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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey

  1. If for whatever reason Roeder isnt here next season, and this guy wants to play champions league footy then Newcastle are a good club for him because he wont get a top 4 club as they arnt losing their managers although Chelsea may lose theirs i expect they will get someone else. Also Spurs and Bolton arnt losing their managers, so why not here, baring in mind Roeder is gone.


    Erm, how about because NUFC are 7 or more players away from being good enough to get anywhere near a CL spot?

  2. Both very good players and under Roeder both became failures. Roeder has a thing for screwing up foreign talent. Next season im looking forward eagerly and I hope Roeder gets the sack soon so our next manager can finally buy some frickn defenders and give Luque a chance maybe.


    Well, you're half right. We need defenders.

  3. His performances and goals tally under Roeder say otherwise.


    05/06 - 30 appearances, 8 goals, 2 assists, 25 offsides, 80 fouls.

    06/07 - 9 appearances, 3 goals, 1 assist, 16 fouls.


    And his performances were poor. He can't trap a ball, and for a big lad, he's shit in the air. And on the ground.

  4. 'kin loads.


    Because by your definition, wanks like Ameobi, Dyer, Shambles, Emre etc, must be right up there on your hit list, to differing degrees.


    This coming from someone who rates Ramage! :lol:



    I rate him as what he is. A credible enoguh stopgap when required, and better than Bramble and Moore in central defence, or Babayaro at left back. Doesn't make my point change.

  5. The Zog has genuine potential to be world class, i think. Not like Shambles, and Dire, and Shola, who will never be great players, i think this fella could go on to great things. But he needs to be playing with better players than those above, and others around him at NUFC, and for a better manager, or else he will become just as much of a waste of time as any of the above.

  6. I thought Zog looked good.


    What let us down was centre midfield again. Parker was in his usual pedestrian pace.




    So you thought Zog was better than Parker??


    Whilst i dont always agree with my fellow Gallowgate ender NSG, today i agree that Parker was fecking tripe. As per.



    Blimey! Agreed.


    I think Parker is probably the biggest single problem in the team. He's absolutely gash, whenever he plays there is just no creativity at all. It's been obvious for ages he can't combine well with Emre, a creative player. People are now also seeing he can't combine well with Butt, a defensive player. Who the hell can Parker combine well with? People are now suggesting Dyer. What I can't get my head around is why on earth are people intent on suggesting option after option to combine with Parker? Just get shot of the usesless t***.


    would you agree that parker started very, very well at SJP but has fallen away from the standard he set himself?

    remember his first season when he was played in a PURELY defensive midfield role and he was immense - a large, large part of keeping us up that season and pushing us up to 7th....he played like hargreaves when he's at his best...kept it simple, sat deep, chopped people up, ran himself into the ground (everton game!!), won tackles, moved the ball to someone else and didn't worry about getting forward or being creative


    now something has changed - be it from his side or the coaching side telling him to do something different, but it's changed


    suppose the argument is can we get him back to doing what i consider him to be good at?  or more to the point, do we want to?


    No. I wouldn't agree. What he was doing was putting in 100% graft, throwing himself around and spilling blood for the cause. All very commendable stuff but it doesn't make him a good enough footballer. His reading of the game, anticipation and distribution of the ball are all poor and these are his major failings.


    He had one good season at Charlton and that's it as far as I'm concerned. However, as I don't watch Charlton a lot and certainly go to their matches so it's entirely possible that for that one season I was taken in by the media hype that ended with Chelsea spending millions on him before shifting him on to us.


    I don't agree about hsi reading of the game, i think thats nottoo bad, but the rest is spot on.


    He TRIES, but he isn't up to the standard people expect of him because of a couple of good seasons at Charlton.


    Its endemic with our fans, though....


    Parker is a great player, just not being played right, because of peoples memories and his twistign and turning.

    Babayro can do a job for us, because we have no-one else.

    Bramble has potential and can become a great player, because he's strong.

    Emre is a brilliant midfielder, because he plays alongside dross.

    Dyer can play a big part on the wing/up front, because he's fast.

    Ameobi is a premiership striker, because he is tall.

