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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey

  1. Roeder won't be a success here. Mainly because he is not a very good manager at all.


    He'll try to play shite like Carr, Ameobi, etc, rather than replace them. His transfer policy is random, and tactically, he's starting to make Souness look like he had a clue, which is a worry.

  2. Roeder is probably enoguh of a fucking 'tard to play the little fatty, as well.


    As for missing Emre? depends. If the Emre who plays football turns up, he'll be useful. If the Emre we've seen against big clubs (especially away) turns up, he might as well piss of early to his Klan meeting.


    Overall, he's been a let down, and wouldn't be a miss, should he be found guilty of being racist scum.

  3. No woman would be raped by Luque, theres usually queues waiting to bed him. He is the best footy player in the world, after all.


    Do you think your constant remarks about Luque are actually funny, by the way?


    I guess it's  about time we tell him..



    Ooh, is it time to face facts? That'll be the day for the Luque fanboys. :lol:

  4. I wish people would just shut up about it. I thought there was actually a trophy anyway? OK, it's nice to get given an accolade - but it just ain't a trophy, i wish there was no such thing. It isn't silverware.

    Its probably not made of silver ;) but its an ackowledgment that NUFC had won something...


    Not really. The 1st Division title in our promotion season means more than that.

  5. well he is only taking temporary charge of Bayern until the summer.     If we have a bad end to the season, then surley Glenn will go.  So maybe 2nd time lucky with Hitzfeld ??


    Someone should do something. I dunno. a campaign or something.


    Once he realises 5 or 6 toon fans from around the world think he will come here, he's BOUND to want to manage us.


    If the campaigners can make up some shit about hom much he reaspects NUFC or the fans, and how much he wants to manage in the Premiership (preferably at an average-sized club with pnly 3 or 4 top class players), that'd be good too. Cheers.

  6. They're not representing England, but they are representing the Premiership.


    No, they aren't. They are representing themselves. What league they play in makes f*** all difference. By the same token, would you support Germany in the World Cup if they played Uraguay? Because they are "representing UEFA"?

    HOW THE FUCK are they not representing the Premiership, so Man Utd win tonight Serie A get the 2 points in the co-efficient system do they?  Have a fuckin word.


    Thats not what they are there for. They are there to advance THEMSELVES, THEIR CLUB, in Europe. Thats all they care about. And thats all they are there to do. You show me where its shown they are there on behalf of you, me, or anyone else outside of their club and fanbase.

  7. Yet he is one of ou best defenders and when on form he is by far our best centre back.


    He is one of our best defenders because we only have ONE good one, Taylor, and the rest are like him - shite.


    On form, he is passable, but not our best. And he is only on form against shite, and even thenm its touch and go at times. He NOWHERE NEAR offers us value for money, and should be peddled asap. IMO.

  8. They're not representing England, but they are representing the Premiership.


    No, they aren't. They are representing themselves. What league they play in makes fuck all difference. By the same token, would you support Germany in the World Cup if they played Uraguay? Because they are "representing UEFA"?

  9. As has Taylor. But he's not s****, like our other two.


    Lets face it. Playing dross like Shambles, Carr, Babayaro and Moore is only going to draw attention to our inherent stupidity.


    League Record only:


    [pre]   mins GA goals per game

    Onyewu 2 360   4 1

    Bramble 2 1244 15 1.085209003

    Moore   2 1123 14 1.121994657

    Babayaro   2 945 12 1.142857143

    Carr    2 1335 19 1.280898876

    Taylor 2 1755 25 1.282051282

    Ramage 2 1595 24 1.354231975

    *Solano 3 1354 22 1.462333826

    Edgar   2 241   4 1.493775934

    Huntington 2 901 16 1.598224195[/pre]


    *Solano wasn't playing as a defender for a lot of the games included in this


    No shock in seeing these stats for me, but I guess I'm just drawing attention my inherent stupidity there.

    As has Taylor. But he's not s****, like our other two.


    Lets face it. Playing dross like Shambles, Carr, Babayaro and Moore is only going to draw attention to our inherent stupidity.


    League Record only:


    [pre]   mins GA goals per game

    Onyewu 2 360   4 1

    Bramble 2 1244 15 1.085209003

    Moore   2 1123 14 1.121994657

    Babayaro   2 945 12 1.142857143

    Carr    2 1335 19 1.280898876

    Taylor 2 1755 25 1.282051282

    Ramage 2 1595 24 1.354231975

    *Solano 3 1354 22 1.462333826

    Edgar   2 241   4 1.493775934

    Huntington 2 901 16 1.598224195[/pre]


    *Solano wasn't playing as a defender for a lot of the games included in this


    No shock in seeing these stats for me, but I guess I'm just drawing attention my inherent stupidity there.


    Shambles has played in 14 games this season. and we have had 3 clean sheets. Thats about the average clean sheet ratio he manages every season.


    He's a liability. He's the fucker who costs us many of those clean sheets, what with him being rubbish.



