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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey

  1. Good player with often frustrating consistency problems. Regardless, hes head and shoulders above the rest of our other central midfielders.


    Not hard when your competition is Parker, Dyer and Butt, mind.


    True, but then itd be silly to drop or sell him when hes one of the few players we have capable of controlling a football with any sort of technique and passing it accurately. Even Nobby's passing has gone downhill recently.


    The central midfield is just a mess when hes not playing, nothing comes out of it. At least when hes playing we get some form of control and possession from that area of the pitch.


    He has his faults, pisses me off when he stands around in a deep position (probably Glenn's tactic in having him sitting in front of the defence), but his positives far outweight his negatives because of the simple difference he makes by wanting the ball and looking to keep possession.


    If he didnt have any inconsistencies in his game, hed probably be playing for a CL side as a regular/squad player. That might turn out to be the case anyway if he moves on in the summer, but itd be nothing but frustrating if he left with us only ever giving him a handful of games in a true attacking midfield role, where more often than not hes looked like being a class act.


    Perhaps if we'd gotten rid of Dyer, and the misconception that he is a good attacking central midfielder, Emre could play.


    But i feel that the idiot Roeder values "graft" above craft, and so will keep playing Parker.

  2. Good player with often frustrating consistency problems. Regardless, hes head and shoulders above the rest of our other central midfielders.


    Not hard when your competition is Parker, Dyer and Butt, mind.

  3. Emre only turns up for every other game.


    Not as good as he or his defenders think he is.


    Runs around a lot, though. Well done him.


    he has to run where others can walk :lol:


    Be nice of he did something worthwhile though. Waste of money. Worth keeping as a £20k a week squad player, but not as he is now. He's no first team regular.


    Tbf we've only seen glimpses of the real Emre under Glenda. If he played a bit further up and we didn't hoof it....There would be more chance for his end product tricks.

    Theoretical, though. Going off what we've seen, he's not ben good enough.

  4. Emre only turns up for every other game.


    Not as good as he or his defenders think he is.


    Runs around a lot, though. Well done him.


    he has to run where others can walk :lol:


    Be nice of he did something worthwhile though. Waste of money. Worth keeping as a £20k a week squad player, but not as he is now. He's no first team regular.

  5. Roeder is a first class useless cunt.


    I can now fully understand the WHU supporters vitriol at the pathetic useless bastard.


    I hope his demise happens long before mine. CUNT!


    Added to which: I hope he gets sacked, publicl humiliated, and never gets the chance to work at/ruin another club. Absolute cunt.


    the fool is the fool who employs the fool




    Not in question.


    But that does NOT detract from the fact that Roeder is an absolute lying, certinous, stupid, pathetic cunt of a manager.

  6. funny isnt.... we have no choice but to support this rabble, yet people from ALL over the world, pick NUFC as their club, even though weve won jack, and will never win nowt!

    Proper supporters, dont jump on the Manure/Arse/Chelski bandwagon.

    Personally i remember in Helsinki in 2002 there were a good 50 Nufc fans at a sports bar every weekend to watch the game, about 40 Manure fans, 30 Arse, 20 Spurs, 10 B'burn...


    Now the 50 NUFC fans still exist, but theres 70-100 chelski fans and a bar called 'Chelsea Pub'. Probably rename it to Man Utd Pub in the summer... O0


    proper supporters support the team of the place where they come from.


    Not true, some proper supporters support teams because of family members, my kids were always going to support Newcastle, regardless of where they were born.  My nephew was born in the midlands but didnt have a choice in the matter, he was born black & white, we made sure of that.


    There's an argument that "come from" is a generational thing - but if i moved to Birmingham (as if), had kids, and THEY stayed there, had kids etc, i wouldn't expect my grandkids to be NUFC fans.


    If you are a brummie (which my grandkids would be) you should support a Birmingham team, in my opinion. You shouldn't necessarily be forced into supporting a team other than that of where you 'come from'.


    I know what you mean, but...I've been born and raised in Newcastle, but i support scotland as my national team.  My dad's been taking me to scotland games since i was 5, so ive no choice in the matter.  I'm a scotland fan, like it or not.  Naturally, i would bring my son up as a scotland fan, despite him only being 1/4 scottish


    I respect that, but i don't get it.


    But hey, if football was THAT clear cut, no-one would ever have been stupid enough to defend that diseased, £85k a week, whining little w****** Dyer.


    you mean our best player? ;)


    You need to check your interweb settings, mate. Its fucking up your screen, or something. I said DYER.


    Best player....<snigger>

  7. That last gasp miss by Onyewu is just shocking,just fucking shocking..



    What do we expect?? Roeder never even saw him play as far as we can tell.


    Shit managers will rarely sign top players.


    Shit clubs rarely get top managers


    We're an average club. But we hired a fucking terrible, indefensible manager. Our bad.

  8. I'm a Canadian. My grandparents immigrated from South Sheilds, but my ancesters also lived in Boro and Sunderland. I could have chosen any of those teams, but I chose Newcastle because I thought it was the team with the best fans. In a way, it disappoints me to see fans turning on the team, but I do understand why.


