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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey

  1. I don't see why anyone here would go and watch Gateshead. Unless you actually live in Gateshead, and support them.


    Which is probably zero on this board.





    Probably yeah...


    Right, you in Gateshead, but do you support them aswell?


    No one can have two teams man.


    No, I'm in Chester Le Street.  I used to live there, I'm from there, and I went to see one or two games.  I have two teams - get over it.


    Still wrong.

  2. Hopefully wrapping up a 7mill Duff deal tbh


    Hopefully you'd fuck off.


    Bit harsh. After all, its not his fault Duff has been utter shite. That'd be Duffs fault.

  3. Nothing really,the same as this season,with the diffrence being less fans backing that clueless cunt Roeder,and him to keep using the same fucked up "This is not my team" excuse,propbly going to get the sack in january or february..


    What he said.



    when the fuck has he ever said 'this is not my team'?


    what utter bullshit


    "Ultimately you will be judged on what you bring in when people can say, `Glenn, that is your squad'. You cannot say that at the moment. Three signings is not my squad. If we can get another four or more, then half the squad will be mine."



  4. "There aint anyone in any way, any manager, who could have kept Newcastle in the top six this year," he told The People.


    Moron. He got the job because he was supposed to have done a great job last season, and was set to continue that, since it "wasnt a fluke", and he was going to do as well, if not better, since hed sign more of "his" own players. Quite clearly, it was a fluke and hes failed to do that which he was appointed for.




    How many FIRST TEAM players did he have out for the Charlton game? Owen, i can think of. Can't think any of the other absentees that are premiership quality, and its this clueless twat who failed to replace them.


  5. Based on what.


    BAsed on the fact that Babayaro was the last (proper) left back to let us down, play "well" about twice a season, and otherwise act like he couldn't give a fuck.


    Oh, no, i forgot, he's class, isn;t he. Cares a lot, great positional sense, pace, and tackling ability. Snigger.

  6. The one thing Duff has been done since hes come to the club is try hard, he's just been lacking alot of confidence and fitness. I'm not sure he will turn it round though.


    Erm.....and he's lacked any kind of illustration of real ability.


    I don't think he's tried THAT hard, whrn he's been on the pitch. Strikes me as one of the players we've heard about who are just here for the payday.

  7. As much as you think the squad players may be getting a sizeabe wedge, it surely still can't compare with the Spanners.


    It was said on KUMB and generally agreed that Lucas Neill opted for them ahead of Liverpool because Rafa had no wish to spend £64k pw.  Also Davenport celebrated his move by buying himself a new Hummer.  As he was with new employers, he had to produce confirmation of his declared income.  £33k pw.  At Spurs he was on  £8k!!!  And it's said there is no clause to reduce that if they do fall into the Championship (which is like Sunday morning following Saturday night tbh).


    They are in panic mode tbf. Interesting about Davenport any ideas on Hudd?


    How much he's on?  Someone did say £9k, I don't know how accurate that is but I would guess that is fairly close. Hudd's problem is that we haven't got the perfect midfielder for him to play alongside so for the forseeable future I see him as Zokora's backup.


    See that's sensible money. What is he 19 - 20? I rate him quite highly, seems to have concentration problems and loves playing to the crowd, but he'll grow out of that.


    Btw Imo Eboue is the big Wenger find as people will discover.


    No, you're wrong, he was another Comolli find.  That's why Spurs fans are getting more and more confident (perhaps too confident) about the future.  Comolli did it once for them, he's started to do the same again for us, creating partnerships with clubs in South Africa, Nigeria and maybe one again in Ivory Coast, but not ASEC Abidjan.  Perhaps even more satisfying is at least 3 of the kids he's signed for Spurs have been in direct competition with Wenger.  It may all end in tears but I'm more optimistic now than I have been for years, even when Arnesen came in he offered hope but also recruited some God awful youngsters!  Comolli is already delivering more. Most Spurs fans on the forums are agreed that Berbatov and Zokora would't have looked twice at Spurs if it hadn't been for Comolli's efforts.

    be warned ,we have bought some of the best youngsters on the planet...it's what you do with them that matters,that's what marks wenger out from the rest.


    Ooh, ooh, did we?? I'm looking forward to seeing them play for us one day. Who are they? Brazilians? Italians? a couple of Frenchs?

    portuguese and paraguayan


    I can't wait to see them play, then. Cos all i can remember us buying in the past is not-that-good kids about whom people fell for the hype.


    You know: best young kids in Europe/the world, top England players like Dyer, defenders full of potential like Shambles, yadda, yadda.

