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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey

  1. can we have a rule that every numpty saying we are going to get relegated gets banned for the entire next season when we don't go down?


    Can we also have a rule the prohibits trolling after a home defeat to an inferior team?


    If you pull your usual routine after this result you're going to piss a lot of people off - but that's the point, right?



    come back to me when we get relegated because we didn't sack Roeder right this minute



    what you're basically saying is it's ok to act like a complete mong because we have just been beaten. You really think any of these retards will change their opinion in a few days?


    Its not ok to be a shite manager, and its not ok to keep Roeder in his job. Facts.

  2. There is no injury list - only one person - Owen. No-one else is good enough, and Roeder has just been stupid enough to not to bother replacing people.

    i think he bothered,just didn't think davies,upson,neill were worth the money.



    disagree about putting the kids in.


    Then he was wrong. We have one of the worst centre backs, and worst left backs, in the premiership. We're lucky to have an aged - good - right winger to play at right back, else we'd have a hat trick.


    I think Neill is s***, but him and the other 2 you mentioned are still better than the s**** we have.


    Roeder failed to get what we needed, thats a fact.


    But regardless of that, my point about  there being no injury list stands.


    so why pay over the top for players marginally better than what we have...roeder failed to get what we needed,ferguson failed to get the keane replacement.i'd have been more pissed off buying zat knight for £7mill than getting through with what we have.


    Who said marginally? Upson is a considerably better player than Shambles. Neill is a better full back than that lazy cretin.


    Roeder. Failed. To. Buy. What. We. Needed. Twice. And then spent money on a player we needed FAR less than we needed defenders.

    funny,many west ham fans think upson is crap,even if they are better.how .much.are .you.prepared.to.pay.over.the.odds ?


    i think wayne bridge is a very good defender,if chelsea ask £12mill then no f****** way....upson for £8mill,davies for £9mill...keep any money and keep looking.


    So you believe Roeder did the RIGHT THING not replacing players (Bramble, Carr, Moore, Babayaro) who are not good enough for the Premiership, and then wasting £5m on a player we didn't need? Honestly?

    replace them when possible,if you cant cos clubs are asking ridiculous fees then so be it.


    as for buying duff,he stated that he wanted an experienced player who could play down either side(bearing in mind with milner likely on his way at the time we had little strength out wide on both sides)which in that respect wasn't a bad move.


    It was a terrible move, when we desperately, desperately needed new players in other areas. I reiterate - the ones we have are NOT premiership quality, and he failed to get players who are. He is a failure, and he will continue to make US fail.

    should he just think"we need defenders so i'll only look for them regardless of what else comes up"we bid for zat knight (£7mill..fuck me..i've heard)so cash was there,i'll ask again how much are you prepared to be ripped off,would you buy upson for £8mill.


    truth is you don't know who he was looking at or others he bid for(not everything makes the papers).


    tell you what may be a bigger endictment,that we finished 3rd with as bad a  defence,but since that season,under robson,souness and roeder we are so disorganised.you may want to slag off the defence,i'll slag off the defending as a team


    You're right, n ot one of us knows who he looked at. But we know who he bought. No-one who was good enough. He's an idiot.


    In the same way as no-one knows who he looked at, no-one knows how much better players (i.e. MANY players) woudl have cost. The values you give are totally arbitrary.


    As it happens, i think that having shit like Shambles in the team has cost us millions this season, on top of the wages we pay thw pathetic twat.

  3. There is no injury list - only one person - Owen. No-one else is good enough, and Roeder has just been stupid enough to not to bother replacing people.

    i think he bothered,just didn't think davies,upson,neill were worth the money.



    disagree about putting the kids in.


    Then he was wrong. We have one of the worst centre backs, and worst left backs, in the premiership. We're lucky to have an aged - good - right winger to play at right back, else we'd have a hat trick.


    I think Neill is s***, but him and the other 2 you mentioned are still better than the s**** we have.


