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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey

  1. Yeah good enough but as others have said he is going at the end of the season. Back to Oz to play for a club he used to play for or something if i remember correctly....


    Um... No, considering the entire league is only two years old with clubs started from scratch - and that he never played senior football in Australia...


    Anyway, I voted yes because I'm biased but am perfectly willing to accept he has flaws to his game. tmonkey's analysis of his lack of pace and mobility is spot on - but underestimates the 'strategic' nature of his fouls. Yes, he can be a right dirty bastard at times, but when does he give away free kicks in the sort of position Taylor did on the weekend? Very rarely I would suggest...



    But he isn't a very good defender - he costs us goals in other ways (i.e. by not being in the right place at the right time, not making tackles, getting skinned tiem after time).

  2. Just heard a strong rumour from a hartlepool scout that peter crouch is coming to the toon in january and the deal is done.

    Dont shoot the messenger. :winking:

    bluelaugh.gif bluelaugh.gif bluelaugh.gif bluelaugh.gif bluelaugh.gif bluelaugh.gif

  3. Easy choice if you ask me!


    1.First of all we are shit on the right wing so we must try for sean wright-phillips on loan

    2. Sign Lucas Neill versatile defender who can play anywhere ccross back four

    3. Sign Wayne Bridge as he is the quality we have needed in left back since Bernard left the club and came back a stick

    4. Then we should sell Bramble and sign Matthew Upson and Patrick Kisnorbo as centre-halfs

    5. To settle our strikeforce problems we should try sign tevez or darren bent



    But he's not actually that good.

  4. Duscher wouldn't cost more than £2.5m if anyone wanted him surely? He's out of contract and unhappy, and not even a very good player.


    Distin shouldn't cost more than £1.5m, and Neill anymore than £2.5m.


    Teams who would be looking at these players will be looking as they don't have much coin to spend, and that includes Liverpool with Neill as they spent a fortune in the summer.


    Upson is on the verge of handing in a transfer request, and after being injured for for most of the season and being Brum's top earner, his fee wont be as much as they'd like to think, again nothing more than £3m.


    Bridge will be sold for around £3.5m, Chelsea only demanded £5m for Duff, they aren't too fussed at negotiating when it comes to selling.


    These are the players (bar Duscher imo) we should be looking at. A genuine reason (not lack of talent) for a reduced price, and they could save our season, some pennies and possibly GR's job...until next time.


    Viduka should never be an option for this club, i cant believe anyone would suggest his name.



    Duscher is a "get in there and **** them up player" and we need someone like that along side Parker.


    We seem to have one of those in Emre, only he doesn't do it very well. :lol:


    Or indeed at all. So we don't have one of them players at all.

  5. Lucas Neill - £4m

    Sylvain Distin - £2.5m

    Matthew Upson - £4m

    Wayne Bridge - £3.5m

    (Sell Bramble)

    (Release Bernard)

    Darren Bent - £9m

    Mark Viduka - £2m

    (Sell Luque... might aswell)

    (Send Rossi back)




    Neill --- Distin --- Moore* --- Bridge


    Milner --- Parker --- Dyer --- Duff


    Martins --- Bent


    *For this season.


    You've dropped our only good defender. And included a bear terminal (hopefully) crock.

  6. All i know is that he is scum.


    He's an average player with above average pace, who is far too injury prone to be a worthwhile player for us.


    Get rid as soon as we can - if some mugs give us £3m for him, i'd take their ****ing hands off.


    Not that I disagree with your comments but he did shag your missus didnt he?





    nope. My bird is from Leeds. And not the part where they let the "darker" boys go.

  7. Not good enough. Unless we are HAPPY being a bottom-quarter of the Prem/top-quarter of the Championship team. In which case he is good enough.


    Replace with a good defender to play alongside Taylor, as soon as possible.


    Keep Moore as a defender on the bench if we must, he's better than that fat pile of dung Shambles, but he's not a first-teamer if we intend to not be in the bottom half of the EPL.

  8. Does seem to get our defence better organised. Individual mistakes are our main problem now and Carr needs to stay as far away from the first team as possible.


    Ditto Bramble and Babayaro.


    if he can get Moore to be like a competent, mediocre defender until we get a proper CB in, all the better.

  9. All i know is that he is scum.


    He's an average player with above average pace, who is far too injury prone to be a worthwhile player for us.


    Get rid as soon as we can - if some mugs give us £3m for him, i'd take their fucking hands off.

  10. Sack Roeder and give the dosh to a good manager to spend.




    Spend £10m on bringing a world-class manager and his team.


    The other £15m can go on 3 defenders & a target-man.


    What he said, except i'd even accept only two new defenders if we have to.

  11. Dyer!!!!!


    bluelaugh.gif bluelaugh.gif bluelaugh.gif bluelaugh.gif bluelaugh.gif bluelaugh.gif bluelaugh.gif bluelaugh.gif bluelaugh.gif bluelaugh.gif bluelaugh.gif bluelaugh.gif bluelaugh.gif bluelaugh.gif bluelaugh.gif bluelaugh.gif bluelaugh.gif bluelaugh.gif


    Christ, thats funny.


    Still, i mudt admit, i'm a but gutted. I was hoping his mystery illness would be more debilitating.

  12. IMHO, Milner is one of our brightest players! I don't know why people are even thinking about selling him!!! Look at his age and the potential!!! However if a business treat me like the club has treat him I would WANT to leave!!!

    Because he is pure shite and we need money to spend on other areas. We have at least 5 wingers that are better than Milner (Duff, N'Zogbia, Dyer, Solano, Alan O'Brien), surely that's enough cover


    On the right we only have 1 - Solano, who is slowing down markedly. As for Dyer - not a winger.

  13. Loan move will save us some nice wages because he must be close to 100k a week. But why Rouder does not want to play him is beyond me especialy now that we are short of bodies up front




    I highly doubt it, try 50% of that sum.


    Still £45k p/w too much.

  14. NEWCASTLE United boss Glenn Roeder says Celestine Babayaro could be sidelined for "two or three weeks" after suffering a groin injury in the recent Carling Cup win over Watford.


    The Nigerian international picked up the complaint following the dramatic penalty shoot-out win over the Hornets at Vicarage Road.


    Babayaro missed last weekend's goalless stalemate with Manchester City, and Toon boss Roeder says a spell on the sidelines awaits the former Chelsea man.


    He said: "Celestine suffered the groin injury during extra-time in the Carling Cup game at Watford.


    "It prevented him playing against Manchester City last Saturday and we're going to have to do without him for the next two or three weeks.


    "He's done very well for me and been a consistent performer when he's played, so this is unfortunate for us."




    Yet another example of the utter, rank, incredible stupidity of that fuckwit Roeder.

  15. You could argue that for the last 3 years, Shearer only turned up for half a season.[/tinhat]


    Has he retired when he should of, and had we had a manager worthy of the title, we might have a good striker in his place now.


    As it is, that pile of donkey shite Ameobi thinks he is first team quality, and by this time next season, he may well be.

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