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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey

  1. Can't speak for other posters but I wanted


    Excellent Candidates


    Ottmar Hitzfeld - Free agent. Swiss Super league, Bundesliga, Champions League winner.

    Paul Le Guen - Might be sacked by Rangers. 3 consecutive years Ligue 1 winner.

    Marcello Lippi - Free agent; Serie A, European Cup, World Cup winner,

    Arrigo Sacchi - Free agent; Serie A, European Cup winner.

    Rafael Benitez - Might be sacked by Liverpool ;) La Liga, Champions League winner.

    Claudio Ranieri - Free agent. Success with all the clubs he is involved except Athletico Madrid.


    Decent Candidates


    Aidy Boothroyd - Massively overachieving with Watford. Tactically astute. Very ambitious. Very intelligent. Very passionate. Very young (35). Delima's favourite. Might prefer a bigger club than Watford. But can't imagine him working with Shepherd.

    Quique Sánchez Flores - Good record with Valencia. Might be sacked by Valencia anytime. But could take some time to adapt to EPL.

    Keith Amstrong - Finnsh league winner :D Boyhood Newcastle supporter.

    Paul Simpson - Overachieving with Preston. Young bright manager. Might want a bigger club.

    Christoph Daum - Turkish League winner. Built an offensive n impressive Bayern Leverkusen that include Lúcio, Emerson, Ze Roberto and Michael Ballack. Nearly become Germany national coach, but he failed his drug test ;) Free agent.

    Paul Jewell - Good record with Wigan, despite failing to attract players he trully wanted. Turn Heskey from donkey to horse. Young bright manager. Can't imagine him preferring Shepherd over Whelan.

    Chris Coleman - Establish Fulham as Premiership regular with tight budget. Very young (36). Might fancy a bigger transfer budget.

    Slaven Bilić - Wikipedia profile

    Alan Curbishley - Establish minnow Charlton as Premiership regular. Desperate of managing another premiership club.


    Rubbish Candidates

    Graeme Souness

    Bryan Robson

    Glenn Hoddle

    David O'leary

    Alan Shearer

    Gary Speed

    Iain Dowie

    Lee Clark


    Some info is outdated and I have slightly modified opinions now but by and large I would love to have anyone of the excellent and decent candidates over Glenn Roeder.


    Wouldn't mind any of Roy Keane either.


    'love to have' is pretty fucking pointless when none would ever come or get given more than a year by the fans isn't it?




    a good manager would get more than a year. Which we could prove, if we had one.

  2. Let's assume for a moment that every club was to finish in the position they are now, and that the FA Cup final was between Man Utd and Chelsea.


    1. Man U - 78                CL

    2. Chelsea - 72             CL

    3. Liverpool - 57            CL

    4. Arsenal - 55              CL

    5. Bolton - 50                UC

    6. Spurs - 48                 UC

    7. Everton - 46              UC

    8. Reading - 44

    9. Pompey - 43

    10. Blackburn - 40         Intertoto

    11. Newcastle - 37


    So Europe isn't really that far off, as long as we can finish in the top half we should be there.


    No, Europe is a long, long way away, because we are not good enough to get in the top half.

  3. You're dreaming if you think Carr, Parker or Duff is going to be dropped, frankly...



    Which is a sad thought.


    The fact that when Shabmbles is finally dropped, 3 seasons too late, we turn to fucking Moore is a crime, as well. Moore shouldn't ever be able to be dropped., as he should never, ever get near the pitch in the first place.

  4. All true.  But one of the biggest problems this club has is that you don't see a natural leader on the pitch.  Someone to step up and lead by example.  We only showed any urgency against Man City after we went behind - 80 minutes of dictating posession without creating any chances before we showed any attacking spark.  They SHOULD have had all the incentive they needed to put in a performance yesterday after the Alkmaar debacle & capitulation to Charlton....but they seemed as boring, uninspired and one dimensional as always. 



    The manager is so fucking stupid he cannot put out anywhere near our bets side, how do you expect him to be good enough to identify, empower and support a leader on the pitch?