    Roeder failed to get what we needed, thats a fact.


    But regardless of that, my point about  there being no injury list stands.


    so why pay over the top for players marginally better than what we have...roeder failed to get what we needed,ferguson failed to get the keane replacement.i'd have been more pissed off buying zat knight for £7mill than getting through with what we have.


    Who said marginally? Upson is a considerably better player than Shambles. Neill is a better full back than that lazy cretin.


    Roeder. Failed. To. Buy. What. We. Needed. Twice. And then spent money on a player we needed FAR less than we needed defenders.

    funny,many west ham fans think upson is crap,even if they are better.how .much.are .you.prepared.to.pay.over.the.odds ?


    i think wayne bridge is a very good defender,if chelsea ask £12mill then no f****** way....upson for £8mill,davies for £9mill...keep any money and keep looking.


    So you believe Roeder did the RIGHT THING not replacing players (Bramble, Carr, Moore, Babayaro) who are not good enough for the Premiership, and then wasting £5m on a player we didn't need? Honestly?

    replace them when possible,if you cant cos clubs are asking ridiculous fees then so be it.


    as for buying duff,he stated that he wanted an experienced player who could play down either side(bearing in mind with milner likely on his way at the time we had little strength out wide on both sides)which in that respect wasn't a bad move.


    It was a terrible move, when we desperately, desperately needed new players in other areas. I reiterate - the ones we have are NOT premiership quality, and he failed to get players who are. He is a failure, and he will continue to make US fail.

  4. There is no injury list - only one person - Owen. No-one else is good enough, and Roeder has just been stupid enough to not to bother replacing people.

    i think he bothered,just didn't think davies,upson,neill were worth the money.



    disagree about putting the kids in.


    Then he was wrong. We have one of the worst centre backs, and worst left backs, in the premiership. We're lucky to have an aged - good - right winger to play at right back, else we'd have a hat trick.


    I think Neill is s***, but him and the other 2 you mentioned are still better than the s**** we have.


    Roeder failed to get what we needed, thats a fact.


    But regardless of that, my point about  there being no injury list stands.


    so why pay over the top for players marginally better than what we have...roeder failed to get what we needed,ferguson failed to get the keane replacement.i'd have been more pissed off buying zat knight for £7mill than getting through with what we have.


    Who said marginally? Upson is a considerably better player than Shambles. Neill is a better full back than that lazy cretin.


    Roeder. Failed. To. Buy. What. We. Needed. Twice. And then spent money on a player we needed FAR less than we needed defenders.


    love the way you just assume that the failure of a player to sign is down to Roeder


    He is responsible for getting in players. Didn't you read his fucking pathetic bleatings this week? "it's not my team yet.....3 or 4 signings and its half my team...".


    He's a rubbish manager, and he will fuck us up just as much as Souness was.

  5. There is no injury list - only one person - Owen. No-one else is good enough, and Roeder has just been stupid enough to not to bother replacing people.

    i think he bothered,just didn't think davies,upson,neill were worth the money.



    disagree about putting the kids in.


    Then he was wrong. We have one of the worst centre backs, and worst left backs, in the premiership. We're lucky to have an aged - good - right winger to play at right back, else we'd have a hat trick.


    I think Neill is s***, but him and the other 2 you mentioned are still better than the s**** we have.


    Roeder failed to get what we needed, thats a fact.


    But regardless of that, my point about  there being no injury list stands.


    so why pay over the top for players marginally better than what we have...roeder failed to get what we needed,ferguson failed to get the keane replacement.i'd have been more pissed off buying zat knight for £7mill than getting through with what we have.


    Who said marginally? Upson is a considerably better player than Shambles. Neill is a better full back than that lazy cretin.


