frequently questions me if I have seen any players (I suggested) live  :knuppel2:


    Still a valid point.


    Back to the actual matter at hand - Bramble is not a Premiership defender by any stretch of even the most blinkered toon fans imagination, and the wrong-haired Brown is. So he is better than Shambles. Ipso facto, as they say on Kavanagh QC.

  5. I agree with Madras and the Northumbrian, but then I have never been an England supporter - so no surprise there.


    To add to the controversy I think NI should have its FIFA seat revoked with Windsor Park leveled to the ground and be treated like they are in Rugby: As one Country. You want to be proud of the lads from Tyrone or Belfast or wherever, fine - watch 'em play for Ireland.


    I think that's a bit of a harsh attitude towards Northern Ireland football.  I can be as proud as I want standing in Windsor, which is in my own country as opposed to Dublin which is in a foreign country.  By that rationale, England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland should exist as a British team, which I wouldn't want to see either.


    As David Humphries, Ulster & Ireland rugby player said, "It's good playing for Ireland but nothing beats playing for your own country" (May not be exact words used)


    NI isn't in Britain, though is it. Its in the UK.



  6. Is Nobby going to come back later and pretend this is a wind-up?

    no wind up, he's no better than bramble


    Of course he's better than Bramble, he's a footballer!


    how many times have you seen him live (at a match) (not on a computer game)


    Which one? LIVE, i've ony seen Brown at our games vs Man Utd when he's played, as i don't go to watch Man Utd. Shambles, i've seen as many times as mist fans who go to the games. And he's an absolutely awful defender. One of the worst centre backs in the premiership.

  7. Is Nobby going to come back later and pretend this is a wind-up?

    no wind up, he's no better than bramble


    Of course he's better than Bramble, he's a footballer!

  8. Or he'll score 3 on two games, and the equally stupid knee-jerk will start saying he's the best player in the world, ever.


    Or he'll score 3 in two and the doomsdayers will be claiming he is off in the summer!




    My version is more likely. World class, you know. Going to bring out the best in our other "international class" players......we're gonna win the league!!!

  9. this thought hit me cos of northern irelands good run,when i was younger i supported northern ireland cos we had players who played for them,cassidy,mcfaul,davey craig,then  dave mcreery then michael o'neill.one of my best nights watching international football was when they beat spain in the 82 world cup.


    the question is,say nufc signed 5 dutch internationals and had no england players,all 5 dutchmen played against england,who would you support ?


    I would go for the Dutch as inger-land mean nothing to me these days.

    The thought of the baby bentley bling brigade winning a trophy doesn't mean a damn thing.



  10. Is there another footballer playing today that does so little but recieves so much?


    Why football is as s*** as its ever been despite more money than ever being spewed into it.


    So many English players get told they are "world class" before they've achieved fuck all.

    Most premiership players live in a world of wealth most people can't even imagine, and thats not top players but bog standard journeymen.

    No wonder so many of them are complacent, smug twats.

    I sometimes wonder why I bother renewing my season ticket, I just know I always will....


    We've got a couple of them.


    We've got a couple who are told they are good enough to play in OUR first team when they are never even going to be good enough for proper Premiership strugglers.

  11. If given the choice of 5 players who goes in the Summer who would you get rid of?


    Mine would be:








    I could easily add a few more to that.








    need a few more though - Ameobi and Sibierski aren't good enough, and if we had any real intention of being top 6, we could do with better/more consistent players than the likes of Emre and Dyer.



  12. Mourinho's team in his first season was made up with players he didn't buy - Cech, Ferreria, Terry, Carvalho, Bridge, Tiago, Makelele, Lampard, Gudjohnsen, Duff, Robben. only 3 mourinho signings there.


    Yes, that bears comparison with Moore, Bramble, Babayaro, Carr, et al. :lol:


    your other option was reading the comment in the context of the conservation.


    Oh, aye, like THATS going to happen.

  13. Its true, whats the point in heckling DURING the game? Its like the fans who went there actually wanted them to lose just so they could complain a bit more.


    So they should vocally support a shite performance, thus validating it??


