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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey

  1. The only reason Owen isn't a 20 goal a season striker is because of injuries, his stats suggest he would be hitting that mark if he could stay fit. 


    He's NEVER been a 20 goal striker. His scoring record is by and large excellent, but never 20 league goals.


    He's only ever played more than 30 league games in a season twice, and his scoring when he HAS played is at a very good ratio, but there's nothing to suggest he'll ever get 20 goals now.

  2. In relation to the team as we are now, CM or ACM.


    In relation to NUFC if we were aiming to be genuine contenders for the 5th spot, then looking to push on, then he would have no place.


    He's fit for purpose at the moment, but he's not a 'great' player - just a decent player in a poor team.


    I disagree, thinking of the potential 5th place side I think Dyer would find a place in them and would probably find a place in the Liverpool side even if its on the left. Considering Fletcher gets a few games for ManU im sure Dyer would get a few more for them aswell.


    Well, we'll have to agree to disagree, then, because i don't think Dyer is good enough. His end product by and large is poor.

  3. Martins may turn into a 20 league goals a season man. Owen certainly is not, and never has been afaik.


    Martins and Owen are a good start. Ameobi is not a Premiership striekr, and Dyer is not a striker at all. So i'd say as a GROUP of strikers, what we have is very fucking shabby indeed.

  4. Taylor and Carr doubtful, and Moore back in the squad according to nufc.com:


    "Injury doubts over Carr and Taylor saw them train away from the main group - where we presume Huntington was.


    Fit-again Craig Moore took part in training - his first public sighting since the 1-1 draw at Arsenal last November."


    You raise our hopes with news of Fatty Carr's doubtful status, then cruelly dash them again with news of Moore. :(

  5. I have forseen the future, people.........


    Prepare yourselves for a barrel load of toon goals, from none other than Damien Duffster...


    The irishman will firstly burn the legs of AZ with his ferocious pace...

    His tricks and turns will dazzle his on-field foes....

    Their defenders will think they're living a nightmare, a nightmare so real, it'll scare the living shit out of them.....their piss bags will explode, their legs will feel 200 years old...


    Duff has warned the photographers directly behind the goal to say their prayers because his goals will burst the net and most likely take their heads off......

    You've seen nothing yet.........this is Damiens night to ignite.......and not even a tornado of tackles can stop him


    AZ.............PREPARE FOR AN IRISH INVASION!!!!!!


    :angry5: :angry5: :angry5: :angry5: :angry5: :angry5: :angry5: :angry5:



    Funniest post ever.

  6. He's worth what we paid for him, i reckon.


    If he develops as he should, being a young player still, his financial value will be immaterial, as we'd be stupid to cash in.


    If he does not develop, and his inconsistency or issues take a hold, we'd probably end up selling him for half that.  And lets face it, we've not got a brilliant management team for developing top players, so its to be hope that his - undoubted - natural ability is enough to see him develop well.

  7. In relation to the team as we are now, CM or ACM.


    In relation to NUFC if we were aiming to be genuine contenders for the 5th spot, then looking to push on, then he would have no place.


    He's fit for purpose at the moment, but he's not a 'great' player - just a decent player in a poor team.

  8. No good if it's Damien "Get Past No-one" Duff.


    A proper left backk will help our attack jon.

    this is because it will free the left winga to bomb the leftflank.


    Having a s**** left back behind him doesn't excuse Duff from not doing his job properly.


    but having one certainly would ease his job considerably


    Not really. If Duff is incapable of taking the ball past his opponent, how is someone good behind him goign to help?


    I can see it would improve the service to him, but its not going to make him a good enough winger.

  9. Does anybody know a bar in Helsinki which will show this game???


    I know the usual suspects - ChelseaPub, Britannia, Majakka...


    What foreign channels will it be broadcast on? i couldnt find anything on satfootball


    Any help, greatly appreciated!!!



    Polsat Sport

    TPS Foot


    Never heard of them, personally.

  10. A proper left backk will help our attack jon.

    this is because it will free the left winga to bomb the leftflank.


    No good if it's Damien "Get Past No-one" Duff.


    Having a shite left back behind him doesn't excuse Duff from not doing his job properly.

  11.                 Given



    Solano Taylor Bramble Huntington



    Milner Parker Butt Zog






    Not going to get loads of goals, but we only need one, i think.


    I think we'll score, and go through. Even though we've bene shite away, and only a handful of those players are genuine quality, we'll still have enough to get past these lot.

  12. Like i've said, he's good enough for where we are now, but it is foolish to pretend that he's good enough if we want to be a top 6 side.

    yet he was there when we were a top 6 side



    go figure.


    Your point being? It was despite him, not because of him.


    He's not good enough to be in a team that achieves and maintains that level.


    3 seasons in a row ain't bad.


    Liek i say, not his doing. He ain't good enough.

  13. Bramble is a good example of our passing problem. He made ONE good long pass once, and fromthat point thought he coudl do it every time, meaning we lost the ball time and time again, putting more pressure on himself and his team mates. His short passing is usually good, and if he is a good phase of the season, he can start soem decent counter attacks.


    We are a far better team when we concentrate on intelligent passing rather than trying to pick players out from miles away. Especially when we had Ameobi up front, who is clearly coated in teflon.


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