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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey

  1. I don't see that anyone could have done much better than Roeder. He didn't inherit a great side, he hasn't been given mountains of cash to spend, and we've had a lot of bad luck with injuries. Mid-table is as much as we could expect.


    ....and not talking a load of s****.


    What do you mean?  We're signing Gareth Bale you know!


    Ha ha! And if we did, he'd probably put him in goal.

  2. I only remember Titus Bramble having one chance last season in the Premiership, a volley against Chelsea which he put in the back of the net.


    Best finisher ever tbh.


    Constant use of sarcasm is tedious.


    Not as tedious as the constant use of Bramble, trust me.

  3. people will only get behind a decent manager.  roeder is not decent by any definition of the word.


    A couple of points that would counter your argument:


    - We're 11th in the league, six points of 6th, in no danger of relegation, and for the most part of this season we've had between 10 and 16 first team players injured.

    - His signings have been good. Martins = Class, Duff = Underperforming but still good, Sibi = Decent back up, Gooch = First few games have been very good considering he's come into a far superior league. Bernard = Fair enough.

    - You could also argue that our squad would never have been good enough to get near the UEFA places anyway, and it's our expectations that are marginally too high.




    hahahaahahahahahahahahahaahah!!!!!!!!! Brilliant. That was genius.


    Which part exactly do you disagree with?


    His signings have been good. That part.


    Bernard was a disaster (and always destined to be), he wasted £5m on a player who not only has been shite, but who plays in a position that shoudl have been WAY down our list.


    He is forced to play a winger (not even a wing BACK) as a right back, our best CB as a left back, and a Championship player as our only permanent-ly contracted CB .

  4. I don't see that anyone could have done much better than Roeder. He didn't inherit a great side, he hasn't been given mountains of cash to spend, and we've had a lot of bad luck with injuries. Mid-table is as much as we could expect.


    He could have done better by not wasting the money he DID have, by not being tacticaly inept, and not talking a load of shite.

  5. people will only get behind a decent manager.  roeder is not decent by any definition of the word.


    A couple of points that would counter your argument:


    - We're 11th in the league, six points of 6th, in no danger of relegation, and for the most part of this season we've had between 10 and 16 first team players injured.

    - His signings have been good. Martins = Class, Duff = Underperforming but still good, Sibi = Decent back up, Gooch = First few games have been very good considering he's come into a far superior league. Bernard = Fair enough.

    - You could also argue that our squad would never have been good enough to get near the UEFA places anyway, and it's our expectations that are marginally too high.




    hahahaahahahahahahahahahaahah!!!!!!!!! Brilliant. That was genius.

  6. Living out of Toon now this is a big assumption but from what I do see of NUFC these days, what I hear from mates still there and what I read here it seems that despondancy & apathy reign at SJP; indeed hope has largely passed us by going in the other direction. 


    Watching games has become a drain, almost a chore at times, due to a number of factors so my question is this - what would it take to get the life back into supporting NUFC?

    (By the way I hate Spurs but I watched them play yesterday and couldn't help but notice that for two "similar" clubs the gulf in style of play and flair was frightening when contrasted to our game vs "Boro)


    Some options we hear repeatedly, none of which are impossible, are:


    Sacking the board?

    A takeover?

    A good run at the start of next season?

    A spending spree bringing in flair players to add to the squad we already have?

    A spending spree on defenders and midfielders?

    A new manager?

    Getting shot of Luque

    Alan Shearer?

    A cup run?



    I have my own thoughts but I just wondered what the consensus was?  Or if there is one...




    What we need: (on no particular order)


    1. New blood in the boardroom

    2. A capable manager

    3. Top-7 Premiership quality players

    4. Getting rid of those who don't match (3) - ie. Baba, Sib, Shambles, Carr, Shola etc

    5. A structured plan identifying where the club aims to be (on and off the pitch), and how we will get there.


    And i quote:


    "He is a bit of a hot-head, and although not to be an excuse, he may say things that he doesn't really mean. It's a shame to see a player like him be involved in rascism charges"


    Well done, on finding the stupidest forum on the net. I assume Gasuso lives there now, telling them all how he saw his close friends George Best, Pele, and Jackie Milburn at the airport last week.


