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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey

  1. I don't know who some of you think we are tbh. These players clearly aren't up to standard:





    Moore (had his day)







    Sibierski (really like him but he's not good enough)


    Those lot should not be here next season. The rest of the senior players we have are capable enough but they aren't doing it for one reason or another. Don't kid yourselves by saying our whole squad should be sold though because they aren't Newcastle standard players. Its clear we need new players, but we don't need a whole new squad. We need a strong squad but we won't get that by selling our better players. 





    I want a genuine top 6 team. So the likes of Parker, Ameobi, Dyer (if we want to push on, or even have a really consistent team) aren't good enough.


    I want a genuine top 4 team but it's not gonna happen overnight, and it certainly won't happen by selling the whole squad. I think some of you forget that you need a squad as well as a first 11.


    We need a GOOD ENOUGH squad. The players listed above by a number of us are NOT good enough.

  2. To keep him would just delay the inevitable. He should be sacked at 9am after the final day of the season for gross incompetence.


    He should be sacked NOW. If he wants a pay-off, let him take us to court. If he can prove he hasn't fucked us up the ass, he's a better person than i credit him with.


    We DO NOT need Roeder for the rest of the season. In fact, if we KEEP him, it'll harm us considerably more than getting rid ever could.

  3. Shearer said on MOTD that we need a win or two to be safe.


    Then it must be true!! I think we need a new manager and 7 new players to be SURE of safety.


    Failing that, we'll have to hope Roeder is told to pack in the stupidity, and we scrape through.

  4. I don't know who some of you think we are tbh. These players clearly aren't up to standard:





    Moore (had his day)







    Sibierski (really like him but he's not good enough)


    Those lot should not be here next season. The rest of the senior players we have are capable enough but they aren't doing it for one reason or another. Don't kid yourselves by saying our whole squad should be sold though because they aren't Newcastle standard players. Its clear we need new players, but we don't need a whole new squad. We need a strong squad but we won't get that by selling our better players. 





    I want a genuine top 6 team. So the likes of Parker, Ameobi, Dyer (if we want to push on, or even have a really consistent team) aren't good enough.

  5. It really f****** pisses me off to know that there are good managers out there who would probably accept the Newcastle job if they were offered it, I dont believe that the position is a poison chalice, It wasnt for SBR because he is a good manager. Roeder doesnt have a clue, At first i didnt mind him so much because he came across as a decent bloke but over the season ive had to listen to his poor excuses and the way he blames everyone and everything except himself, i cant stand the t*** now. Its pointless sacking Roeder now, He should go at the end of the season. FS should sound out a manager now so that he would have chance to watch the last 7 games and prepare for the transfer window, f*** Roeder he doesnt have to know and then after the last game call him into FS office and give him his marching orders.


    All we need is a manager who knows what he is doing, Surely that aint asking for much. I do believe that with a good manager we have the resources to be a decent club.


    Ranieri was actually desperate for the job and was baffled as to why he hadn't heard back from Shepherd. Houllier talked of wanting to come back to the premiership and seemed to be genuinely interested in the job. Unfortunately Shepherd turned his nose up at them despit their premiership success, as a matter of fact a lot of fans did too.


    I would have gladly had either one of them back then and I still would.


    You're basing this definite, guaranteed, concrete active interest in the post on what? Made up media stuff, or just general lies?


    Ranieri publicly threw his name into the ring, didn't happen for whatever reason




    Off a sentence or two, thats him "desperate for the job" :lol:


    There's an argument that "come from" is a generational thing - but if i moved to Birmingham (as if), had kids, and THEY stayed there, had kids etc, i wouldn't expect my grandkids to be NUFC fans.


    If you are a brummie (which my grandkids would be) you should support a Birmingham team, in my opinion. You shouldn't necessarily be forced into supporting a team other than that of where you 'come from'.


    My nephew wasn't forced into supporting us, more like brainwashed. bluelaugh.gif


    Its all good, mate, really.


    Our lass isn't a mag (ex-Dirty Leeds ST holder), so i had ot make sure The Boy understood the "you support your local team thing". :)


  7. Team selection was awful  so Roeder takes a lot of blame but the players definitely have to take some blame. Don't expect anything from Carr and Babayaro because they aren't good enough to give anymore than they actually do. They are both piss poor. Butt, Parker, Dyer and Martins are much better players than they shown today though.


    How often will you pretend that mediocre journeyment like Parker and Dyer are "much better" than performance after performance after performance shows?? Jesus. Every time they play s****, they get defended. Then on the rare occasions they perform, its taken as proof they are top class.



    Parker and Dyer aren't mediocre players though. I wasn't defending them at all, i was picking them out as the players who let us down today because they were awful yet they are four members of our squad who are amongst the best of a average/poor bunch. They are clearly better players than they have shown today, but don't take the point i made as if i was sticking up for them because i wasn't. I was picking them out for criticism more than anything.


    They are very much mediocre. They aren't 'international class', they're id table sloggers at the end of the day. And before you start on Dyer, he runs around a lot, and contributes pretty much fuck all.

  8. funny isnt.... we have no choice but to support this rabble, yet people from ALL over the world, pick NUFC as their club, even though weve won jack, and will never win nowt!

    Proper supporters, dont jump on the Manure/Arse/Chelski bandwagon.

    Personally i remember in Helsinki in 2002 there were a good 50 Nufc fans at a sports bar every weekend to watch the game, about 40 Manure fans, 30 Arse, 20 Spurs, 10 B'burn...