    Roeder. Failed. To. Buy. What. We. Needed. Twice. And then spent money on a player we needed FAR less than we needed defenders.

    funny,many west ham fans think upson is crap,even if they are better.how .much.are .you.prepared.to.pay.over.the.odds ?


    i think wayne bridge is a very good defender,if chelsea ask £12mill then no fucking way....upson for £8mill,davies for £9mill...keep any money and keep looking.


    So you believe Roeder did the RIGHT THING not replacing players (Bramble, Carr, Moore, Babayaro) who are not good enough for the Premiership, and then wasting £5m on a player we didn't need? Honestly?

  6. Back to the original question: If NUFC had 5 players that played for Country X I would defnately support Country X in the Euros or World Cup strongly and would support that Country over my native national teams (Scotland & USA) as long as they did not have dodgy politics attached to them (like Serbia, NI, Iran, etc.).


    I would always support my country above any other nation, regardless of who played for the opposition. Exactly the same as i wouldn't support Man Utd above Newcastle if the Mancs happened to field 5 Geordies and we fielded none.


    ... and therein lies the difference. I care significantly less about Scotland and the USA than I care about how NUFC performs and I imagine the majority on here do (edit: about their own respective Countries - I am well aware of the fact that the USA and especially Scotland are... loathed by the majority on here).


    Convesely I never support ManUre even if they are the only british team in Europe... I just won't do it.


    i don't see the need to have an "either club or country" attitude. I can love both, there is no conflict.


    I will also support no other English team (British being irrelvant) in Europe - why would anyone do that? I don't support another European team if (when :( ) England get kicked out of a World Cup.

    not often i'll say this but I AGREE 100% WITH NORTHERN MONKEY about the bit in bold


    Woo hoo!! A dream fulfilled! ;)

    lets not go making a habit of it.


    Neeeever going to happen.

  7. Back to the original question: If NUFC had 5 players that played for Country X I would defnately support Country X in the Euros or World Cup strongly and would support that Country over my native national teams (Scotland & USA) as long as they did not have dodgy politics attached to them (like Serbia, NI, Iran, etc.).


    I would always support my country above any other nation, regardless of who played for the opposition. Exactly the same as i wouldn't support Man Utd above Newcastle if the Mancs happened to field 5 Geordies and we fielded none.


    ... and therein lies the difference. I care significantly less about Scotland and the USA than I care about how NUFC performs and I imagine the majority on here do (edit: about their own respective Countries - I am well aware of the fact that the USA and especially Scotland are... loathed by the majority on here).


    Convesely I never support ManUre even if they are the only british team in Europe... I just won't do it.


    i don't see the need to have an "either club or country" attitude. I can love both, there is no conflict.


    I will also support no other English team (British being irrelvant) in Europe - why would anyone do that? I don't support another European team if (when :( ) England get kicked out of a World Cup.

    not often i'll say this but I AGREE 100% WITH NORTHERN MONKEY about the bit in bold


    Woo hoo!! A dream fulfilled! ;)

  8. There is no injury list - only one person - Owen. No-one else is good enough, and Roeder has just been stupid enough to not to bother replacing people.

    i think he bothered,just didn't think davies,upson,neill were worth the money.



    disagree about putting the kids in.


    Then he was wrong. We have one of the worst centre backs, and worst left backs, in the premiership. We're lucky to have an aged - good - right winger to play at right back, else we'd have a hat trick.


    I think Neill is s***, but him and the other 2 you mentioned are still better than the s**** we have.


    Roeder failed to get what we needed, thats a fact.


    But regardless of that, my point about  there being no injury list stands.


    so why pay over the top for players marginally better than what we have...roeder failed to get what we needed,ferguson failed to get the keane replacement.i'd have been more pissed off buying zat knight for £7mill than getting through with what we have.


    Who said marginally? Upson is a considerably better player than Shambles. Neill is a better full back than that lazy cretin.


    Roeder. Failed. To. Buy. What. We. Needed. Twice. And then spent money on a player we needed FAR less than we needed defenders.