    "he may say things he doesn't mean" hahahahahaha


    Yeah, this morning, i had no change for the Tunnel, and i just burst out with "you fucking nigger" randomly. See, it can happen.

  8. Would make a quality squad member I feel.


    Yup, which ain't what we're after that. We got that when we got Gooch, who we'll no doubt sign on a permanent, presuming his performances continue at an average-to-decent level.


    We want a partner for Taylor. Bramble out, someone in. Ben Haim on a free is my preferred player anyway, although doubtful. Why go spending £5m on Anton Ferdinand or £7m on Curtis Davies, when we can have someone a lot more experienced and a lot more proven for nowt? Same goes for Distin aswell.


    Taylor --- Ben Haim


    Onyewu --- Ramage


    Would do me for next season tbh. Huntington and Edgar there aswell don't forget. Each of whom are far more worth keeping than Bramble, imo.

    Bramble is million times better than Ramage...


    At being a fat liability, yes.


    He's just as good as Ramage at meing a general liabilty.


    Ramage is better at looking like, but it being, a Scottish liability.


    They both havr their strengths, see? But they are both Championship.

    Ramage's mistakes are far worse than Bramble's...Brambles has actually played great in some occasions...Ramage is NOT a defender, hell no he isn't even a footballer to begin with...


    Brambel has almost entirely played well against utter s**** (ref our recent UEFA outings) and CRAP against real teams.


    And if you don't think Ramage has one at least that, then you haven't been watching.


    NEITHER of them are good enough. I really don't understand why newcastle fans insist on doing the "i hate X so Y must be good enough". Its a load of s****. They are both poor, and neither should be played if we can help it.

    real teams...like juve and inter?



    there are many on this board who waste no time in having a go at bramble,but even they would step back from placing ramage in front of him...the old norhtern monkey "hate glasses" again.


    Wondered how long you'd take.


    Bramble has never played WELL against the teams you mentioned, but well done for remembering teams we've played against.


    You think Bramble is good enough for:

    a) NUFC or

    b) The Premiership?


    Well, if you do, you are wrong, but no doubt you have a really good excuse for why he has been an absolute fucking disgrace for years.


    As for Ramage, he's no better overall, but has fewer problems against bigger clubs (and there are many of them). But NEITHER should be playing for us. My main conclusion is that i'd rather play Ramage in the Prem, as Bramble has let himself down more on a pro-rata basis than our wrong-faced Peter boy. But given a real choice, i'd play neither. They're boith fucking well below us, even the pathetic Roeder mid-table us.

  9. Bestest game(s) i've been to, ever -

    Man Utd 5-0

    Barca 3-2

    Sheff Wed 8-0

    Leicester 7-1.


    Game i'd have really loved to been to - Arsenal 1-0 (1952) - cup.



    That was probably the game I've enjoyed the most, the whole ground was singing for Andy Cole while bouncing up and down for what seemed like hours.


    The Wembley Semi was good, I went ape shit when Rob Lee scored and ended up right at the front, I have no idea how I cleared the seats without touching any.


    After the Leicester game, we were stood singing on stools, tables, all sorts, in the 3 Bulls for long, lomgh after they stopped serving ale and turned the lights off.

  10. Would make a quality squad member I feel.


    Yup, which ain't what we're after that. We got that when we got Gooch, who we'll no doubt sign on a permanent, presuming his performances continue at an average-to-decent level.


    We want a partner for Taylor. Bramble out, someone in. Ben Haim on a free is my preferred player anyway, although doubtful. Why go spending £5m on Anton Ferdinand or £7m on Curtis Davies, when we can have someone a lot more experienced and a lot more proven for nowt? Same goes for Distin aswell.


    Taylor --- Ben Haim


    Onyewu --- Ramage


    Would do me for next season tbh. Huntington and Edgar there aswell don't forget. Each of whom are far more worth keeping than Bramble, imo.

    Bramble is million times better than Ramage...


    At being a fat liability, yes.


    He's just as good as Ramage at meing a general liabilty.


    Ramage is better at looking like, but it being, a Scottish liability.


    They both havr their strengths, see? But they are both Championship.

    Ramage's mistakes are far worse than Bramble's...Brambles has actually played great in some occasions...Ramage is NOT a defender, hell no he isn't even a footballer to begin with...


