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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey

  1. Bridge is the perfect LB for us



    aye you're right, he's getting injured more and more as the weeks go by...snap him up, 10m?


    His price is not 10m :uglystupid2:

    Chelsea probably will sell him for 5-6m and for this kind of money its the better option then Baines imo

    And he is miles better that what we have at the moment at LB


    ANYONE, as stated, is better than what we have at the moment.


    we dont need anyone

    we need class there


    Yes we do, IDEALLY.


    At the moment, we have NOTHING there. So anyone would be better than that.

  2. maybe we could sell bramble, dyer, carr, babayaro and luque TO ADRIANO so he'll have someone to go on the p!ss with?


    ten bob ought to do it...


    it'd take some negotiator to get ANYONE to take Carr. 10 bob? I'd want 15 bob change for the fat useless twat.

  3. Bridge is the perfect LB for us



    aye you're right, he's getting injured more and more as the weeks go by...snap him up, 10m?


    His price is not 10m :uglystupid2:

    Chelsea probably will sell him for 5-6m and for this kind of money its the better option then Baines imo

    And he is miles better that what we have at the moment at LB


    ANYONE, as stated, is better than what we have at the moment.

  4. Berbs is definately a great player. Great touch and great vision. As good as Martins, IMO.


    More consistent so far than Oba? Or is that because i've watched more of Martins, so seen more of his bad games?

  5. Although not his best position I think he is also handy on the left, he knows his limitations when it comes to crossing so tends to cut inside and this is exactly what the full backs don't want.


    Aye, but then thats really predictable and a good full back will just put him onto his left foot and he'll be wasted.


    Which we've seen with Dyer. And Duff on the right.

  6. Northern Monkey i agree that it sounds ridiculous, and the only reason i posted it was to see if anyone knew of any reason why this could be categorically untrue so i could tell my friend who is convinced this is going to happen  (and in his words it is "all over the wednesday forums") to shut up.


    I think SJH's age/allegiance/not being THAT mental is a good mix of reasons.

  7. by all accounts he's just another kluivert....


    primadonna, lazy in training, living off a forged reputation...we're just the club to turn that around eh?  as magpie says once he hit the quayside we'd be packing him off on the same bus as luque....only he'd need 2 seats to himself


    No room at the inn, then. We already have our quota.

  8. jesus christ this is nonsense - anyone with eyes and who knows the game of football cannot for one second start taking rooney apart, just watch him and it should tell you all you need to know


    the boy is a genius - why not sit and list ronaldinho's goal scoring ratio - i'll bet it's not great....that's what samuel eto'o is for....players like this come along once in a generation and it's such a fucken typical english thing to do to start ripping the boy up 'cause he's not winning games single handed week in week out


    it makes me sad to say this but im almost glad rooney didn't come to SJP at times 'cause this lad has the potential to be the greatest english player there has ever been and we would have simply ruined him before he was 24....


    martins is a good striker, i actually believe he'll become a glorious one, but to consider in fantasy land that you'd keep him over rooney can only mean you're either blind or have a single figure IQ


    Was never, ever, ever, going to happen. Ever.


    unlikely, agreed, but that wasn't really my point - anyhow a 20m bid is a 20m bid, is it not?  rooney himself said he turned us down so there was something there but once a professionally run club like man u came along obviously not


    I never bought the bid thing. It stank, for me.

  9. This has to be up there with the "NUFC to buy Ronaldo/Rooney/Romario/Ronaldinho" type s****.


    But we're not on about us trying to buy somebody!! We're discussing one of our major investors showing alleged interest in purchasing another club's shares. Simple really....


    I was talking about the likelihood.

  10. jesus christ this is nonsense - anyone with eyes and who knows the game of football cannot for one second start taking rooney apart, just watch him and it should tell you all you need to know


    the boy is a genius - why not sit and list ronaldinho's goal scoring ratio - i'll bet it's not great....that's what samuel eto'o is for....players like this come along once in a generation and it's such a fucken typical english thing to do to start ripping the boy up 'cause he's not winning games single handed week in week out


    it makes me sad to say this but im almost glad rooney didn't come to SJP at times 'cause this lad has the potential to be the greatest english player there has ever been and we would have simply ruined him before he was 24....


    martins is a good striker, i actually believe he'll become a glorious one, but to consider in fantasy land that you'd keep him over rooney can only mean you're either blind or have a single figure IQ


    Was never, ever, ever, going to happen. Ever.

  11. ...would you be happy if we put in a bid?


    Depends on the deal. £20 million? Disapointed. Swapsies with Carr? Delighted.


    What do you think our chances would be of landing him?


    40/60 or 70/30, or there or there abouts.


    Would he be happy to come to us? Please discuss...


    Money seems to grab people, no matter the climate, no matter the manager, no matter the seemingly inherent inability to win.


    Just ask Shepherd. Everybody wants to come to us.




  12. eh, whatever. i like wathcing derby matches. always exciting.


    Wrong.  The correct answer is that there is no enjoyment at all to be derived from watching derbies unless you are several goals to the good.  I miss the derby when we don't get to play them, but then when it comes around I dread it.



  13. A lot of people on here are deluding themselves.

    Dyer is not a striker.

    ameobi only has the tag of being a striker but is worthless. If he was put up for sale I doubt if any team other than those operating on a shoestring would be interested and, even then, they may as well flush their money.

    sibierski is a joke at the level we want to compete.

    Let's hope martins and Owen can stay relatively injury free because any extended apperances by the other three " strikers " means another tough season for us.



    "Exactamundo" as Teh Fonz might have said.

  14. SUNDAY


    Charlton v Newcastle (1330 GMT)


    Newcastle don't travel particularly well, and they played in Europe on Thursday evening, with all the problems that brings.


    Of all the teams in the bottom three, I think Charlton probably have a small chance of getting out. This is a game they would have identified as one they can win.


    Prediction: 2-0


    2-0??? jesus.


    Some young lad by the old Malborough bus station has a LOT to answer for, for him to be so against us.

  15. The perfect situation this time tomorrow will be to see this...


    Newcastle v PSG to play winner of Osasuna v Bayer Leverkusen

    Spurs v Shakhtar Donetsk to play winner of Werder Bremen v Espanol




    Jinxy get.

  16. From your other posts I assume you think we should be aiming for top 5, if we sign players like Samuel we wont be building a team capable of that.


    tbh Samuel has never looked any better than baba.


    I think we should be aiming for top 7 in the first instance, although we'll need several new players for that.


    Babayaro is a disgrace, he's never looked like a premiership player for two consecutive games.

  17. He has the ability to but I agree due to his fitness problems he isnt likely to do it, although 19 isn't far off :)


    last time he got 19 was 4 years ago, mind.


    He'll never be fit long enough, now, i don't reckon. He's a great player, but not a regular one.

  18. I think his end product used to be poor but I would be interested to see his stats over the last 40 or so games he has played.


    League only, but thats the most comparable to other players, i guess:


    06/07 - 14 appearances; 4 goals; 8 shots; 2 assist; 7 crosses; 10 offside

    05/06 - 11 appearances; 0 goals; 2 shots; 1 assist; 3 crosses; 9 offside

    04/05 - 23 appearances; 4 goals; 14 shots; 0 assist; 9 crosses; 2 offside.


    Overall - 48 apps; 8 goals; 24 shots; 3 assists; 19 crosses; 21 offside.

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