  9. Back to the original question: If NUFC had 5 players that played for Country X I would defnately support Country X in the Euros or World Cup strongly and would support that Country over my native national teams (Scotland & USA) as long as they did not have dodgy politics attached to them (like Serbia, NI, Iran, etc.).


    I would always support my country above any other nation, regardless of who played for the opposition. Exactly the same as i wouldn't support Man Utd above Newcastle if the Mancs happened to field 5 Geordies and we fielded none.


    ... and therein lies the difference. I care significantly less about Scotland and the USA than I care about how NUFC performs and I imagine the majority on here do (edit: about their own respective Countries - I am well aware of the fact that the USA and especially Scotland are... loathed by the majority on here).


    Convesely I never support ManUre even if they are the only british team in Europe... I just won't do it.


    i don't see the need to have an "either club or country" attitude. I can love both, there is no conflict.


    I will also support no other English team (British being irrelvant) in Europe - why would anyone do that? I don't support another European team if (when :( ) England get kicked out of a World Cup.

  10. There is no injury list - only one person - Owen. No-one else is good enough, and Roeder has just been stupid enough to not to bother replacing people.

    i think he bothered,just didn't think davies,upson,neill were worth the money.



    disagree about putting the kids in.


    Then he was wrong. We have one of the worst centre backs, and worst left backs, in the premiership. We're lucky to have an aged - good - right winger to play at right back, else we'd have a hat trick.


    I think Neill is shit, but him and the other 2 you mentioned are still better than the shite we have.


    Roeder failed to get what we needed, thats a fact.


    But regardless of that, my point about  there being no injury list stands.


  11. Back to the original question: If NUFC had 5 players that played for Country X I would defnately support Country X in the Euros or World Cup strongly and would support that Country over my native national teams (Scotland & USA) as long as they did not have dodgy politics attached to them (like Serbia, NI, Iran, etc.).


    I would always support my country above any other nation, regardless of who played for the opposition. Exactly the same as i wouldn't support Man Utd above Newcastle if the Mancs happened to field 5 Geordies and we fielded none.

  12. I agree with Madras and the Northumbrian, but then I have never been an England supporter - so no surprise there.


    To add to the controversy I think NI should have its FIFA seat revoked with Windsor Park leveled to the ground and be treated like they are in Rugby: As one Country. You want to be proud of the lads from Tyrone or Belfast or wherever, fine - watch 'em play for Ireland.


    I think that's a bit of a harsh attitude towards Northern Ireland football.  I can be as proud as I want standing in Windsor, which is in my own country as opposed to Dublin which is in a foreign country.  By that rationale, England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland should exist as a British team, which I wouldn't want to see either.


    As David Humphries, Ulster & Ireland rugby player said, "It's good playing for Ireland but nothing beats playing for your own country" (May not be exact words used)


    NI isn't in Britain, though is it. Its in the UK.




    Like CaliMag I don't want to get into a political thread but I was referring to British nationality, in the same way that the likes of Owen Hargreaves is 'English'


    No, i mean that literally, NI is not part of the British isles, regardless of politics.

    get your point.that's how the rest of europe sees england and scotland.


    But i thought that officially we ARE part of Europe? (i'd rather not be at times, but hey).


    NI is part of the UK, but not the British Isles, is my point.


    Ireland is part of the british isles.


    No, its not. Sorry.




    Just amended, sorry.

  13. I agree with Madras and the Northumbrian, but then I have never been an England supporter - so no surprise there.


    To add to the controversy I think NI should have its FIFA seat revoked with Windsor Park leveled to the ground and be treated like they are in Rugby: As one Country. You want to be proud of the lads from Tyrone or Belfast or wherever, fine - watch 'em play for Ireland.


    I think that's a bit of a harsh attitude towards Northern Ireland football.  I can be as proud as I want standing in Windsor, which is in my own country as opposed to Dublin which is in a foreign country.  By that rationale, England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland should exist as a British team, which I wouldn't want to see either.


