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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey

  1. Really original title I know but.....


    Are geordies as a whole as fanatical about football as people say they are? I only really ask because the one time I was in Newcastle (Im from Kent) I got in a cab and started the usual conversation as you do, and I mentioned I was up for my birthday watching the Olympiacos game, and the bloke didnt even know we were playing them and told me he werent really into football! I was shocked!!! Everyone always says how everyone in Newcastle is so passionate about their football, I must have met the only fucker that dont give a s***!


    so yeah, was just wonderin!


    As far as i know, there isn't a law stating that EVERY SINGLE inhabitant of a region that is fanmous for liking football HAS to be zealot.


    well i didnt actually say there was, i was more interested in what people who live around the area had to say about their reputation!


    According to your post, you're asking BECAUSE you got in a taxi, and the fella knew fuck all.


    Geordies aren't particularly fanatical compared to anyone else. Thats just one of those pathetic "sky lies".

  2. I think it's out of our hands and will depend on which of the above teams want to win against us.  I expect at least 1 gutless performance in amongst those games, we could easily end up winning none of them as the teams we're playing have a need of the points.


    If thats true, we need to sack the manager and ALL of the players.

  3. I ag

    Because they are fans of the club, outside of supporting their own club of course.


    Niothing worse than "fans" of more than one club.


    tut tut....


    i know, they make me tut as well.


    Whats wrong with them then?


    Its fundamentally wrong.


    I agree.  But nothing wrong with what breda are doing.  Took a liking to us, and hate az, so they support us v az.


    I nearly (and wish i did) went to the Palace mackems play off game at SoL in the palace end.


    i've nothing against what they are doing, thats their business. What gets me is the seeming acceptance of a fan having 2 clubs. urhgh.

  4. Well if this explanation justifies your Hahaha comment then it does say a lot about you


    Like i said if you can show that he IS..........


    Otherwise, your comment is as facile as any other on here.

  5. That Foster is the best keeper in the Premiership.


    As it happens, i think he may well become great, but at the moment, i refer you to my earlier "hahaha......" comment.


    Care to enlighten me why Foster is not the best premiership keeper at the moment?


    Erm, well, he just isn't. Thats like asking why David James isn't the best keeper on the planet: he just isn't. Simple as that.


    Please provide any evidence you have that he IS the best keeper in the premiership.

  6. Of course i am, with bloody stupid assertions like that.


    Care to enlighten me?


    That Foster is the best keeper in the Premiership.


    As it happens, i think he may well become great, but at the moment, i refer you to my earlier "hahaha......" comment.

  7. Because they are fans of the club, outside of supporting their own club of course.


    Niothing worse than "fans" of more than one club.


    tut tut....


    i know, they make me tut as well.


    Whats wrong with them then?


    Its fundamentally wrong.

  8. me and my mate went about 6 months ago , met peter and jeff both were good crack and i had about 6 bottles of boulmers all for free !!! toured the stadium asked pedro some questions then when asked if i was interested i just said i was a student lol, everyone else was in a suit and i turned up it combats and a hoodie, quite funny really.....on the way out i said to the bird, "i bet you think your better then me just coz you have money"....then rolled out laughing !


    Not JUST cos you have money, but yes.

  9. Ben Foster the best keeper in the Prem, give me a break :lol:


    Delima is seething.


    Foster is still the best keeper in the premiership!


    Before the freak goal: hahahahahahahahahahahahaha

    After the freak goal: hahahahahahahahahaahahahaha with a bit of sympathy/humour.


    Glad that you are nicely entertained.


    Of course i am, with bloody stupid assertions like that.

  10. Because they are fans of the club, outside of supporting their own club of course.


    Niothing worse than "fans" of more than one club.


    tut tut....


    i know, they make me tut as well.

  11. Berbs is definately a great player. Great touch and great vision. As good as Martins, IMO.


    More consistent so far than Oba? Or is that because i've watched more of Martins, so seen more of his bad games?

    Don't know tbh. What I mean is that I'm as happy with Oba than what I would've been with Berb. Berbatov MIGHT be a slightly better player, but Oba got time on his side as well.


    Why can't we have TWO good strikers, though? Take Owen out, and we have ONE decent striker (Oba) and thats IT. Fucking terrifying.

  12. How will Shepherd afford it??? He's rich but he's not that rich, and i think IF he could afford it he would've taken over already. I can't see it happening myself.