  5. let's take a trip down memory lane and see who was touted for the job...



    Martin O'Neill - Managing a massive Premiership club with a huge potential fanbase and  shiny new chairman. 15th, 34 points. Lower than Newcastle. Much lower.


    Ottmar Ze German - Obviously not interested. Only tempted back to management by his hometown club


    Sam Allardyce - The new alan curbishly, obviously got some serious skeletons to hide in his shiny plastic stadium's closet. Obviously happy to be king of the castle with the chairman as his bitch


    Gus Hiddink - As was completely obvious at the time, was holding out for a national job. Now happy to take the piss out of Steve McLaren rather than play around with a Premiership club


    Louis Van Gaal - Happy to act the celebrity cunt in a dutch club rather than take on the challenge of the Premiership


    Paul Le Guen - Went to an arguably equivalent mid-table Premiership side and tried to change them with his fancy continental ways. Hounded out by pressure from the fans and top players. Ring any bells?


    Claudio Ranieri - Whored himself around the place for 24 months. Finally found employment with Parma, a club sold at auction in Januray and currently second bottom of Serie A. Previously signed Damien Duff and Scott Parker.


    Steve Bruce - Apparently would rather mess around in the championship with Emile Heskey than manage his hometown club infront of 50,000 geordies for Fat Fred


    Alan Curbishly - Taking Alan Pardew's team down


    Alan Pardew - Taking Alan Curbishly's team down


    Sven - pft. The statistically most succesfull England manager has not found, and arguably doesn't even need, gainfull employment


    Alan Shearer - Apparently not even a qualified manager yet



    Only two things wrong with this club. One of them is Fat Fred.




    So your point is what? That based on your (not particularly strong) analysis of the situaiton, Roeder was the best man for the job?



    no as explained earlier that isn't my point


    the fact that most don't get the point is why we are stuck where we are,


    that contrasted with the existence of people like stevie claiming we are bigger than everton and villa on the back of one permed twat riding into town and raising 'expectations' while actually producing the precise sum of fuck all


    We aren't "stuck" where we are. We could - and 100% should - sack Roeder now, and free ourselves from the wanker.

  6. There is no real space for Martins to run into, and when he goes wide to look for the ball, the back-up and the numbers in the box leave a lot to be desired, he does drop deep but that's a good sign, shows a willingness to get on the ball and try to influence things instead of standing up top hands on hip just waiting for things to happen. Anyway we are a complete mess all over the pitch, it will be hard for any players' game at Newcastle to shine through on a consistent basis.


    When there IS space, he often is not good enough to see/exploit it.


    Not saying he's shite - he's a lot better than some "players" a number of our so called fans don't mind having at the club, but he needs more coaching than we can currently give him.

  7. let's take a trip down memory lane and see who was touted for the job...



    Martin O'Neill - Managing a massive Premiership club with a huge potential fanbase and  shiny new chairman. 15th, 34 points. Lower than Newcastle. Much lower.


    Ottmar Ze German - Obviously not interested. Only tempted back to management by his hometown club


    Sam Allardyce - The new alan curbishly, obviously got some serious skeletons to hide in his shiny plastic stadium's closet. Obviously happy to be king of the castle with the chairman as his bitch


    Gus Hiddink - As was completely obvious at the time, was holding out for a national job. Now happy to take the piss out of Steve McLaren rather than play around with a Premiership club


    Louis Van Gaal - Happy to act the celebrity cunt in a dutch club rather than take on the challenge of the Premiership


    Paul Le Guen - Went to an arguably equivalent mid-table Premiership side and tried to change them with his fancy continental ways. Hounded out by pressure from the fans and top players. Ring any bells?


    Claudio Ranieri - Whored himself around the place for 24 months. Finally found employment with Parma, a club sold at auction in Januray and currently second bottom of Serie A. Previously signed Damien Duff and Scott Parker.