    Do you think booing during the game is more likely to improve their performance or is it more likely they are going to start to feel the pressure, try to force things and make more mistakes/give away possesion?


    They should be good enough to tonk Andorra, whatever the circumstances.


    And Israel too, in fairness.


    Fact is, the players aren't being forced to play to their potential, and the manager is rubbish. If that brings boos, then tough shit.

  14. That why Jose moved to Chelsea? He wasn't good enough for Porto?


    Give it a rest mate. He moved for the prospect for working for a premiership club, and with better players. Probably getting paid more.



    They didn't want him.


    You think he's a brilliant defensive coach? Good for you, but you're wrong. The entire coaching/management structure at SJP needs to get peddled, ASAP.

  15. I prefer this pic.




    Don't know what he sees in her...


    i can think of a couple of things...


    Did Zambrotta take the term "Butt Pirate" literally when he went shopping for beach attire? 


    Dunno, but his lass is CLEARLY storing up back pain issues for later life.....

  16. No point in going for him, we need better!!

    Flog bramble for Brown, its more like for like really.


    Thats not like for like. Brown is nowhere near as much of a liability as that twat Shambles.

  17. Is there another footballer playing today that does so little but recieves so much?


    Why football is as shit as its ever been despite more money than ever being spewed into it.


    I bloody doubt it.

  18. i want gooch to stay at NUFC and make me proud! 


    i still wonder how marvell wynne would do in the EPL.  he fast enough, but the weather might be his undoing!  he's a california boy.


    Unless you take pride in us having a s*** defence, him staying won't bring anything but sadness.


    no, i don't take pride in that.  if he embarrasses or disappoints then of course i want him to go.  do you really think there's no hope for him to be successful at nufc?


    jamesD  you rate marvell do you not? 


    From what i've seen, he's been disappointing - even dangerous - more often that he's shown quality. In a couple of games he's been the embodiment of that awful "game of two halves" thing, where he has looked good one half, bad the other. But overall, he's not shown an awful lot of promise.


    I can only speak about him at NUFC, never having seen him play before, and on the basis of his overall performances so far, i have not seen anything that fills me with great hope.

    (still better than Shambles and Moore, clearly).


    i've only seen him 1 time in the B&W stripes so, i have to take yours and others' word (which i do) for how he does.  i just hope that he can improve to be the CB nufc really need.  although, i can't say i'm encouraged by the bit in bold.   am i allowed to dream and cross my fingers for a miracle?!   :angel: http://bears.hosttown.com/style_emoticons/default/v6fx.gif       the Bonk got his prayers answered once!  


    What kind of NUFC would you be if you couldn't do that?? ;)



    ok, good!  :hello2: b/c as a loyal nufc supporter here in the states i claim the right to be irrationally optimistic about our team in general and gooch in particular.    God, i hope he comes good. 


    I hope so too, but I don't think he will. Still, where there's life, and all that.


    One thing for sure, he'll not flourish under Roeder.


    well, what about that new man nigel pearson?  isn't he supposed to be our defensive wunderkind/mastermind etc?  


    No, he's some fella who wasn't good enough for West Brom.

  19. Its true, whats the point in heckling DURING the game? Its like the fans who went there actually wanted them to lose just so they could complain a bit more.


    So they should vocally support a shite performance, thus validating it??


    Do you think booing during the game is more likely to improve their performance or is it more likely they are going to start to feel the pressure, try to force things and make more mistakes/give away possesion?


    And what is cheering during a shite performance going to do? Probably going to make them think - i know i've been poor, but they love me, nice one.


    Ultimately, if the players perform as badly as they have done, they'll get booed, and i think thats fair enough. If they played to anywhere near their potential, they'd be ok.


    Theres a difference in booing after the game and booing during it though. If we play shit on Saturday will you be standing up midway through the play booing and shouting Roeder is a wanker?


    I don't personally boo (sounds funny coming otu of my mouth, like a comedy "boo"), but i wouldn't cheer them either, if they were playing proper shit. Playing for NUFC should not guarantee blind support no matter what.