    As David Humphries, Ulster & Ireland rugby player said, "It's good playing for Ireland but nothing beats playing for your own country" (May not be exact words used)


    NI isn't in Britain, though is it. Its in the UK.




    Like CaliMag I don't want to get into a political thread but I was referring to British nationality, in the same way that the likes of Owen Hargreaves is 'English'


    No, i mean that literally, NI is not part of the British isles, regardless of politics.

    get your point.that's how the rest of europe sees england and scotland.


    But i thought that officially we ARE part of Europe? (i'd rather not be at times, but hey).


    NI is part of the UK, but not the British Isles, is my point.


    Ireland is part of the british isles.


    Sorry, Great Britain, i meant.

  14. I think Owen already adapted his game a lot from the player that burst onto the scene, he is a very clever player who uses his instinct and natural positional sense to get where he needs to be rather than blistering pace. I don't see how there will be a problem unless he comes back barely being able to jog. If Owen has a chance in or around the box the odds are with him to do something with it and from what Steadman has said he expects Owen to come back as strong or maybe even stronger than before.


    Im a lot more worried about the chances being created than I am about Owen not doing it anymore, as said if there is a half decent chance there is a very decent chance Owen will put it away.


    I'm sure that him coming back "stronger than before," isn't going to happen, unless he's operated on his hamstrings while inside his knee.

    No operation took place on his hamstrings but he has spent a lot of his rehab with the guy who fixed Dyer's hamstring and he has stated before he has refined his running style to help his hamstrings.


    Not going to make him "stronger" though is it? Sounds like the sort of thing Roeder would say...."Michael will come back better and stronger, i know that"......

  15. Madras:

    I disagree with a UK team being more logical than a Unified Ireland team.

    I don't have the history of the various FA's in front of me, but I believe the invention of the NI FA happened very late and Ireland used to have a single FA. The fact that the UK is waaaaaay overrepresented by FIFA is because their respective FAs pre-date FIFA (because we invented the game) - admission into FIFA by the British Isles happened after ROI was formed and the admissions were done after much political wrangling and the UK demanding its full and seperate representation.

    My point (belaboured as it is) is that political boundaries are less important that histroical precedence in forming the original FIFA seats anyway so why not have a unified Ireland play as they would have pre 1920s.

    Regarding bringing together the home Countries - I am surprsed FIFA doesn't force the UK to shrink down to a single representation. And you can't argue its because we all hate eachotehr because all you have to do is look at Spain to realise that there are many "Countries" in Europe with different regions claiming seperate identities and ethnicities, fearce rivalries, hatreds etc.


    NI, Wales, England and Scotland aen't "regions" though. They are genuine seperate countries, who happen to have come shared borders, and a (unsuccessful) recent history of centralised governemnt. I can't imagine the badness of a UK (or British Isles) team. Urgh.

  16. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/b/b7/Sixmilliondollar1.jpg/220px-Sixmilliondollar1.jpg


    I did think of him, it must be an age thing. :D



  17. I agree with Madras and the Northumbrian, but then I have never been an England supporter - so no surprise there.


    To add to the controversy I think NI should have its FIFA seat revoked with Windsor Park leveled to the ground and be treated like they are in Rugby: As one Country. You want to be proud of the lads from Tyrone or Belfast or wherever, fine - watch 'em play for Ireland.


    I think that's a bit of a harsh attitude towards Northern Ireland football.  I can be as proud as I want standing in Windsor, which is in my own country as opposed to Dublin which is in a foreign country.  By that rationale, England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland should exist as a British team, which I wouldn't want to see either.


    As David Humphries, Ulster & Ireland rugby player said, "It's good playing for Ireland but nothing beats playing for your own country" (May not be exact words used)


    NI isn't in Britain, though is it. Its in the UK.




    Like CaliMag I don't want to get into a political thread but I was referring to British nationality, in the same way that the likes of Owen Hargreaves is 'English'


    No, i mean that literally, NI is not part of the British isles, regardless of politics.

    get your point.that's how the rest of europe sees england and scotland.