    Brambel has almost entirely played well against utter s**** (ref our recent UEFA outings) and CRAP against real teams.


    And if you don't think Ramage has one at least that, then you haven't been watching.


    NEITHER of them are good enough. I really don't understand why newcastle fans insist on doing the "i hate X so Y must be good enough". Its a load of s****. They are both poor, and neither should be played if we can help it.

    I remember probably only one game that Ramage played better than my expectations but that won't be hard as my expectations of him are very low if not existant...I honestly think Bramble has improved in the last 2 years and is doing better and he is good enough as a backup if we happen to sign better defenders...


    Improved in the past 2 years? i really wish he had. If we ever have to play him, for any reason, at any point, it'd be a shame, because he simply is NOT a premiership defender. But hey, we have polenty of not-good-enough players, so why not.

  11. Would make a quality squad member I feel.


    Yup, which ain't what we're after that. We got that when we got Gooch, who we'll no doubt sign on a permanent, presuming his performances continue at an average-to-decent level.


    We want a partner for Taylor. Bramble out, someone in. Ben Haim on a free is my preferred player anyway, although doubtful. Why go spending £5m on Anton Ferdinand or £7m on Curtis Davies, when we can have someone a lot more experienced and a lot more proven for nowt? Same goes for Distin aswell.


    Taylor --- Ben Haim


    Onyewu --- Ramage


    Would do me for next season tbh. Huntington and Edgar there aswell don't forget. Each of whom are far more worth keeping than Bramble, imo.

    Bramble is million times better than Ramage...


    At being a fat liability, yes.


    He's just as good as Ramage at meing a general liabilty.


    Ramage is better at looking like, but it being, a Scottish liability.


    They both havr their strengths, see? But they are both Championship.

    Ramage's mistakes are far worse than Bramble's...Brambles has actually played great in some occasions...Ramage is NOT a defender, hell no he isn't even a footballer to begin with...


    Brambel has almost entirely played well against utter shite (ref our recent UEFA outings) and CRAP against real teams.


    And if you don't think Ramage has one at least that, then you haven't been watching.


    NEITHER of them are good enough. I really don't understand why newcastle fans insist on doing the "i hate X so Y must be good enough". Its a load of shite. They are both poor, and neither should be played if we can help it.

  12. Ferdinand looked awful when he first broke into the West Ham team as a right-back. i genuinely couldn't understand how he was getting a game, even at Championship level. i don't think he'd be any good at RB really, he gets turned quite easily by tricky players so looks better in the middle, holding a line and having two players at either side covering for him.


    Since West Ham have been promoted though he has looked like a different player at CB, beefed up a great deal, can put himself about, and his technique (first touch, passing) has improved massively. when he plays at Under-21 level he looks better, calmer and more assured than Taylor, imo, even though Taylor is the more "eye-catching" because of his glory tackles and frequent forays upfield.


    Some of his performances this season have been nightmarish though his excuse would be that the hammers are in total disarray as there's no real leadership at the club. it looks like the pressure has got to him and as all over the place, making mistakes and losing any positional sense. but he'd also be under huge pressure here as the Newcastle centre-half is one of the most scrutinised job positions in the country. I think he could develop into a very good player, but it won't be at Newcastle. We need someone experienced, not another Taylor or Bramble.


    Only because some of our fans have made us look fucking stupid by pretending that the likes of Bramble and Moore are good enough. Makes us look like proper cretins.


    it is also due to our reputation for bad defending and comical mistakes. a year or two ago the likes of Zat Knight and Liam Ridgewell were making loads of mistakes and basic defending errors but were never lampooned for it, while if Taylor, Babayaro or Bramble makes a mistake, the national press and media are all over it. then there's also the pressure of living in a small city where the club is more like a national team to its citizens. perhaps not coincidentally Ridgewell and Knight both seem to have gotten over their error-prone phase.


    As has Taylor. But he's not shite, like our other two.


    Lets face it. Playing dross like Shambles, Carr, Babayaro and Moore is only going to draw attention to our inherent stupidity.

  13. BTW there are lots of decent unknown CBs in Spain, deffo a good shopping window despite our failures with Marcelinho and Luque.


    That has to be the case in every country, though. But lets face it, there is more chance of Luque opening a Soccer School on Shields Rd than there is of Roeder unearthing any good unknowns.

