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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey

  1. Been impressed with Keane, but he's proved nowt so far. Not saying I'm happy with Roeder in terms of taking us forward long-term but he's done ok so far under the circumstances.




    This this.


    People advocating that Roy Keane should be let within 10 miles of SJP are one foot over the pond...


    Anyone advocating Roeder keeping his job is a lunatic.

  2. Ferdinand looked awful when he first broke into the West Ham team as a right-back. i genuinely couldn't understand how he was getting a game, even at Championship level.


    Since West Ham have been promoted though he has looked like a different player, beefed up a great deal, can put himself about, and his technique (first touch, passing) has improved massively. when he plays at Under-21 level he looks better, calmer and more assured than Taylor, imo, even though Taylor is the more "eye-catching" because of his glory tackles and frequent forays upfield.


    Some of his performances this season have been nightmarish though his excuse would be that the hammers are in total disarray as there's no real leadership at the club. it looks like the pressure has got to him and as all over the place, making mistakes and losing any positional sense. but he'd also be under huge pressure as the Newcastle centre-half is one of the most scrutinised job positions in the country. I think he could develop into a very good player, but it won't be at Newcastle. We need someone experienced, not another Taylor or Bramble.


    Two very different players there. One who can fulfil his potential and genuinely become a really good player. And one who is Bramble.

  3. Motherwell fans slating other teams supporters?  Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.


    They're just as scum as Gers and Celtic fans.  Currently in hot water for racially abusing some St. Johnstone player.


    Hasn't the chairman just had to apologise for monkey chants?

  4. Cheers for the tips lads.


    I'm trying to turn my initial £20 deposit into a grand on betfair. Deposited last week, upto £127. No games this week seem like they are offering good odds.


    You do the right thing not diving in, mate.


    I got as far as £500-odd off £20 in less than a month (bookies, not online), but got waaaaay too convinced i had it cracked, and chased the odds rather tahn the games. Then i had nothing.

  5. Zaragoza are not a big club who can keep hold of their stars? Well, we aren't a big club who can attract them.


    Owen, Duff, Luque (a La Liga star), Parker, Emre, Martins and countless others suggest otherwise, money talks especially where foreign selling clubs and foreign players are concerned, I have no concerns about NUFC being able to buy top players in that respect, just the right ones which we often fail in, but that is all down to the manager, that and our transfer policy, but not our ambition or ability to attract players which I think is quite good, despite being an average club or not doing too well at the moment.


    Thats what i was aiming towards, mate. We can get anyone (within reason), but only for a while, or not necessarily the right player (i.e Duff). We don't attract those players on merit, though. We'll need some fundamental changes before we are in that position.


    Aye, had wondered and agree if I'm honest. You're right changes have to be forced before we can compete for the right players. I remember under Sir Bobby at one point we could have bought Gallas, Terry or Woodgate and bought Woody, and tried again for Terry but by then Roman had came in. Under KK we were game for anyone and had a good chance with many top players. Today we'll pull off the odd top signing like a Martins, but mainly we'll get your Duff's and Owen's.


    I fear so, mate. Changes need to made at every level, from players up to the board.


    Lets face it, we've not got much of a chance to attract better players to play alongside the likes of Shambles, Ameobi and Babayaro, under Roeder (barring the ones we throw the cash at, or are desperate/daft enough), or for a club run by our current board regime (not just Fatty, all of them).

  6. That's just not going to happen, though. Might aswell be slightly realistic. I know Ben Haim's somewhat pie in the sky, but we can offer him the cash the likes of Chelsea would do. Difference if he came here being, he'd play regularly. Plus - are Chelsea actually still interested in him? ???


    Selling Ramage won't happen, whereas Bramble's already being warned. If Roeder had any backbone, he'd let him go. Mind you, three or four good performances before the season's out (despite an inevitably pathetic good games to bad ratio), will probably keep Titus at United.


    Said it time and again, bored of people living in hope over Bramble. Been here five years, never improved, never changed. He's good for 10 games a season. He's average-to-shit the other 30 and it's not worth it anymore in my opinion. I'm not going to be fooled by another few decent performances against part-timers... something i bet one or two people have been. Including Roeder.


    Going on HTL's theory...


    The truth about Bramble is, he's never been good enough for us and never will be, so we should get rid.


    But Ramage is? What makes you so certain that he'll stay in the Summer? He's absolutely toss.


    Read the first two sentences of my first paragraph, and the first sentence of my second paragraph.


    Ramage won't go, but Bramble might.


    God, i hope so. Thet are on a level, ability-wise, but Ramage has a slightly greater chance of improving, plays (marginally) better against superior teams, and costs us less.

  7. That's just not going to happen, though. Might aswell be slightly realistic. I know Ben Haim's somewhat pie in the sky, but we can offer him the cash the likes of Chelsea would do. Difference if he came here being, he'd play regularly. Plus - are Chelsea actually still interested in him? ???


