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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey

  1. Like i've said, he's good enough for where we are now, but it is foolish to pretend that he's good enough if we want to be a top 6 side.

    yet he was there when we were a top 6 side



    go figure.


    Your point being? It was despite him, not because of him.


    He's not good enough to be in a team that achieves and maintains that level.

    you're a WUM,getting some good bites on this mind aren't you.


    I'm a WUM? No, i just don't think we should be wanking oursleves off over players who aren't good enough to be in a team at the level i want NUFC to be at.


    Its accepting that kind of shite that allows dross lilke Ameobi and Carr to step back into our team when they're fit, and drags us down.

  2. Spoke to Alan Oliver last night at half time and he said Glenn's main target for striker is Ryan Babel.


    Take that with the neccessary pinch of salt.


    Fairly well know, isn't it? We were close to getting him in January, but face stiff competition from the likes of Arsenal for him in the summer. We were linked with him an awful lot on January, in particular.


    How do we know we were close to getting him? We can't accept the drivel Roeder comes out with.


    One big fear is that Roeder will think that Shola/Owens/Martins/Sib is good enough.

  3. Like i've said, he's good enough for where we are now, but it is foolish to pretend that he's good enough if we want to be a top 6 side.

    yet he was there when we were a top 6 side



    go figure.


    Your point being? It was despite him, not because of him.


    He's not good enough to be in a team that achieves and maintains that level.

  4. Like i've said, he's good enough for where we are now, but it is foolish to pretend that he's good enough if we want to be a top 6 side.


    He is better then Ramage as a back up for sure


    Is he? For half a season, he's an absolute liability. Absolute shite. ramage is just consistently not-very-good. And cheaper than Bramble.


  5. Laurent Robert always used to cry about the same problem too, not seeing enough of the ball. Having right-footed centre midfielders means they carry the ball on their right side, and so are usually playing with their heads up to the right wing, back to the left wing.


    That's why emre finds it easier to get duff more involved in the game, for a right footer to play it left you need more time, space on the ball.


    Don't know why Martins doesn't play it to duff though. If i had to guess i'd say it's because whenever he gets the ball the karate kid theme tune blazes loudly in his mind ("you're the best, around!!) an he goes on a mad one



    I think its crap to blame the right footed midfielders. Robert just used to like to moan.


    Duff has been poor because he's played badly. Don't see how that can be anyone elses fault.

  6. Has anybody considered Hitzfeld for the toon?  I hear he's rather good :icon_biggrin:


    Past it, tbh.


    Him or us?   :D


    We've never actually been "it" to be past it.

  7. From .com


    AZ European Record 2006/07:


    Kayserispor (h) won 3-2

    Kayserispor (a) drew 1-1

    Braga (h) won 3-2

    Grasshoppers (a) won 5-2

    Liberec (h) drew 2-2

    Sevilla (a) won 2-1

    Fenerbahce (a) drew 3-3

    Fenerbahce (h) drew 2-2

    Newcastle (a) lost 2-4


    Their defence is much shitter than I realised, even at home.


    Their defending was a great source of amusement to me last night. To think the stick our lads get, this lot looked like they had midfielders playing in defence and a striker in goal.


    That's Roeders Plan B........

  8. Liverpool proved that against Barcelona for thwe first 150 minutes of the tie. In their faces, closing down 100 mile an hour play and Barca, who are the best team in Europe, were made to look very ordinary indeed. When Liverpool won the champions league they were getting hammered, threw caution to the wind, attacked and won the game. The year Man Utd won the treble they only played one way and that was a high temp attacking game.


    Any British club that plays in Europe with a high tempo will not be far away from winning. It's when we try to play the slow technical way of the foreigners we come unstuck!


    Yea, Liverpool should send out Agger, Garcia, Kuyt, Alonso, Sissoko, Hyypia etc. etc. to play against them foreigners.


    And Manyoo should send out Park, Ronaldo, Vidic, Saha etc. to play against them foreigners.


    Boo hiss to the foreigns.



  9. Would laugh if it was Bayern, Manyoo, Liverpool and Chelsea   in the semis, and Hitzfeld goes and stuffs shit down Freddy's throat by beating two top Premiership clubs on the way to Champions League glory.


    yeah, because he was DESPERATE to come here, and Fat Fred wouldn't let him.

  10. I thought he had half a very good game last night. And made some very avoidable errors as well.


    But hey, lets overlook the way he actually plays, and pretend he plays a blinder evert game, and is good enough.


    Such as?


    Such as losing his man a few times.


    You think he had a flawless game?

  11. Given: 7 - Saved a penalty!


    Solano: 7 - Did pretty well

    Taylor: 5 - Wasn't a penalty, but got himslef lost a few times.

    Bramble: 7 - Best game for a while against decent opposition, but was positionally caught out a couple of times. Did well, though.

    Carr: 4 - get to fuck, you fat waste of space. Roeder, you're a cretin.


    Dyer: 7 - Very well taken goal. Good runs at them with the ball (and sometiems even woth end product!)

    Parker: 6 - Played ok, their midfield seemed to be baffled by ours.

    Butt: 7 - See Parker, only better.

    Duff: 6 - Not shite, well done.


    Martins: 8 (MOM) - Very well played. If he can constintly show this kind of form, we're onto a winner.

    Sibiersky: 6 - Paddy K-style flick, intelligent play. Nice one.

  12. That said, I'm chuffed Ottmar returned and proved the utter morons (you know who you are) wrong that thought because he'd been out of the game for about 3 years, he'd suddenly lost all his talent and skills to manage a top football side.


    Did anybody actually say that?


    I recall some people going "Hitzfeld, to US??? <snigger>".....but not because he wasn't good enough for us.

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