    Steve Bruce - Apparently would rather mess around in the championship with Emile Heskey than manage his hometown club infront of 50,000 geordies for Fat Fred


    Alan Curbishly - Taking Alan Pardew's team down


    Alan Pardew - Taking Alan Curbishly's team down


    Sven - pft. The statistically most succesfull England manager has not found, and arguably doesn't even need, gainfull employment


    Alan Shearer - Apparently not even a qualified manager yet



    Only two things wrong with this club. One of them is Fat Fred.




    So your point is what? That based on your (not particularly strong) analysis of the situaiton, Roeder was the best man for the job?


    Thats an unmintigated pile of donkey shite. The Shola Ameobi of arguments.

  8. Fair enough. I would pick you up on one thing though, if you are giving Shearer credit for last seasons fightback (of sorts), you should also do the same for recent cup winner Craig.


    Did we ever get an adequate explanation for Craig's... leaving us? I remember the rumour being a falling out re Bernard but I have the memory of a goldfish, so...?



    No, no explaination. Possibly it was down to being forced to play Bernard but I wouldn't be surprised if there was some resentment at not continuing a role with the first team squad, something he clearly relishes at his new job alongside John Collins.


    This is what the club said at the time - "The club wishes to make it clear that his departure is purely down to further re-structuring of the coaching staff following several changes that have taken place during the period covering the departure of Graeme Souness and Glenn Roeder's full time managerial appointment."


    Hey, that restructure worked a treat!


    Roeder and his hand-picked muppets shouldn't be allowed to organise fuck all.

  9. I'm warming to this idea.  How about some circus clown music when we line up to defend a corner?   :icon_biggrin:


    Make cretins like Bramble and Babayaro and Carr be led out by Roeder to that. Then sack the cunts on the centre circle. Oh, and then forget about playing music during the game, its shit.

  10. I like how he's now turning from getting something out of this season, to looking to succeed next season.


    He's an absolute tosser, a liar, and a fraud as a manager. He should never have been given the job in the first place, and the number of people on here who defended him - and those who defender fucking morons like Moore, Bramble, Babayaro and Ameobi, etc -  makes me ashamed.

  11. He's 22. Howay lads, I know we're fucking angry as fuck, but to get on Oba's back is stupid.


    Our midfiled is/wank. Nobody is scoring. You can't judge a striker with no service.


    You CAN judge a striker on their movement on and off the ball, and their ball control. Those things have FUCK ALL TO DO WITH THE OTHER PLAYERS.


    And in every one of those areas, Martins is relatively weak - AT THE MOMENT. But lets not pretrend that Roeder and his coaching staff are capable of turning his potential into reality, because they aren't.


    As for Crouch - i don't like him as a player, I don't believe he'll do it the Premiership consistently enough. And he'll encourage a fucking retard like Roeder, and idiots like Parker and Shambles et al, to play the long ball.

  12. We're bidding for him in the summer so you don't have long to wait Gemms. I personally don't rate his overall game, no pace, not much movement etc - but yes his fiinishing has improved. He also has something about his character, a certain fighting spirit in which I can see he has already learnt to overcome adversity (Noclueque anyone). For me they are different players infact two who could play well together.

    The 'problems' with Martins is for me his intelligence and positioning, he is an instictive finisher and will never lose that. We just don't seem to buy clever players - Emre and Owen aside. Would I personally have him here - No. Could he be successful here I'd say yes.


    ITK. <snigger>

  13. Who can turn us around though?


    Thats what I fear the most.


    Not the point. Roeder has to go, that is step 1, and its vital. He's not even worth the paper and ink we used giving him his job offer. The fact that no-one is knocking on the door for the job is NO reason to keep a feckless, pathetic, lying little c*** in the job.


    If that happens then i can see the same thing happening again though. Shepherd will give someone within the club the job until the end of the season (or probably try his best to get Shearer), then they'll get some good results like what always seems to happen when a new manager comes in and he will "win the job".


    So you think we should keep Roeder???


    No, my point is i just do not trust Shepherd at all when it comes to appointing another manager. I can see the same mistakes happening over and over again and the only thing its doing apart from pissing the fans of is making the job less attractive with each manager who comes and goes.


    Bit fundamentally, Roeder CANNOT be allowed to damage us any further. He HAS to go, now. Whoever we get, its likely he'll be better than Roeder, who is an absolute cretin.