    He can't afford it. He'd have to borrow. The club would then be lumbered with paying off the debt. That combined with his proven ineptitude in various areas would condemn us to mid-table mediocrity (at best) for a generation.


    So, the same as now, then?

  13. Ben Foster the best keeper in the Prem, give me a break :lol:


    Delima is seething.


    Foster is still the best keeper in the premiership!


    Before the freak goal: hahahahahahahahahahahahaha

    After the freak goal: hahahahahahahahahaahahahaha with a bit of sympathy/humour.

  14. Really original title I know but.....


    Are geordies as a whole as fanatical about football as people say they are? I only really ask because the one time I was in Newcastle (Im from Kent) I got in a cab and started the usual conversation as you do, and I mentioned I was up for my birthday watching the Olympiacos game, and the bloke didnt even know we were playing them and told me he werent really into football! I was shocked!!! Everyone always says how everyone in Newcastle is so passionate about their football, I must have met the only fucker that dont give a shit!


    so yeah, was just wonderin!


    As far as i know, there isn't a law stating that EVERY SINGLE inhabitant of a region that is fanmous for liking football HAS to be zealot.

  15. We are unpredictable and too inconsistent so when we dont expect anything from them they proof us wrong

    Im expecting win against Charlton,win against Shef Un,lost against Pompey,win against Watford and draw against Reading


    Wow. Whatever you're smoking, i want some.


    Im dont drink or smoke  ;D ;D


    I know its very optimistic.Time will tell if i was right or not

    How do you see these games to finish then?


    Draw. draw. loss. loss. loss.

  16. And yet the main problem with Duff is that he's been trying to do too much on his own all season. What chance does he have? Our left backs never overlap or support properly. Most of the time he's having to help them out defensively because they're actually teenage CBs playing in a position they don't know well. No-one moves to give him options, no-one else bloody well creates anything so he tries to do too much on his own and fails. His movement is good and clever, just no-one else is moving to help him out. And he's still got a fair bit of pace.


    Absolutely right. I think he has struggled for fitness as well, but in the last few games he's looked a lot sharper and has often been getting past his man or winning a free kick.


    But ultimately yes, he's ending up in static situations where he's having to try to create something on his own.


    Duff is a very, very good player. His ability hasn't disappeared as a result of Mourinho or anything else. It's still there for anyone to see. But you have to a) look at the way he's playing now, not the way he was playing when he first came, and b) look at the context in which he's having to play.


    He's still playing pretty poorly, just less utter shite.

  17. AK were fast, coordinated and outsmarted every tactic we threw at them, which wasnt many...


    Blame lies with Roeder, our team is full of capable, but mainly underachivers.


    We need better coaches and a better manager.


    Wrong. Shamles is not capable. He just isn't.

  18. People call his transfer windows shit but we have no idea how much of a budget he had. Plus in my opinion he has bought well, Martins has been ace, Sib has been great value, Duff has shown glimpses of being great and there is still hopw for him and Onyewu has looked solid.


    Left back? Left back? Left back? left back?


    He's doen badly in the windows.


    Duff has shown fuck all. Martins has been inconsistent. Sibierski has been alright, no more, is clearly slow as fuck, and some idiots are shouting for him to get 2 more years!

  19. The summer transfer window was inexcusable in 2006. The January one wasn't particularly impressive, but he obviously had little to no funds and it's always difficult to bring players in during that period. Especially with such little to offer as a club at that moment in time.


    I think he's a decent enough coach who only falls down during matchdays. But if he has anything about him, he will learn from his mistakes.


    I'm happy to see him build his own squad, something he hasn't done yet, and see out his contract. We're not going to get relegated with him, and unless something goes depressingly wrong, either sack him then or just don't renew it. Sir Bobby's first two seasons were hardly the most enthralling.


    Scenario 1: He does nowt in the transfer window and we see ourselves deep in the bottom half of the table next season. He should go.


    Scenario 2: We're generally just mediocre again. Don't renew his contract at the end of next season.


    Scenario 3: He might do well in the transfer window, we might do well in the league without having Europe to concentrate on. We'll be glad we held onto him.



    On the whole, what i'm saying is, give him his two seasons. I don't believe he's totally incompetent.


    Is THAT  your reason for keeping him on?


    THAT is my opinion. I think he is a very capable coach - i think he knows how to improve players. And i think he has done a creditable job by steadying the ship that was sinking miserably under Souness, and he's still got Souness' squad to be fair, but for three arrivals (only one having worked out bigtime).


    Show me where he's improved our players.

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