    Luque is world class because he looked good in a few games on telly in Spain.


    All the kinds of things that get spouted, and all ignoring fundamental, fatal flaws in the players themselves.

  7. He's fucking rubbish. Anyone who thinks he is good enough to start for us is mental, and likewise, coming off the bench, there are very few times he will "change the game".


    He simply isn't good enough.

  8. Viduka would have been a great signing, but NOT at the expense of Milner going.

    Viduka is great at holding up the ball and laying it off - would have benefitted the likes of Martins and Owen(once fit).

    He also gets a decent number of goals, some of which are skilfully-taken.

    As for those calling him a 'Fat Aussie', let me remind you that the UK OFFICIALLY has the largest waistlines in Europe...methinks the pot is calling the kettle here !


    He would have been a very short-term, low value for money signing.


    And he is a Fat Aussie. Thats a fact, not a slur on his nation, or fat people in general. Mind, they ARE all convicts or screws......

  9. We have a big stadium, and a relatively big income. But in footballing terms, we're far from a big club.

    if you're talking about table position and winning etc. then i totally agree.    but in terms of fan appeal and name recognition around the world, i think we do pretty well.


    Like i said, big stadium, relatively big fanbase, but not a big club. It takes more than being in a one-team football mad city, and playing exciting stuff 10 years ago, to make a big club.

  10. What I saw in preston is their lack of discipline when they have to defend and their tendency to turn everything into an attack for them. Quite like the Keegan entertaining tactics.


    Also the need-10-chances-to-score-1-goal thing. Its like watching Andy Cole again.


    Umm, did you actually watch Newcastle in the last few months of the promotion season and the first season in the Prem? Cole was ruthless in front of goal.


    Yeah, he was always like that, wasn't he.


    Thats the kind of focussing in that makes some fans claim Bramble has real potential, dyer is world class, and Luque was ever a footballer.

  11. He's fucking shite.  It's about time people just accepted it.


    but but but but but but....


    ....but the Internet Showreel!!!!! He looks ace in that. Good enough for some no-mark from New Zealand or somewhere to lie about watching La Liga since they were a foetus, just to pretend he was amazing.




    Who exactly are these 'fanboys' who base their support of Luque entirely on a compilation clip? Which actually, although much maligned, is a good reflection of what Luque produced in Spain. Or do you think the club formed their £9m opinion of him on the 'Internet Showreel!!!!!' too?


    Well, we based an opinion of our loanee defender on "having him watched a couple of times" and him looking like a good fella. The showreel proves fuck all. You could even make Shola look Premiership quality if you tried.


    Luque was a desperation move, nothing more.


    As for the fanboys - look at the Luque post. Suddenly, there are fucking loads of La Liga stalwarts. Incredible, that.


    I agree he was a desperate signing, but are you denying he was ever a good player in Spain now?


    I'm denying he was some kind of brillaint player, from what relatively little i saw of him.


    I CAN state with absolute confidence that he has been completely and utterly shite for us. Which is what counts.

  12. I didn't read most of that uber post sorry, I've been up 48 hrs.


    suffice to say, do you think Barclays were in the habit of putting the interests of their customers first? Or were they in the habit of sweating a perfect monopoly position? In pursuant of their record profits for their shareholders?


    He was our banker and the Barclays man with 'football knowledge'. This move is bent as a 9 bob note


    Get some sleep then.  :sleepy2:


    Dodgy or not, I don't know, and if it was then dodgy in the favour of whom, I don't know. Things like this happen all the time though and it usually benefits the company taking the person. Like I say, he may have been brought in to generate additional funding through debt, which I wouldn't support given our current position, or alternatively he may have been brought in to restructure our debt in a way that is beneficial to the club, which I would support, or maybe it's neither, which I wouldn't understand.


    Or the person who chairs that company.

  13. He's fucking shite.  It's about time people just accepted it.


    but but but but but but....


    ....but the Internet Showreel!!!!! He looks ace in that. Good enough for some no-mark from New Zealand or somewhere to lie about watching La Liga since they were a foetus, just to pretend he was amazing.