    But i thought that officially we ARE part of Europe? (i'd rather not be at times, but hey).


    NI is part of the UK, but not the British Isles, is my point.

  18. I agree with Madras and the Northumbrian, but then I have never been an England supporter - so no surprise there.


    To add to the controversy I think NI should have its FIFA seat revoked with Windsor Park leveled to the ground and be treated like they are in Rugby: As one Country. You want to be proud of the lads from Tyrone or Belfast or wherever, fine - watch 'em play for Ireland.


    I think that's a bit of a harsh attitude towards Northern Ireland football.  I can be as proud as I want standing in Windsor, which is in my own country as opposed to Dublin which is in a foreign country.  By that rationale, England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland should exist as a British team, which I wouldn't want to see either.


    As David Humphries, Ulster & Ireland rugby player said, "It's good playing for Ireland but nothing beats playing for your own country" (May not be exact words used)


    What I said is admittedly harsh and as I said controversial. I still feel that way though. I think the comparison with NI as opposed to Scotland/Wales/England is not completely the same, but there are admitted similarities. I dont want to hijack this thread by discussing "the troubles" but obviously I feel that if NI were forced to play with a unified Ireland that might help bring the communities closer together and even if it didn't it would be one less excuse to drive them apart... which you must admit Windsor Park certainly does. Example: Lennon's reception a few years ago.


    Despite my own feelings on the matter, I can't do anything except tip my hat to the current NI set up and respectfully acknowledge how much they have drastically improved with very little talent at their disposal (quite stunning really). It is possible NI qualifies and England does not which would be sweet.

    bearing in mind they are 2 seperate countries,where as england,scotland,wales and northern irealnd aren't really seperate,wouldn't it make more sense to join up the "home" nations.


    i don't support this but it seems more logical (captain) than the other suggestion.


    I don't see NI and the south as being seperate countries. Just because WE made it that way last century, doesn't make it right.

    regardless of wether it's right or not,they are seperate countries


    I disagree, but this isn't the forum. Literally.

  19. I agree with Madras and the Northumbrian, but then I have never been an England supporter - so no surprise there.


    To add to the controversy I think NI should have its FIFA seat revoked with Windsor Park leveled to the ground and be treated like they are in Rugby: As one Country. You want to be proud of the lads from Tyrone or Belfast or wherever, fine - watch 'em play for Ireland.


    I think that's a bit of a harsh attitude towards Northern Ireland football.  I can be as proud as I want standing in Windsor, which is in my own country as opposed to Dublin which is in a foreign country.  By that rationale, England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland should exist as a British team, which I wouldn't want to see either.


    As David Humphries, Ulster & Ireland rugby player said, "It's good playing for Ireland but nothing beats playing for your own country" (May not be exact words used)


    NI isn't in Britain, though is it. Its in the UK.




    Like CaliMag I don't want to get into a political thread but I was referring to British nationality, in the same way that the likes of Owen Hargreaves is 'English'


    No, i mean that literally, NI is not part of the British isles, regardless of politics.

  20. I think Owen already adapted his game a lot from the player that burst onto the scene, he is a very clever player who uses his instinct and natural positional sense to get where he needs to be rather than blistering pace. I don't see how there will be a problem unless he comes back barely being able to jog. If Owen has a chance in or around the box the odds are with him to do something with it and from what Steadman has said he expects Owen to come back as strong or maybe even stronger than before.


    Im a lot more worried about the chances being created than I am about Owen not doing it anymore, as said if there is a half decent chance there is a very decent chance Owen will put it away.


    I know what you mean about Owen, i just have an underlying fear about him. Possibly because we need him so much.


    I'm not buying that he'll come back as strong as before or stronger. That doesn't tend to happen does it. Hopefully he'll be good enough still, though - like i say, we need Lil' Mikey.

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