    I'll come and see them at SJP some day, and regardless of whether they win, lose or draw, it will still be a great memory.


    Wrong, imo.

  9. I agree with some of the sentiments in this thread, thing is though, if some of these players were got rid of (Dyer, Emre, Owen) And replaced with so called lesser players who work hard but aren't pretty, Im fairly sure we'd all be complaining about becoming the new Bolton, Wigan etc. And wouldn't be fully satisfied, the balance between what we're at now and becoming that is where we should aim for, and selling good players won't acheive that.


    Dyer and Emre aren't that "good", though. If they were top players, i'd agree with you.


    We NEED to replace the majority of the defence, and half of the midfield, or we will NEVER gdet back into the top 6.


    Right, so we're looking to sell 'average' players with high wages (Emre, Dyer) then replace them with 'ggod' players, on less of a wage. Hmmm, get the feeling, as awesome as he is, our manager may struggle with that.


    If we can't get a better player than Dire for £90k a week, then....oh, fuck it. Of COURSE we can get a better player than this mediocre piece of crap for that kind of money - less, even.


    If you think we shoudl keep that quality of player, and thats good enough for you, then good on you, you're Shepherds ideal type of fan. Spin-friendly and blind to the truth.




    But who says Dyer isn't good enough for 'where we want to be'? It only sems to be a minority on here that thinks we should selll him. For the record, he isn't a £90,000 a week player, if thats true then he's a bad example.


    Yes, he is a £90k or thereabouts player. And he's not a "bad example", he's alive example of a mediocre player on top class wages. As for him not being good enough, he's not - he's done fairly poorly overall, but people are fooled by his running around. His end product is poor. Always has been.

  10. All I hear from Monkey is who's not good enough


    what I'd like to know is how he proposes to replace a team and manager when we are making a loss


    Well, if we don't, we're fucked.


    As for the manager - do you, honestly, think Roeder is the man for us?? Yes/no answer is fine.

  11. This was a very bad interview.  If you're doing crap and want the fans on your side, you do not blame them, even if it's true.  You do not defend the performance either.  You tell it how it is and say "that was rubbish, and things need to improve".  Bobby, nor souness, nor roeder have had the bottle to do that.  Really pisses me off when managers defend clearly abysmal performances.


    he should hang his head. He, and his team, selections, tactics, substitutions and outright lies have been given far too much support this season, and when the excuses (lies/shite/typical Roeder bullshit) runs out, he turns on us.


    If ANYONE thinks he's still good enough, i'd love to hear why they think that.


    Ditto Babayaro, Shambles, Moore and Carr.

  12. I agree with some of the sentiments in this thread, thing is though, if some of these players were got rid of (Dyer, Emre, Owen) And replaced with so called lesser players who work hard but aren't pretty, Im fairly sure we'd all be complaining about becoming the new Bolton, Wigan etc. And wouldn't be fully satisfied, the balance between what we're at now and becoming that is where we should aim for, and selling good players won't acheive that.


    Dyer and Emre aren't that "good", though. If they were top players, i'd agree with you.


    We NEED to replace the majority of the defence, and half of the midfield, or we will NEVER gdet back into the top 6.


    Right, so we're looking to sell 'average' players with high wages (Emre, Dyer) then replace them with 'ggod' players, on less of a wage. Hmmm, get the feeling, as awesome as he is, our manager may struggle with that.


    If we can't get a better player than Dire for £90k a week, then....oh, fuck it. Of COURSE we can get a better player than this mediocre piece of crap for that kind of money - less, even.


    If you think we shoudl keep that quality of player, and thats good enough for you, then good on you, you're Shepherds ideal type of fan. Spin-friendly and blind to the truth.

  13. Ameobi has scored as many league goals as Sib all season, and he hasn't played since about November! Shola is hardly top class, but Siberski is rubbish and however nice a bloke he may be he's not good enough.


    Ameobi and Sibierski are about on a par - the Championship.

  14. funny isnt.... we have no choice but to support this rabble, yet people from ALL over the world, pick NUFC as their club, even though weve won jack, and will never win nowt!

    Proper supporters, dont jump on the Manure/Arse/Chelski bandwagon.

    Personally i remember in Helsinki in 2002 there were a good 50 Nufc fans at a sports bar every weekend to watch the game, about 40 Manure fans, 30 Arse, 20 Spurs, 10 B'burn...


    Now the 50 NUFC fans still exist, but theres 70-100 chelski fans and a bar called 'Chelsea Pub'. Probably rename it to Man Utd Pub in the summer... O0


    proper supporters support the team of the place where they come from.


    Not true, some proper supporters support teams because of family members, my kids were always going to support Newcastle, regardless of where they were born.  My nephew was born in the midlands but didnt have a choice in the matter, he was born black & white, we made sure of that.


    There's an argument that "come from" is a generational thing - but if i moved to Birmingham (as if), had kids, and THEY stayed there, had kids etc, i wouldn't expect my grandkids to be NUFC fans.