    Is that good enough though? A manager who is just "better than Roeder"? Any manager who comes in is expected to have us in the top 6 in his 2nd season at the longest. If we appoint an average manager then he might get us in a bit of a better position but that won't be good enough for most of the fans and he will be drove out of the club. We need to identify a manager who we could realisitcally get who would be capabale of getting us back amongst the top 5. I can't think of any of the top of my head who would really want to come though. Its catch 22 really. We cannot afford to make the next appointment a bad one though.


    True, and i was being a bit simplistic there. But Roeder HAS to go, asap. Regardless of how hard it will be to find the RIGHT man, it is unfeasible to let the WRONG one continue and fuck it up worse. Which he will.

  14. Everton are one of only 6 clubs NEVER to be relegated from the top tier


    What I am amazed at is where some cunts get off deriding the fact we are now below Everton


    no f****** sense of history, no sense of humility, no sense of pride, no f****** clue




    Ye naa what mate ye a ******** **** yee.  Everton are a club who have finished in the top four once in 15 years, they don't sell their little ground out and are "a selling club" (Rooney, Speed, Ferguson in recent years).  Of course I know football history you mug, I know we were the most succesful club in this country in the 20th century up to 1960, Everton had a few spells of success in the 60's and 80's, so f***.  Am I not allowed to voice an opinion that with our infinitely superior resources we should strive to be f****** better than them.  Am not ganna say what a think o yee because I'll get banned again.  Fuckin support Hibs.


    We aren't a bigger club than Everton, though. Resources mean fuck all, its about achievement.


    Getting mug punters through the turnstiles, and wasting money on cuints like Dyer, Bramble and Boumsong means fuck all without some tangible return.


    As it happens, i think both we and Everton are medium sized clubs. But they have a better histroy than us.

  15. Who can turn us around though?


    Thats what I fear the most.


    Not the point. Roeder has to go, that is step 1, and its vital. He's not even worth the paper and ink we used giving him his job offer. The fact that no-one is knocking on the door for the job is NO reason to keep a feckless, pathetic, lying little c*** in the job.


    If that happens then i can see the same thing happening again though. Shepherd will give someone within the club the job until the end of the season (or probably try his best to get Shearer), then they'll get some good results like what always seems to happen when a new manager comes in and he will "win the job".


    So you think we should keep Roeder???


    No, my point is i just do not trust Shepherd at all when it comes to appointing another manager. I can see the same mistakes happening over and over again and the only thing its doing apart from pissing the fans of is making the job less attractive with each manager who comes and goes.


    Bit fundamentally, Roeder CANNOT be allowed to damage us any further. He HAS to go, now. Whoever we get, its likely he'll be better than Roeder, who is an absolute cretin.

  16. Who can turn us around though?


    Thats what I fear the most.


    Not the point. Roeder has to go, that is step 1, and its vital. He's not even worth the paper and ink we used giving him his job offer. The fact that no-one is knocking on the door for the job is NO reason to keep a feckless, pathetic, lying little c*** in the job.


    If that happens then i can see the same thing happening again though. Shepherd will give someone within the club the job until the end of the season (or probably try his best to get Shearer), then they'll get some good results like what always seems to happen when a new manager comes in and he will "win the job".


    So you think we should keep Roeder???

  17. Who can turn us around though?


    Thats what I fear the most.


    Not the point. Roeder has to go, that is step 1, and its vital. He's not even worth the paper and ink we used giving him his job offer. The fact that no-one is knocking on the door for the job is NO reason to keep a feckless, pathetic, lying little cunt in the job.

  18. I can't for my life understand how any manager would prefer to play Butt/Parker ahead of Emre! posibly the worst decisionmaking ever!!! While I'm at it, why did he do that Moore - Gooch sub? Did he think Gooch was going to win the game for us or something? We're trying to get a goal and you sub a CD for a CD?! Having a laugh?!


    Playing Moore in the first place was the biggest joke - a double joke, bearing in mind Carr!


    Roeder genuinely does not have ANY managerial ability.

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