  14. Would make a quality squad member I feel.


    Yup, which ain't what we're after that. We got that when we got Gooch, who we'll no doubt sign on a permanent, presuming his performances continue at an average-to-decent level.


    We want a partner for Taylor. Bramble out, someone in. Ben Haim on a free is my preferred player anyway, although doubtful. Why go spending £5m on Anton Ferdinand or £7m on Curtis Davies, when we can have someone a lot more experienced and a lot more proven for nowt? Same goes for Distin aswell.


    Taylor --- Ben Haim


    Onyewu --- Ramage


    Would do me for next season tbh. Huntington and Edgar there aswell don't forget. Each of whom are far more worth keeping than Bramble, imo.

    Bramble is million times better than Ramage...


    At being a fat liability, yes.


    He's just as good as Ramage at meing a general liabilty.


    Ramage is better at looking like, but it being, a Scottish liability.


    They both havr their strengths, see? But they are both Championship.

  15. I think for some of the youngers fans - it's hard for them to empathise with us older lads who watched football before it became 'fasionable'. (My first toon game was in 81/82 aged 9). They've probably never stood on terraces, in god awful weather, watching not that fantastic football (in the main) - but feeling part of something that isn't there today. Football has removed itself from the fans - no doubt at all.


    In the end - it will come back to bite them on the arse. Perhaps that is already starting to happen now ?


    First game aged 9 in 81/2?? Old get. (82/3, aged 8 for me).


    I don't think football is going to fail, though - its just evolving. In the same way it had from the pre-war times to when WE first went. The rate of change may have accelerated, but thats the case everywhere, not just football.

  16. Ferdinand looked awful when he first broke into the West Ham team as a right-back. i genuinely couldn't understand how he was getting a game, even at Championship level. i don't think he'd be any good at RB really, he gets turned quite easily by tricky players so looks better in the middle, holding a line and having two players at either side covering for him.


    Since West Ham have been promoted though he has looked like a different player at CB, beefed up a great deal, can put himself about, and his technique (first touch, passing) has improved massively. when he plays at Under-21 level he looks better, calmer and more assured than Taylor, imo, even though Taylor is the more "eye-catching" because of his glory tackles and frequent forays upfield.


    Some of his performances this season have been nightmarish though his excuse would be that the hammers are in total disarray as there's no real leadership at the club. it looks like the pressure has got to him and as all over the place, making mistakes and losing any positional sense. but he'd also be under huge pressure here as the Newcastle centre-half is one of the most scrutinised job positions in the country. I think he could develop into a very good player, but it won't be at Newcastle. We need someone experienced, not another Taylor or Bramble.


    Only because some of our fans have made us look fucking stupid by pretending that the likes of Bramble and Moore are good enough. Makes us look like proper cretins.

  17. If they get away with just having to apologise then that is a disgrace.


    That's hardly going to kick racism out of football.


    It only matters if its an English club, i think. FIFA regulations.

  18. Ferdinand looked awful when he first broke into the West Ham team as a right-back. i genuinely couldn't understand how he was getting a game, even at Championship level.


    Since West Ham have been promoted though he has looked like a different player, beefed up a great deal, can put himself about, and his technique (first touch, passing) has improved massively. when he plays at Under-21 level he looks better, calmer and more assured than Taylor, imo, even though Taylor is the more "eye-catching" because of his glory tackles and frequent forays upfield.


    Some of his performances this season have been nightmarish though his excuse would be that the hammers are in total disarray as there's no real leadership at the club. it looks like the pressure has got to him and as all over the place, making mistakes and losing any positional sense. but he'd also be under huge pressure as the Newcastle centre-half is one of the most scrutinised job positions in the country. I think he could develop into a very good player, but it won't be at Newcastle. We need someone experienced, not another Taylor or Bramble.


    Two very different players there. One who can fulfil his potential and genuinely become a really good player. And one who is Bramble.


    what i mean there is, Bramble 5 years ago, around the time he came here - masses of potential unrealised. Ferdiand looks very similar to Bramble then, who looked immense in his first season in the Prem, then lost all his form as Ipswich plummeted.


    I don't think Ferdinand now has the "potential" that Bramble had then. He's got his brothers hair and wobbly gob, but nowt else.


    An, of course, just what we need, another personality like his.

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