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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey

  1. Well done Albert, seize that opportunity!!!!

    Definetely an opportunity missed. If only he had taken being played in the reserves on the chin, scored two spectacular goals and won us the game - Roeder would have been bound to give him chance then!


    Would he f***, thank god. But at least he would have given his fanboys ONE piece of evidence that he wasn't a complete and utter shithouse.

    I believe it was irony on part of the Liverpool game.




    I was referring to the reserve game against Liverpool, when Luque did score two goals.

    As i said NM ;)


    Sorry, couldn't decipher it.


    I KNOW there's no opportunity, but i stand by the fact that Roeder could be stupid enough.


    I'd forgot about the Red Shite reserves game. Is it on the internet yet, replayed from 17 different angles? A whole new generation of desperate fanboys can be born!

  2. Steven Taylor is NOT a full back.  He can fill in adequately at right back (if you have a team of players who can perform adequately in their position, you settle for mid-table, which seems to be where we're heading), and he's pretty poor at left back.  I would also dispute whether Stephen Carr can play at right back.


    I think he's a very solid right back, obviously not a left back.


    In my opinion, Duff's best game for us was in Europe when he played LB. Maybe thats the way forward.


    He's a 'just scrapes by' RB. But if you think that Carr is any kind of footballer at all, i can understand you thinking Taylor is "very solid".


    Duff's best game wasn't at LB, but it was one of his 'least bad'. Which just means that we have another player who we can play out of position and will make marginally fewer fuck-ups than that cretin Babayaro.

  3. Class act

    Didnt see him lose the ball too much against The mighty shit gooch and shambles

    Would have taken him anyday

    But the fans would rather have a player like Martins who can run quik, have a shite first touch and are hit and miss.

    That is why we are mid table shit


    Aren't Boro "mid table shit" too though, with a lot less injuries? And you'd seriously rather have Viduka than Martins? And Gooch is already "mighty shit"?





  4. Thing about Crumpy and NM is that, well, they're WUMS without being irritating. I.E. it's all a show, blatently. Douga, on the other hand...


    All a show? Yeah, thats right. I LOVE players not worth fuck all in the EPL pulling the shirt on for us. Thats what makes us the best club in the world. That and the fact that Kieron World Class Dyer plays for us. :) :) :)

  5. Would love Viduka here on a free in the summer.


    Owen, Martins, Viduka, Dyer, Ameobi, Sibierski


    Looks good to me.


    One good striker, one hopfully good striker, one fat aussie, one average central midfielder who is no striker, one perfect Championship striker, and a journeyman who has been found out.


    Brillaint that. As long as Owens and MArtins can play together. And stay fit. Or we're fucked.

  6. What I saw in preston is their lack of discipline when they have to defend and their tendency to turn everything into an attack for them. Quite like the Keegan entertaining tactics.


    Also the need-10-chances-to-score-1-goal thing. Its like watching Andy Cole again.

  7. Well done Albert, seize that opportunity!!!!


    Definetely an opportunity missed. If only he had taken being played in the reserves on the chin, scored two spectacular goals and won us the game - Roeder would have been bound to give him chance then!


    Would he fuck, thank god.


    Oh, so there was no opportunity to seize afterall.


    I'd like to say you are right, but i genuinely think that Roeders stupidity knows no bounds.

  8. Well done Albert, seize that opportunity!!!!

    Definetely an opportunity missed. If only he had taken being played in the reserves on the chin, scored two spectacular goals and won us the game - Roeder would have been bound to give him chance then!


    Would he f***, thank god. But at least he would have given his fanboys ONE piece of evidence that he wasn't a complete and utter shithouse.

    I believe it was irony on part of the Liverpool game.



  9. I don't get it. Luque hasn't tried. He shoudl be dragged through Newcastle behind a bin wagon.


    Duff has been f****** gash, but still better than Luque.




    Because both have been shite, but at least Duff has tried. Thats better, in my book, that Luque, who has not. End product is pretty similar, but if you're guaranteed failure, it might as well be active/mobile failure. I think thats why some people rate Dyer.


    But back to the point, Roeder just opens his mouth and any old rubbish falls out. At least Souness had the balls to look smug about it, the twat.

  10. Well done Albert, seize that opportunity!!!!


    Definetely an opportunity missed. If only he had taken being played in the reserves on the chin, scored two spectacular goals and won us the game - Roeder would have been bound to give him chance then!


    Would he fuck, thank god. But at least he would have given his fanboys ONE piece of evidence that he wasn't a complete and utter shithouse.

