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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey

  1. N'Zogbia i'd imagine.


    Can't imagine why anyone would think Zog is our best midfielder right now. He's had one good season and has potential but that's it.


    I WAS referrign to the Zog, yes. He may not have reached his full potential yet, but he has still shown that he has more than any of the others. For me, anyway.


    He 'potentially' has more than the others.


    Last season he was good, this season he's been s****. If that qualifies him as our best midfielder we are in more trouble than I thought.


    Who do you think is our best midfielder, out of interest?


    Butt. At what he does.

    Emre. At what he does.


    Neither are actually good enough for what I want from the team though.


    See, i think ZOG is better at what HE does than either of those, overall. But hey, its all about opinions (even them wrong ones about Luque being good).


    Aye, true enough. But he was shit this season.  You're going by last season but that's the past.


    Its only last season, mate.


  2. N'Zogbia i'd imagine.


    Can't imagine why anyone would think Zog is our best midfielder right now. He's had one good season and has potential but that's it.


    I WAS referrign to the Zog, yes. He may not have reached his full potential yet, but he has still shown that he has more than any of the others. For me, anyway.


    He 'potentially' has more than the others.


    Last season he was good, this season he's been s****. If that qualifies him as our best midfielder we are in more trouble than I thought.


    He's shown himslef to be better than Duff, so is by default our best left winger.


    He was very good last season for me, better than any of our midfielders have been consistently this season.


    Remains to be seen actually. Add that for some reason Zog apparently sees himself as a CM and it becomes interesting, especially as he's looked shite whenever he's had a game in CM.


    Remains to be seen? Not for me - Duff has played like a twat pretty much every game, The Zog has not.


    As a CM, mind, you're right, he's gash. It winds me up when he gets played in the middle. Its like putting Dyer out on the left, or, even worse, Duff on the right. Waste of sodding time.

  3. N'Zogbia i'd imagine.


    Can't imagine why anyone would think Zog is our best midfielder right now. He's had one good season and has potential but that's it.


    I WAS referrign to the Zog, yes. He may not have reached his full potential yet, but he has still shown that he has more than any of the others. For me, anyway.


    He 'potentially' has more than the others.


    Last season he was good, this season he's been s****. If that qualifies him as our best midfielder we are in more trouble than I thought.


    Who do you think is our best midfielder, out of interest?


    Butt. At what he does.

    Emre. At what he does.


    Neither are actually good enough for what I want from the team though.


    See, i think ZOG is better at what HE does than either of those, overall. But hey, its all about opinions (even them wrong ones about Luque being good).

  4. N'Zogbia i'd imagine.


    Can't imagine why anyone would think Zog is our best midfielder right now. He's had one good season and has potential but that's it.


    I WAS referrign to the Zog, yes. He may not have reached his full potential yet, but he has still shown that he has more than any of the others. For me, anyway.


    He 'potentially' has more than the others.


    Last season he was good, this season he's been shite. If that qualifies him as our best midfielder we are in more trouble than I thought.


    He's shown himslef to be better than Duff, so is by default our best left winger.


    He was very good last season for me, better than any of our midfielders have been consistently this season.

  5. I reckon he will be as dangerous as he always was. Will never score 20+ league goals as he will always have niggling injuries but is someone who will get us lots of goals.


    I really hope so, The pessimist in me says he'll be off, but the rest of me (there's not a lot left by this point, mind) thinks he could be great for us, if he stays fit for a few seasons.

  6. It was in the Carling Cup Final thread, still good though. :laugh:


    Still wondering what Baptista is up to.


    You know when fans say they "kick every ball" with the team, maybe he does too.


    Linke an annoying passenger in the car who insists on miming braking.

  7. It never ceases to amaze me how hated we are in 2007.   This thread is purely for anything you come across on the net which shows a deep unnatural loathing of NUFC.  You don't have to look far, and it's not just the usual suspects of Man City, Scousers, Spurs, Mackems and Boro neither. 


    I hate Millwall, just because their fans are vile. I hate Partick Thistle because they are shite. In the whole wide, wide, world of sports there is no team, nation, or individual I hate more than Newcastle United. Big team my fucking arse, they haven't won a domestic trophy in over 50 years,and it's over 80 since they won the title. A bigger club would have had Alan Shearer playing for them instead of the other way round.