    Who exactly are these 'fanboys' who base their support of Luque entirely on a compilation clip? Which actually, although much maligned, is a good reflection of what Luque produced in Spain. Or do you think the club formed their £9m opinion of him on the 'Internet Showreel!!!!!' too?


    Well, we based an opinion of our loanee defender on "having him watched a couple of times" and him looking like a good fella. The showreel proves fuck all. You could even make Shola look Premiership quality if you tried.


    Luque was a desperation move, nothing more.


    As for the fanboys - look at the Luque post. Suddenly, there are fucking loads of La Liga stalwarts. Incredible, that.

  14. I didn't read most of that uber post sorry, I've been up 48 hrs.


    suffice to say, do you think Barclays were in the habit of putting the interests of their customers first? Or were they in the habit of sweating a perfect monopoly position? In pursuant of their record profits for their shareholders?


    He was our banker and the Barclays man with 'football knowledge'. This move is bent as a 9 bob note


    Bent? Surely not!!! Not at NUFC.

  15. people will only get behind a decent manager.  roeder is not decent by any definition of the word.


    Were you saying that about bobby in his first 2 seasons?

    A couple of points that would counter your argument:


    - We're 11th in the league, six points of 6th, in no danger of relegation, and for the most part of this season we've had between 10 and 16 first team players injured.

    - His signings have been good. Martins = Class, Duff = Underperforming but still good, Sibi = Decent back up, Gooch = First few games have been very good considering he's come into a far superior league. Bernard = Fair enough.

    - You could also argue that our squad would never have been good enough to get near the UEFA places anyway, and it's our expectations that are marginally too high.




    Are you serious?  You think those points counter the argument that Roeder isn't good enough?


    We're 11th?  Well that's brilliant.


    His signings have been good?  Martins looks decent, Duff has been s**** but I'm hopeful he will come good, Sibierski he got unbelievably lucky with (considering he hadn't even thought about signing him til gone teatime on deadline day) and Bernard has been a f****** joke.  We'll see about Gooch.  The transfer windows under Roeder to date have been total abortions.


    We aren't good enough for UEFA spots?  Expectations successfully lowered there then.




    You've fucked your quotes up but I think you've asked if I was saying that about Robson in his first two seasons.  To which I would respond:  Are you seriously trying to compare Glenn Roeder with Bobby Robson?


    Robson could have stayed in the job till he was forgetting who he was, and calling sodding RAMAGE 'Carl Cort', and he'd still talk more sense than Roeder.

  16. Well done, Fred.


    Agreed. Hopefully it'll mean he'll have less influence over the club.


    Aye, cos that always happens when the chairman hand-picks his Chief Exec.


    True. Doubt it'll make any difference, given who appointed him, but I did say "hopefully".


    Aye, mate, i know. It's be nice to imagine.


    Fat Lad is many things, but (business) daft he is not. He'd not appoint a Chief Exec who would actually challenge or disobey him. I don't think thats the executive culture at SJP!

  17. He's fucking shite.  It's about time people just accepted it.


    but but but but but but....


    ....but the Internet Showreel!!!!! He looks ace in that. Good enough for some no-mark from New Zealand or somewhere to lie about watching La Liga since they were a foetus, just to pretend he was amazing.

  18. Thing about Crumpy and NM is that, well, they're WUMS without being irritating. I.E. it's all a show, blatently. Douga, on the other hand...


    All a show? Yeah, thats right. I LOVE players not worth fuck all in the EPL pulling the shirt on for us. Thats what makes us the best club in the world. That and the fact that Kieron World Class Dyer plays for us. :) :) :)


    You can't seriously hate Dyer to the level you do. It doesn't make sense, unless he's done something we don't know about.


    As a player, he is very average, and not good enough for us if we want to be a good team again (although good enough for us now/in the future under Roeder, granted).


    As a person, he's a little weasel. But thats not exactly news, is it.


    Combined, you get someone i couldn't have less time for, even if his agent leaks imaginary illnesses to try to garner public support for him. I just wish that shite about Chelsea/Man Utd/Barca/The Harlem Globetrotters bidding £40555m for him years ago had been true. It's have been funny to watch him fail at a big club.

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