  11. my opinion is in part due to our "big club" mentality.   it's all well and good to think/believe we are (and for the record, i think we are), but on the pitch smaller clubs do a number on us with alarming consistency.  we rise to the occasion when we play one of our "peer" teams, Man utd, l'pool etc. which shows we can play with the big boys, but we always seem to play down to the level of teams that on paper are our inferior.  we need to either: lose the big club mentality and adopt a small club's never say die, 100% at all times attitude for every opponent, OR, play every game with the clinical, ruthless, cold-hearted efficiency of a true big club.

    I like this post a lot.  Supporters (at least on here) seem to think that just because its NUFC and a few years back we were a top side, we still are one, or should be preforming like one.  After robson's exit, and souness' mess, it will take some time to get back to where the club should be and people really need to be more patient.


    The one slight flaw with that is unfortunately we can't snap our fingers and develop/lose big club mentalities/100% attitudes. We need a GOOD manager to help us as fans and the players to do that.


    Well, we're only a good manager and 6 or 7 good players away from that, then.

  12. Kieron Dyer


    AGREED !!!


    How can a player that no-one rates be overrated ?


    Loads of people rate him.


    There are even people on here who think he is international class!!!!


    He plays for England.


    And? I said international class, not "gets picked by two fucking terrible mamagers".

  13. Given - 6 - Neither here nor there.

    Solano - 5 - Position, Nolberto, position.

    Taylor - 6 - Wasted. Best CB we have, you cretin Roeder.

    Onyewu - 5 - Not too bad, nowt special.

    Bramble - 6 - Lost his way (and man) a couple of times, but not too bad.

    Milner - 6 - Needs to improve his crossing. Should have been left on to aim for Le Sib.

    N'Zogbia - 4  You could see he was having the right ideas, but rusty as fuck.

    Parker - 6 - Not a bad performance in a terrible game.

    Butt - 7 - Played well, keep it up, Ginge.

    Martins - 5 - Fast enough to not need to be offside so much. Needs to think more. Inconsistent.

    Dyer - 5 - Seemed to disappear for long periods. No real impact.


    Sibierski - 5 - He is what he is - a player who was a decent stop gap, but very very limited.


    Roeder - 4 - We didn't lose, bit come on!!! Beasts at home, and that was fucking gash.

  14. Steven Taylor is NOT a full back.  He can fill in adequately at right back (if you have a team of players who can perform adequately in their position, you settle for mid-table, which seems to be where we're heading), and he's pretty poor at left back.  I would also dispute whether Stephen Carr can play at right back.


    Neither Carr (due to being an absolute travesty) nor Taylor (due to being our best CB) should be at right back. Solano can do A job, but not a great one. But people like Hindu will accept mediocrity.....no left backs good enough??? WE DON'T HAVE A LEFT BACK. NOT ONE WHO IS WORTHY OF PULLING EVEN A FUCKING TRAINING TOP ON.


    For fucks sake. People will make up anything to defend the indefensible, same as some cretins did about Souness - simple fact is, Roeder has FAILED to give us the basics - premiership quality players to start a game. Nothingh to do with injuries, thats just failure.

  15. Again though its still all risk, he opted agianst Sol and yeah it turned out he has been great for Pompey but Roeder was not willing to risk it going bad for us if we had signed him, I can't slate him for that.

    I was gutted over our lack of signings as much as eceryone else but Roeder is not the one that seals the deals!


    But he IS the one who says what he wants. He FAILED to get the players we needed, and that is HIS fault.


    Mind, if we had signed Campbell, he'd have been shit, because our manager is shite. He's better of with a decent (albiet bent-to-fuck) manager.

  16. He lives off the fact his brother's one of the worlds best, and always has.


    Not a chance would I take him.


    Partially true. He's top class for entire games sometimes. And a complete liability for sections of others.


    Agree about Anton though. He's not good enough to have the attitude he does to his job. Christ knows, Bramble is NOWHERE NEAR good enough, but there's no point swapping him for a wronger-faced, equally useless player with a marginally less odd christian name.

  17. I don't want to sound apologetic to Luque, but


    One has been poor without trying, the other has been poor despite trying hard (with all due respect to Duff)


    Who has got more potential Mr Roeder?


    I don't get it. Luque hasn't tried. He shoudl be dragged through Newcastle behind a bin wagon.


    Duff has been fucking gash, but still better than Luque.

  18. It has to be Wayne Rooney without a shadow of a doubt. The lad has potential, but has a got a long way to go before he starts fulfilling it. Yes, he oddly flashes his so called "class", but how often, maybe ever dozen games.


    At the best of time he looks very average, but we constantly hear he's the future of English football from the frenzied media. If this is anywhere near the truth Lord help the nation because we won't be winning much for a very long time.



    He's basically a well built lad who compared to other English talent is talented, but compared to foreign talent not so much.


    For all his supposed talent he's awful at beating players from a standing position, if he isn't just barging them out of the way.


    How many over-rated player do you think WE have, by that definition?

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