  10. Got to admit, and I have said it befire, I would even support Sunderland in Europe until they played any other English or Scottish club. When English teams play in Europe they are essentially representing England, thus I support them.


    No, they aren't. They are representing their own club, no-one else.

  11. Dunno, never listed to it (mainly cos of "Super"Mac.


    Gates is a cracking after dinner speaker, though. One of the best on the local circuit, and one of the better ones nationally.

  12. Its against what many people believe in (supporting YOUR club, etc), though, to "suppport" another club. Especially when its clubs like Liverpool, Spurs etc.


    I'd rather WE had 11+ players and a managercapable of getting us to a European place, rather than rely on other clubs to progress and extend the entrance into European competition towards our level of mediocrity.

  13. If for whatever reason Roeder isnt here next season, and this guy wants to play champions league footy then Newcastle are a good club for him because he wont get a top 4 club as they arnt losing their managers although Chelsea may lose theirs i expect they will get someone else. Also Spurs and Bolton arnt losing their managers, so why not here, baring in mind Roeder is gone.




    Erm, how about because NUFC are 7 or more players away from being good enough to get anywhere near a CL spot?


    Sevilla ain't that good either when he first time came... it's depend on NUFC management to give him challenge in one of the best league in this world... but i am a bit pessimistic with daft NUFC management could do that.. ;P nahh..... NUFC for take over campaign first tbh. Ahhh... maybe Ramos  is just a day dreaming ;P


    Dreaming is good, but the point remaisn that if he wants CL football, he'd best steer clear of NUFC.

  14. Would make a quality squad member I feel.


    Yup, which ain't what we're after that. We got that when we got Gooch, who we'll no doubt sign on a permanent, presuming his performances continue at an average-to-decent level.


    We want a partner for Taylor. Bramble out, someone in. Ben Haim on a free is my preferred player anyway, although doubtful. Why go spending £5m on Anton Ferdinand or £7m on Curtis Davies, when we can have someone a lot more experienced and a lot more proven for nowt? Same goes for Distin aswell.


    Taylor --- Ben Haim


    Onyewu --- Ramage


    Would do me for next season tbh. Huntington and Edgar there aswell don't forget. Each of whom are far more worth keeping than Bramble, imo.

    Bramble is million times better than Ramage...


    At being a fat liability, yes.


    He's just as good as Ramage at meing a general liabilty.


    Ramage is better at looking like, but it being, a Scottish liability.


    They both havr their strengths, see? But they are both Championship.

    Ramage's mistakes are far worse than Bramble's...Brambles has actually played great in some occasions...Ramage is NOT a defender, hell no he isn't even a footballer to begin with...


    Brambel has almost entirely played well against utter s**** (ref our recent UEFA outings) and CRAP against real teams.


    And if you don't think Ramage has one at least that, then you haven't been watching.


    NEITHER of them are good enough. I really don't understand why newcastle fans insist on doing the "i hate X so Y must be good enough". Its a load of s****. They are both poor, and neither should be played if we can help it.

    real teams...like juve and inter?



    there are many on this board who waste no time in having a go at bramble,but even they would step back from placing ramage in front of him...the old norhtern monkey "hate glasses" again.


    Wondered how long you'd take.


    Bramble has never played WELL against the teams you mentioned, but well done for remembering teams we've played against.


    You think Bramble is good enough for:

    a) NUFC or

    b) The Premiership?


    Well, if you do, you are wrong, but no doubt you have a really good excuse for why he has been an absolute f****** disgrace for years.


    As for Ramage, he's no better overall, but has fewer problems against bigger clubs (and there are many of them). But NEITHER should be playing for us. My main conclusion is that i'd rather play Ramage in the Prem, as Bramble has let himself down more on a pro-rata basis than our wrong-faced Peter boy. But given a real choice, i'd play neither. They're boith f****** well below us, even the pathetic Roeder mid-table us.


    Man Utd-last season,back pass to Rooney who lead to a goal

    Liverpool-last season-At fault for the 1st two goals

    Chelsea-last season,FA cup-at fault for John Terry's goal


    This season-

    Bolton-own goal


    Ramage is utter shit,his last performances for the club were absolutely shocking and people are still not over him like they are on Titus because he is local and came through our academy


    Titus is liability too,im not denying that but i think he is better than Ramage and its better for the club to get rid of Ramage rather than Titus imo


    I said it before.When they are playing poor they are both shit

    When they are playing well Ramage is  still worse than Titus


    You can tell if someone is good in the real games against the big teams

    Like madras said Titus has played against the big team under sir Bobby and he played well as far as i remember

    He has shown that he can play well and has abbility which he can still develop

    Im not saying that Titus has to be 1st choice,only backup of course but i prefer Titus rather than Peter Damage


    Bramble will not be developing. The major, serious flaws that are inhis game, adn his lack of actual ability, will see to that. Shambles shoudl never be a first team starter, and is paid too much to be a sub, really.


    Oh, and in the past 3 years he's been SHOCKING against big clubs.

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