    If you are a brummie (which my grandkids would be) you should support a Birmingham team, in my opinion. You shouldn't necessarily be forced into supporting a team other than that of where you 'come from'.


    I know what you mean, but...I've been born and raised in Newcastle, but i support scotland as my national team.  My dad's been taking me to scotland games since i was 5, so ive no choice in the matter.  I'm a scotland fan, like it or not.  Naturally, i would bring my son up as a scotland fan, despite him only being 1/4 scottish


    I respect that, but i don't get it.


    But hey, if football was THAT clear cut, no-one would ever have been stupid enough to defend that diseased, £85k a week, whining little wanker Dyer.

  15. I agree with some of the sentiments in this thread, thing is though, if some of these players were got rid of (Dyer, Emre, Owen) And replaced with so called lesser players who work hard but aren't pretty, Im fairly sure we'd all be complaining about becoming the new Bolton, Wigan etc. And wouldn't be fully satisfied, the balance between what we're at now and becoming that is where we should aim for, and selling good players won't acheive that.


    Dyer and Emre aren't that "good", though. If they were top players, i'd agree with you.


    We NEED to replace the majority of the defence, and half of the midfield, or we will NEVER gdet back into the top 6.

  16. Dyer was probably the worst of a very bad bunch today.


    Dyers body language said that he wasn't interested today. Guess he's achieved what he set out to do and got back into the England squad which is laughable itself. Either that or he was in the huff again about the position he was being asked to play.


    He's back to what he is best at which is to take the club for a ride and hopefully some mug will offer big money so that we can finally get rid of this waster.


    I'd get rid for anything we could get. It's be worth it on the saved wages.

  17. If he keeps Bramble, Roeder deserves everything he'll get.


    To all the Bramble-defenders - he's s***. He's not premiership, he's f****** rubbish. His passing is rubbish, he's not as strong as he should be, he can't tackle consistently well enough, his positional sense is s****, and he's slow.


    He's a fat useless w******, and if he got crocked and finished his career, i'd not shed a f****** seconds worth of tears. Get shot of the c*** so he can't cost us any more games or money.



    you call him fat? is there anyone on this board who wouldn't bet that he'd anihilate you in any sort of physical activity


    As a professional footballer, he's a heavy (fat) cunt.


    Its nowt to do with ME, its to do with his incredible lack of ability as a footballer. He's a fat, rubbish, waste of space wanker.

  18. 2006 The club confirmed that tests performed on midfielder Scott Parker had led to a diagnosis that he was suffering from glandular fever.


    Glenn Roeder admitted that it would be "difficult" for Parker to play again that season. It was and he didn't....



    Little bit taken from Nufc.com. What are they trying to get at about Scott Parker?


    A post of seemingly Gasuso-like irrelevance.

  19. Team selection was awful  so Roeder takes a lot of blame but the players definitely have to take some blame. Don't expect anything from Carr and Babayaro because they aren't good enough to give anymore than they actually do. They are both piss poor. Butt, Parker, Dyer and Martins are much better players than they shown today though.


    How often will you pretend that mediocre journeyment like Parker and Dyer are "much better" than performance after performance after performance shows?? Jesus. Every time they play s****, they get defended. Then on the rare occasions they perform, its taken as proof they are top class.



    Parker and Dyer aren't mediocre players though. I wasn't defending them at all, i was picking them out as the players who let us down today because they were awful yet they are four members of our squad who are amongst the best of a average/poor bunch. They are clearly better players than they have shown today, but don't take the point i made as if i was sticking up for them because i wasn't. I was picking them out for criticism more than anything.


    They are very much mediocre. They aren't 'international class', they're id table sloggers at the end of the day. And before you start on Dyer, he runs around a lot, and contributes pretty much f*** all.


    I've been one of Dyer's biggest critics on here in the past because of his attitude/injuries/lack of end product, but this season he's contributed with a few goals to be fair. I'm not calling him a great player at all though. I rate Parker but i'm not getting in an argument with you over him cos i can't be arsed. Been over it too many times. He was crap today.


    4 league goals. Woo hoo. Well worth the money.

  20. Well its all about opinions, but i think Parker and Dyer are definitely good enough players for the 20 odd man squad we should have next season.


    Question 1) Are they good enough for the FIRST TEAM of a club aiming for top 4 (via top 6)?

    Answer - No, not really.


    Question 2) Are they worth keeping on as squad players?

    Answer - bearing in mind their limited impact/ability, are they worth the £130k a week they cost us as SQUAD players, NO.


  21. Oba was somewhat amateurish today. Embarassment.


    He's not a top player, people have to realise that. For every Spurs (?) game, foot-wrapped-around-ball scorcher, there's ten fluffed chances and poor positional runs.


    Thats not to say he CAN'T become a top player at some point, but to improve he needs:


    1) Better team mates alongside him than Dyer and Sib.

    2) Better team mates behind him than Dyer, Duff, Parker and Emre

    3) A good (i.e. different) coaching team.

    4) Time.

    5) Top class ability (tbc)

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