    Selling Ramage won't happen, whereas Bramble's already being warned. If Roeder had any backbone, he'd let him go. Mind you, three or four good performances before the season's out (despite an inevitably pathetic good games to bad ratio), will probably keep Titus at United.


    Said it time and again, bored of people living in hope over Bramble. Been here five years, never improved, never changed. He's good for 10 games a season. He's average-to-s*** the other 30 and it's not worth it anymore in my opinion. I'm not going to be fooled by another few decent performances against part-timers... something i bet one or two people have been. Including Roeder.


    Going on HTL's theory...


    The truth about Bramble is, he's never been good enough for us and never will be, so we should get rid.


    But Ramage is? What makes you so certain that he'll stay in the Summer? He's absolutely toss.



    IMO Ramage is our worst defender and one of the weakest players we have




    Whats so funny?


    Your statement. Brilliant, that.

  8. Zaragoza are not a big club who can keep hold of their stars? Well, we aren't a big club who can attract them.


    Owen, Duff, Luque (a La Liga star), Parker, Emre, Martins and countless others suggest otherwise, money talks especially where foreign selling clubs and foreign players are concerned, I have no concerns about NUFC being able to buy top players in that respect, just the right ones which we often fail in, but that is all down to the manager, that and our transfer policy, but not our ambition or ability to attract players which I think is quite good, despite being an average club or not doing too well at the moment.


    Thats what i was aiming towards, mate. We can get anyone (within reason), but only for a while, or not necessarily the right player (i.e Duff). We don't attract those players on merit, though. We'll need some fundamental changes before we are in that position.

  9. And those who think they know the players personally?



    Personally, i'm a bit disillusioned with it myself. Well, i still love football. Its SJP. No, it's not, it's the pies. They've been visibly going downhill for the past 4 or 5 seasons. Its getting to the point now where i hardly even look forward to my half time pie. Depressing.


    Some folk must think they're better than Greggs judging by the amount who start queuing up for them 5 mins before half-time ends!!


    Nah, they're just NEARER than Greggs.



    lazy bastards....nae wonder we've got fat fans


    You can't get to Greggs and back in the time between halves. Not that i've tried. I'm too busy drinking THE COLDEST BEER IN THE WORLD. I have this inner fear that one day i'll drink the coldest beer EVER, then scran my too hot pie, and something inside my stomach will break.

  10. And those who think they know the players personally?



    Personally, i'm a bit disillusioned with it myself. Well, i still love football. Its SJP. No, it's not, it's the pies. They've been visibly going downhill for the past 4 or 5 seasons. Its getting to the point now where i hardly even look forward to my half time pie. Depressing.


    Some folk must think they're better than Greggs judging by the amount who start queuing up for them 5 mins before half-time ends!!


    Nah, they're just NEARER than Greggs.


  11. That's just not going to happen, though. Might aswell be slightly realistic. I know Ben Haim's somewhat pie in the sky, but we can offer him the cash the likes of Chelsea would do. Difference if he came here being, he'd play regularly. Plus - are Chelsea actually still interested in him? ???


    Selling Ramage won't happen, whereas Bramble's already being warned. If Roeder had any backbone, he'd let him go. Mind you, three or four good performances before the season's out (despite an inevitably pathetic good games to bad ratio), will probably keep Titus at United.


    Said it time and again, bored of people living in hope over Bramble. Been here five years, never improved, never changed. He's good for 10 games a season. He's average-to-s*** the other 30 and it's not worth it anymore in my opinion. I'm not going to be fooled by another few decent performances against part-timers... something i bet one or two people have been. Including Roeder.


    Going on HTL's theory...


    The truth about Bramble is, he's never been good enough for us and never will be, so we should get rid.


    But Ramage is? What makes you so certain that he'll stay in the Summer? He's absolutely toss.



    IMO Ramage is our worst defender and one of the weakest players we have



  12. Paul Ince - anyone who calls THEMSELF "The Guvnor" deserves all the hatred he gets.


    I'd have to have Savage in there. Never has a player of such limited ability fooled so many for so long. Whilst being a cunt.

  13. Suprised noone has mentioned Mark Hughes. Dirty player of the highest order on the pitch, dished out but couldnt take any. Amusing how his Blackburn side have turned out to be the biggest hackers in the history of the Premiership.


    Who also don't like recieving the treatment they dish out.

  14. And those who think they know the players personally?



    Personally, i'm a bit disillusioned with it myself. Well, i still love football. Its SJP. No, it's not, it's the pies. They've been visibly going downhill for the past 4 or 5 seasons. Its getting to the point now where i hardly even look forward to my half time pie. Depressing.

  15. To be fair, I haven't personally noticed anyone who has done what NM has just said.


    I certainly don't think there are many people saying it's "okay" for Emre to be racist.


    Its not a bad thing if you are from a culture of inherent racism. Apparently.

  16. Correct statement to make.Even more important though is the correct aciton being taken after any verdict is reached. If guilty, he should be peddled ASAP, and if innocent, the club should take action agaist those who effectively slandered/libelled him.

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