  8. As much as you think the squad players may be getting a sizeabe wedge, it surely still can't compare with the Spanners.


    It was said on KUMB and generally agreed that Lucas Neill opted for them ahead of Liverpool because Rafa had no wish to spend £64k pw.  Also Davenport celebrated his move by buying himself a new Hummer.  As he was with new employers, he had to produce confirmation of his declared income.  £33k pw.  At Spurs he was on  £8k!!!  And it's said there is no clause to reduce that if they do fall into the Championship (which is like Sunday morning following Saturday night tbh).


    They are in panic mode tbf. Interesting about Davenport any ideas on Hudd?


    How much he's on?  Someone did say £9k, I don't know how accurate that is but I would guess that is fairly close. Hudd's problem is that we haven't got the perfect midfielder for him to play alongside so for the forseeable future I see him as Zokora's backup.


    See that's sensible money. What is he 19 - 20? I rate him quite highly, seems to have concentration problems and loves playing to the crowd, but he'll grow out of that.


    Btw Imo Eboue is the big Wenger find as people will discover.


    No, you're wrong, he was another Comolli find.  That's why Spurs fans are getting more and more confident (perhaps too confident) about the future.  Comolli did it once for them, he's started to do the same again for us, creating partnerships with clubs in South Africa, Nigeria and maybe one again in Ivory Coast, but not ASEC Abidjan.  Perhaps even more satisfying is at least 3 of the kids he's signed for Spurs have been in direct competition with Wenger.  It may all end in tears but I'm more optimistic now than I have been for years, even when Arnesen came in he offered hope but also recruited some God awful youngsters!  Comolli is already delivering more. Most Spurs fans on the forums are agreed that Berbatov and Zokora would't have looked twice at Spurs if it hadn't been for Comolli's efforts.

    be warned ,we have bought some of the best youngsters on the planet...it's what you do with them that matters,that's what marks wenger out from the rest.


    Ooh, ooh, did we?? I'm looking forward to seeing them play for us one day. Who are they? Brazilians? Italians? a couple of Frenchs?

  9. Our overall wage bill for 2006 was £52.6m, that against a turnover of £83.1m.  :idiot2:


    Surely this is fresh madness, we can't carry on sustaining these kind of wage levels, especially without CL football.


    In 2002 the wage bill was £32m....Who the fuck did we hire Jacko?!


    Employing the likes of Luque, Shambles, Dyer, Babayaro, Moore, Ameobi etc, on the wages they are on, regardless of them being not good enough, was never going to be a clever idea.

  10. 21 goals and 12 assists, and the season is not finished yet.


    This is a trully impressive figure. I know, and this is repeated many times already, that he is only playing at championship level. But if Nugent, Doyle, Lita et al are deemed better than Chopra why did they not score more goals than Chopra?


    Paper Stats don't tell the whole story but Chopra is not someone who just sit and wait for goal scoring opportunity.


    I don't think Chopra should play for England yet as they are more qualified players about. But is Nugent trully a better player than Chopra? Time will tell but at this moment I still regard Chopra a better forward/striker than Nugent.


    Chopra will never be in the England team, i suspect. He's found his level, good luck to him. But he's not premiership class, so he's not going to be international class.

  11. the only thing wrong with roeder is that he is too tolerant to some players who clearly should not be even on the squad list. The fucker has a good heart and is not stern enough.


    Now of course he needn't be a souness but a little less tolerance is required.


    eh? There are many, many things wrong with Roeder.


    In fact, the only thing i can think of that's NOT wrong is that as far as i know, he doesn't kick puppies in the eyes.


    I thought Berbatov was excellent in the first-half, especially considering he was up against John Terry for the vast majority of it. Held the ball up well at times, made a lot of good runs, won a stack of headers and his first-touch was absolutely phenomenal. Faded a bit in the second and Chelsea came into it more, but then won them the penalty and would have probably scored if not because of it. A fair bit better than Martins at the current time, IMO, and would be far better with Owen, as well.


    Couldn't agree more.  Can't think of a better potential partnership than Owen (pre-injury and hopefully post injury as well) and Berbatov.  Two hugely talented and intelligent strikers, Berbatov even makes Keane look a bit better than half decent!


    I was thinking that yesterday.

  13. what exactly makes us 'unique' in our history?


    other than some fans thinking that the likes of Bramble, Carr, Babayaro, Moore, Dyer, and Ameobi are good enough, i can't think of one thing that sets us apart from any other average club. 

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