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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey

  1. The fact that two okay performances (in the main, as there were some chunks of play where he disappeared totally), and people seem to think Dire is a fantastic player.


    He's a very average player, i'd never say he had no ability. But he's good at running fast and providing no end product, and thats about it.


    Dyer plays alright and its "Dyer For England, He's World Class".  bluelaugh.gif

  2. Albert Ferrer was great at Chelsea in his first couple of years.


    Ivan Campo has excelled at Bolton.


    Fernando Hierro was fantastic during his short spell at the Reebok.


    Xabi Alonso and Cesc Fabregas are big succeses.


    Reyes was at times unbelievably good but just failed to settle in London.


    Luis Garcia was never really a great player even in Spain but has done quite well.


    So I guess people are voting for the Spanish based on Morientes and Marcelino.


    Or Luque even though he's hardly had an opportunity to prove himself (6 Prem starts).


    In which he's proved himself shite.

  3. I've been saying for ages how i want to see Luque playing on the left-wing for us, and i can't help but be encouraged by what i saw the other night. I knew he could cross well, and he did. They weren't good crosses, they were absolutely brilliant crosses - just begging to be put in the net. And had we have had more than one receiver in the box, if we had had Martins in there, we would have scored from those crosses.


    I know you hate him Gemmill but i believe he can come good in a position where he looks a hell of a lot more comfortable. And to say he didn't put any effort in the other night, is madness tbh. I want to see him given a run, but longer term the answer is probably Duff. Infact, the long term should be N'Zogbia. Duff should never have been bought.


    And no, i wasn't there against Celta. But i have a TV set and i could tell from there.


    You THOUGHT he could, because you believed the hype. He has made maybe half a dozen decent crosses in his entire career for us.


    Look at his EPL stats. He's been shite.

  4. http://www.newcastle-online.com/nufcforum/index.php/topic,31803.0.html


    Parker has become considerably more unpopular in 20 days, then.


    That's people coming round to how over-rated he is. (hopefully)


    No. Just shows how fickle some of us can be.


    Or how peopel are realising that he is a quite good player who looks great because he's playing alongside shite.


    Disagree. The way we play will obviously enhance/hinder the performances of players at our club. The way we started playing this season, Parker was made a key player and showed his quality. Now, however, we've changed (yes, we have, especially in our last two away games) and that's why the quality of his performances have dropped. This is why Henry excels at Arsenal and not so much when he plays for France. It's not because he's overrated at Arsenal or he isn't motivated enough for France, it's just because the style of play isn't suited to him.


    Perhaps. I think he's a good player, lot of quality. But not world class. But playing alongside our bunch of cretins, he looks like a genius.

  5. I think Ashley Cole is a top top class defender personally! Fantastic all round ability and pissing on Bridge from a great height!


    He's EPL class, certainly, and a good player but imho Bridge is a better defender.

  6. The mong count is up to 37.  Is there no way you can track who voted for the useless Spanish **** and out them on this thread?  Some of them have been stupid enough to expose themselves - pissing myself laughing that on the basis of 3 good crosses and a corner the other night, Luque is now the assist king of NUFC. :lol:  Cretins.


    Honestly I despair at how gaga people are going over this no-effort useless piece of shit.  You all want your heads read. 


    What he said, only i'd have sworn more.

  7. Silvestre is shite, but he's still better than basically all the defenders at our club. Heinze is class. Has all the attributes needed to succeed and was the best left-back in the league before he was injured (and that's counting Cashley Cole as well - Heinze just has much more aggression and his power and strength, especially in the air, gives him the edge even though attacking-wise, Cole is better). Has yet to regain his form from before but undoubtedly will.


    I don't think anyone with much sense thinks Cashley is a great defender anyway. Bridge is a better defender. Althoguh Cole is better going forwards.

  8. There's not enough of a sample to actually judge 'oriental' players. The only ones that have tried to make it are Li Tie, Sun Ji Hai, Park Ji Sung, Nakata, Inamoto and a few others. Seriously, not enough of a sample to judge.


    But RELATIVELY, they have been poor.


    Many of the nationalities has had some ****ing proper failures, even just at this club - france (Boumwrong), Spain (Marcelino, Luque), Africa (Faye, Babayaro, Ameobi), Croatia (Maric), Ireland (Carr), et al.


    Oh, and the person who said Arteta was just average - unbelievable.  bluelaugh.gif


    Do you post just for the sake of posting?


    FFS nothing is black and white. Every nation will have decent players that have made it - France (Henry, Vieira), Spain (Alonso), Africa (Drogba, Essien), Ireland (Given, Duff) et al - and they will have players that haven't made it.


    I'd say Park has made it; getting regular appearances for the team on top of the table isn't something to look down upon. Sun made it till injury ruined this past couple of seasons for him but before that? A mainstay in a decent-ish Man City side. It's not a relative thing.


    If you ARE going to look at a 'relative' thing, then how many English players don't make it? Just count up all the players in the Championship, League 1 etc. etc. and you'll find out. Relatively, English players make the worst Premiership players but that's obviously an absurd statement and that's why we can't look at things relatively.


    Where did i say anything was black and white??


    What i said was that many of the nationalities had some terrible players, even at our club. The inference was that it is impossible to select a nation that provides the worst players, because no country/countries provides entirely bad players. If you can't pick that up, i'm sorry. I'll try to spell things out in more simple terms next time.


    The only relative thing i mentioned was the Oriental one (a false grouping anyway, btw), and its true - relative to other nations/regions, the Orient has produced the weaker players.

  9. Our defence needs a major overhaul any money we have got to spend must be on defenders first and foremost. I'd rather us be tight that exciting at the moment. We need to build a strong base and then think about entertainment.