    As for Roeder, quite possibly. And if their feckless manager getting very justified stick makes the poor ickle footballers play badly, they can wind their overpaid necks in, and get on with their fucking jobs.

  20. i want gooch to stay at NUFC and make me proud! 


    i still wonder how marvell wynne would do in the EPL.  he fast enough, but the weather might be his undoing!  he's a california boy.


    Unless you take pride in us having a s*** defence, him staying won't bring anything but sadness.


    no, i don't take pride in that.  if he embarrasses or disappoints then of course i want him to go.  do you really think there's no hope for him to be successful at nufc?


    jamesD  you rate marvell do you not? 


    From what i've seen, he's been disappointing - even dangerous - more often that he's shown quality. In a couple of games he's been the embodiment of that awful "game of two halves" thing, where he has looked good one half, bad the other. But overall, he's not shown an awful lot of promise.


    I can only speak about him at NUFC, never having seen him play before, and on the basis of his overall performances so far, i have not seen anything that fills me with great hope.

    (still better than Shambles and Moore, clearly).


    i've only seen him 1 time in the B&W stripes so, i have to take yours and others' word (which i do) for how he does.  i just hope that he can improve to be the CB nufc really need.  although, i can't say i'm encouraged by the bit in bold.   am i allowed to dream and cross my fingers for a miracle?!   :angel: http://bears.hosttown.com/style_emoticons/default/v6fx.gif       the Bonk got his prayers answered once!  


    What kind of NUFC would you be if you couldn't do that?? ;)



    ok, good!  :hello2: b/c as a loyal nufc supporter here in the states i claim the right to be irrationally optimistic about our team in general and gooch in particular.    God, i hope he comes good. 


    I hope so too, but I don't think he will. Still, where there's life, and all that.


    One thing for sure, he'll not flourish under Roeder.

  21. Its true, whats the point in heckling DURING the game? Its like the fans who went there actually wanted them to lose just so they could complain a bit more.


    So they should vocally support a shite performance, thus validating it??


    Do you think booing during the game is more likely to improve their performance or is it more likely they are going to start to feel the pressure, try to force things and make more mistakes/give away possesion?


    And what is cheering during a shite performance going to do? Probably going to make them think - i know i've been poor, but they love me, nice one.


    Ultimately, if the players perform as badly as they have done, they'll get booed, and i think thats fair enough. If they played to anywhere near their potential, they'd be ok.

  22. If he is really that bad then why on earth was it rumoured that other big clubs were after him, like Chelsea?


    He is still trying to fit in and with the other 3 defenders changing constantly how can he really settle in?


    Rumoured, mate., Rumoured.


    Like us and Ronaldo, and all the other totally shite storeis that go round.


    And it isn't his team play thats in question, he's made some bad individual errors.


    He IS only new, but there's nothing great about how he's been so far.

  23. i want gooch to stay at NUFC and make me proud! 


    i still wonder how marvell wynne would do in the EPL.  he fast enough, but the weather might be his undoing!  he's a california boy.


    Unless you take pride in us having a s*** defence, him staying won't bring anything but sadness.


    no, i don't take pride in that.  if he embarrasses or disappoints then of course i want him to go.  do you really think there's no hope for him to be successful at nufc?


    jamesD  you rate marvell do you not? 


    From what i've seen, he's been disappointing - even dangerous - more often that he's shown quality. In a couple of games he's been the embodiment of that awful "game of two halves" thing, where he has looked good one half, bad the other. But overall, he's not shown an awful lot of promise.


    I can only speak about him at NUFC, never having seen him play before, and on the basis of his overall performances so far, i have not seen anything that fills me with great hope.

    (still better than Shambles and Moore, clearly).


    i've only seen him 1 time in the B&W stripes so, i have to take yours and others' word (which i do) for how he does.  i just hope that he can improve to be the CB nufc really need.  although, i can't say i'm encouraged by the bit in bold.   am i allowed to dream and cross my fingers for a miracle?!   :angel: http://bears.hosttown.com/style_emoticons/default/v6fx.gif       the Bonk got his prayers answered once!  


    What kind of NUFC would you be if you couldn't do that?? ;)


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