    Now the 50 NUFC fans still exist, but theres 70-100 chelski fans and a bar called 'Chelsea Pub'. Probably rename it to Man Utd Pub in the summer... O0


    proper supporters support the team of the place where they come from.


    Not true, some proper supporters support teams because of family members, my kids were always going to support Newcastle, regardless of where they were born.  My nephew was born in the midlands but didnt have a choice in the matter, he was born black & white, we made sure of that.


    There's an argument that "come from" is a generational thing - but if i moved to Birmingham (as if), had kids, and THEY stayed there, had kids etc, i wouldn't expect my grandkids to be NUFC fans.


    If you are a brummie (which my grandkids would be) you should support a Birmingham team, in my opinion. You shouldn't necessarily be forced into supporting a team other than that of where you 'come from'.

  9. Are not fit enough to wear the shirt (Going with the England theme)






















    Taylor & Martins need a kick up the arse.


    Given is about the only player who's performance's are good enough for this football club at the moment, and thats only just.




    Going by looks only is a little harsh. ;)


    Well its impossible to judge them on footballing ability as they have none.


    Owen plays for England!!!1




    And so does Dyer, occasionally, and he couldn;t be more mediocre if he tried.

  10. funny isnt.... we have no choice but to support this rabble, yet people from ALL over the world, pick NUFC as their club, even though weve won jack, and will never win nowt!

    Proper supporters, dont jump on the Manure/Arse/Chelski bandwagon.

    Personally i remember in Helsinki in 2002 there were a good 50 Nufc fans at a sports bar every weekend to watch the game, about 40 Manure fans, 30 Arse, 20 Spurs, 10 B'burn...


    Now the 50 NUFC fans still exist, but theres 70-100 chelski fans and a bar called 'Chelsea Pub'. Probably rename it to Man Utd Pub in the summer... O0


    proper supporters support the team of the place where they come from.

  11. Team selection was awful  so Roeder takes a lot of blame but the players definitely have to take some blame. Don't expect anything from Carr and Babayaro because they aren't good enough to give anymore than they actually do. They are both piss poor. Butt, Parker, Dyer and Martins are much better players than they shown today though.


    How often will you pretend that mediocre journeyment like Parker and Dyer are "much better" than performance after performance after performance shows?? Jesus. Every time they play shite, they get defended. Then on the rare occasions they perform, its taken as proof they are top class.


  12. It really f****** pisses me off to know that there are good managers out there who would probably accept the Newcastle job if they were offered it, I dont believe that the position is a poison chalice, It wasnt for SBR because he is a good manager. Roeder doesnt have a clue, At first i didnt mind him so much because he came across as a decent bloke but over the season ive had to listen to his poor excuses and the way he blames everyone and everything except himself, i cant stand the t*** now. Its pointless sacking Roeder now, He should go at the end of the season. FS should sound out a manager now so that he would have chance to watch the last 7 games and prepare for the transfer window, f*** Roeder he doesnt have to know and then after the last game call him into FS office and give him his marching orders.


    All we need is a manager who knows what he is doing, Surely that aint asking for much. I do believe that with a good manager we have the resources to be a decent club.


    Ranieri was actually desperate for the job and was baffled as to why he hadn't heard back from Shepherd. Houllier talked of wanting to come back to the premiership and seemed to be genuinely interested in the job. Unfortunately Shepherd turned his nose up at them despit their premiership success, as a matter of fact a lot of fans did too.


    I would have gladly had either one of them back then and I still would.


    You're basing this definite, guaranteed, concrete active interest in the post on what? Made up media stuff, or just general lies?

  13. Nailed on!


    The boy just needed a bit of a break as the games were coming thick and fast for a moment there. I think the whole squad needed one to be fair.


    Anyway watch him explode this weekend!


    You heard it here first.


    Oba is going to go on to be what Drogba has been for Chelsea. Productive in his early seasons but seemingly lacking in technique, but as he gets more comfortbale i.e. not being the new guy, and he gets a regular partner he will become what Drogba has been this season and maybe even better.


    Watch him go this weekend...




    If it doesn't happen, can we get a promise you won't start any more threads?



    Then we need to start having a pop at us playing shite like Carr, Moore, Shambles, Babayaro etc (and Shola if he was fit). Cos they're relegation players.

  15. If he keeps Bramble, Roeder deserves everything he'll get.


    To all the Bramble-defenders - he's shit. He's not premiership, he's fucking rubbish. His passing is rubbish, he's not as strong as he should be, he can't tackle consistently well enough, his positional sense is shite, and he's slow.


    He's a fat useless wanker, and if he got crocked and finished his career, i'd not shed a fucking seconds worth of tears. Get shot of the cunt so he can't cost us any more games or money.

  16. Roeder is a first class useless cunt.


    I can now fully understand the WHU supporters vitriol at the pathetic useless bastard.


    I hope his demise happens long before mine. CUNT!


    Added to which: I hope he gets sacked, publicl humiliated, and never gets the chance to work at/ruin another club. Absolute cunt.

  17. to anyone who has said give the c*** roeder more time, or duff will come good, or babayaro can do a job for us, or roeder was right to not replace defenders in TWO windows, you were 100% wrong. 


    I thought Babayano, Taylor, Moore and Duff were the better players today...


    The better? Moore couldn't defend fuck all, Babayaro was out of position literally in double figures, and Duff was poor. Better than normal, but still poor.


    The entire team played like relegation candidates. If you want to defend any of them, at all, you can, but i'd be surprised if you can if you actually watched the games. I can't personally defend any player who plays like ours do. They're shite.

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