    Their supporters are okay? The fat ugly ones who strip to the waist to show how ugly obesity can be, there's an 8 year old newcastle supporter who weighs 14 stone already, well done lads you're providing the perfect example.


    The sensible money would be on this being from a mackem or a dipper......but no a fucking Motherwell fan  ;D


    I quite like being hated, Man Utd built up that siege mentality under Fergie and they've never looked back.  At the end of the day if we were so insignificant why do people hold such strong views about us?




    :) You know you're in trouble when fucking Scottish people mock you for being fat..

  8. the biggest assumption here is not that we may be interested in him, but that glenn actually will have heard of him


    "to be fair, i thought he was Katie Holme's baby"




    Roeders immense scouting netowrk and player selection skills will see us through.


    I agree,i've heard he's already started scouting Dirk Kuyt. ^-^


    Hey, he "had Gooch watched a couple of times", and he seemed like a good fella. What more can we ask for?

  9. I would like to see us swap Roeder for a competent manager.


    Keane hasn't proven he'd be a good Premiership manager yet, but Roeder has certainly proven he ISN'T, so why not swap.

  10. N'Zogbia i'd imagine.


    Can't imagine why anyone would think Zog is our best midfielder right now. He's had one good season and has potential but that's it.


    I WAS referrign to the Zog, yes. He may not have reached his full potential yet, but he has still shown that he has more than any of the others. For me, anyway.

  11. If he's not completely fit, there's not much point in playing him. His game depends on sharpness. He's not the kind of technical player who can create things by sheer skill on the ball.


    Thats a fear i have (always negative, yadda yadda) with Lil' Mikey: if he doesn't coem back as fast as he was before the injury (which was in turn slower than he was a few years before), i don't know if he is the type of player who can adapt his game to use other things. Like Shearer did when he slowed down and lost the burst of pace he had, and he used his power and strength to hold the ball up more.

  12. the biggest assumption here is not that we may be interested in him, but that glenn actually will have heard of him


    "to be fair, i thought he was Katie Holme's baby"




    Roeders immense scouting netowrk and player selection skills will see us through.

  13. I'd sell him. His off-field issues aside, he is an average player paid the wage of an very very good one. That disparity means he is not worth what he costs us.


    His performances this season have been a microcosm of his career for us - occasional flashes of greatness, but average overall.


    Put simply, he doesn't offer us value for money, and if we want to have fantastic player,s we need to buy them, not pretend players who had "potential" but never fulfilled it, are actually brilliant.

  14. Getting the best out of Parker?


    As if Parker is the cancer of the club. Bellamy, causing rifts and finding troubles with manager and captain, nonetheless neither scoring enough goals nor providing enough assists, is being passionately defended here. Yet Parker, the antithesis of Bellamy, is being slaughtered here.




    Firstly, Bellamy wasn't the cancer of the club, that was Souness' role, 100%.


    Secondly, Bellamy on the pitch was at least as useful in his role as Parker has been in his.


    No doubt, Parker is a nicer person, but both come across as dedicated players on the pitch, just with different skills and ways of portraying themsleves.


    Parkers attitude, personality and application have never really been in doubt, but his performances and style of playing have - rightly - been at various points this season. The manager shoudl take a lot of responsibility for this, because we KNOW Parker is a better footballer than that. but the player himself must too.

  15. There could be something in the idea that seeing as he's not making a good job either of the defensive nor the attacking roles in the middle of a 4-4-2, he might be better off in one of the in-between roles that you get in a Chelsea-style 4-5-1 / 4-3-3 -


    Parker Butt (DM) Emre

       Dyer Milner



    But just to throw another idea into the post, maybe the Captaincy doesn't help him. He looks a bit tense and inhibited on and off the field at the moment. Even when he's being interviewed after we've won, he looks a bit miserable. He also seems a bit quiet for a Captain.



    You are ignoring our best midfielder in that formation.

  16. They did fall out, about the Lille thing, and a swearing incident, but he'll be back for the next game.


    Nevilel is not a great RB, he never has been. He's solid enough, but nothing special. I wouldn't particularly want him here at this point in his career.

  17. Gary Nevilel makes England squads. PHIL Neville has been known to.


    AN average, and you know it! :)


    I think he's as useful to us as any other central midfielder we have, no more, but over the years, his contribution has been weak, even when he HAS played.


    I think he's a much better footballer than he is a person, but thats not saying a lot. 



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