    Full backs we need 1st of all. Bit of a gutter about Wayne Bridge. I think if we had two solid good full backs it would make a big improvement on all our defence. Is it worth a cheeky bid for Heinze, seeing as Man Utd have Evra and Silvestre both ahead of him and he is being linked with PSG?


    Silvestre surely can't be ahead of him in the pecking order, he is a joke at that club!


    A joke?? You must REALLY hate our defenders then, if you think a player like him is a joke.


    I meant he is to their fans (he was part some piss take poster in one of their mags) and I couldnt see how he would be ahead of Heinze who is a hell of a lot better (imho)


    Heinze never really got his place back (which he was starting to own, i think) after his big injury, i reckon.


    He's better than Silvestre, until he loses his head, but Silvestre is still a very good defender.

  10. Can't believe Dyer is second favourite!


    They'll be saying he's international class, soon.


    He'd be world class at "running fast with the ball then doing fuck all with it". But he's only a very average footballer.

  11. Our defence needs a major overhaul any money we have got to spend must be on defenders first and foremost. I'd rather us be tight that exciting at the moment. We need to build a strong base and then think about entertainment.


    Full backs we need 1st of all. Bit of a gutter about Wayne Bridge. I think if we had two solid good full backs it would make a big improvement on all our defence. Is it worth a cheeky bid for Heinze, seeing as Man Utd have Evra and Silvestre both ahead of him and he is being linked with PSG?


    Silvestre surely can't be ahead of him in the pecking order, he is a joke at that club!


    A joke?? You must REALLY hate our defenders then, if you think a player like him is a joke.


    Being better than our defenders isn't a compliment though.


    True, its a standard fact of life - i actually don't think there are more than half a dozen defenders (first team) worse than some of our lot in the Prem. I mean, our second best defender, Moore, isn't even good enough for the bench in 3/4 of EPL times.

  12. There's not enough of a sample to actually judge 'oriental' players. The only ones that have tried to make it are Li Tie, Sun Ji Hai, Park Ji Sung, Nakata, Inamoto and a few others. Seriously, not enough of a sample to judge.


    But RELATIVELY, they have been poor.


    Many of the nationalities has had some ****ing proper failures, even just at this club - france (Boumwrong), Spain (Marcelino, Luque), Africa (Faye, Babayaro, Ameobi), Croatia (Maric), Ireland (Carr), et al.


    Oh, and the person who said Arteta was just average - unbelievable.  bluelaugh.gif

  13. Our defence needs a major overhaul any money we have got to spend must be on defenders first and foremost. I'd rather us be tight that exciting at the moment. We need to build a strong base and then think about entertainment.


    Full backs we need 1st of all. Bit of a gutter about Wayne Bridge. I think if we had two solid good full backs it would make a big improvement on all our defence. Is it worth a cheeky bid for Heinze, seeing as Man Utd have Evra and Silvestre both ahead of him and he is being linked with PSG?


    Silvestre surely can't be ahead of him in the pecking order, he is a joke at that club!


    A joke?? You must REALLY hate our defenders then, if you think a player like him is a joke.

  14. Been better, and more effective, than Henry this season.


    I used to think he was just an over-hyped (when in France), strong clogger. But this past season or two, he's shown that Mourinho isn't a bad judge of player.

  15. The question is who IS better not who will be better.


    Luque has done more for the club so far in less games, goals and assists.  I can`t see why some people prefer a player who runs around and looks the part on the pitch ( Duff ) but has given us nothing over a player that has given us goals ( 1 even against the mackems) and an important assist and goal in europe.


    If people are voting Duff because how good he HAS been then its fair to do the same with Luque. Its fair to say Duff has done **** all here so far in more minutes on the pitch than Luque.




    How many league goals and assists has Luque got for us?


    Duff has been a let down. But he's still proven himself more effective on the left wing than Luque.

  16. Add Dyer to the list above and we have 4 good enough strikers which should be fine....


    bluelaugh.gif bluelaugh.gif bluelaugh.gif bluelaugh.gif bluelaugh.gif Comedy Gold.


    I agree, that shoudl be fine......


    Except Ameobi is nowhere near a good enough striker. No-****ing-where near.


    And Dire is neither a striker, nor a good enough forward to be part of a top-4 striker force.


    And Martins has done nothing t prove he is good enough for a top 4 side.


    Of course, its a moot point, as there are very few players in our squad good enough for that level anyway.


    I nearly replied to this but then I realised that no one bothers anymore with him. Why does he still post on a forum when everyone ignores his usual nothing else to write bullshit.


    Self-confessed sheep.


    Maybe i should be all jovial and happy and pretend we are a good enough team with a good enough manager? I don't think so.


    Maybe you'd be happier then, though, if everyone posted the same happy-clappy bollocks?

  17. Actually when I read the thread title I first thought he had been stabbed by some crooks in the USA :lol:


    Hopefully he'll make a good recovery and it will help improve his game.


    How? Are they grafting some talent into him at the same time?

  18. I suspect not, and the only ones to blame are the fans - IF there had been some sort of boycott, even for a couple of games, I think Shepherd would have bottled it & sold.The fact that gates are still good has probably encouraged him to dig in and hope his scheme for the Casino comes to fruition before people get REALLY disillusioned.

    I wouldn't expect any other group or individual to move in if Belgravia back out and the above scenario becomes reality - the Club will be stuck with the regime for the foreseeable future and it is highly- likely that he will attempt to buy the whole Shareholding with profits & dividends from the new arrangement.


    You'd better start sending notes up the chimney for Santa....!


    I thought that was Mary Poppins??

  19. there seems to be a lot of bollocks being posted around the place about Belgravia coming in and improving the team, as it naturally leads to increased tickets/ merchandising / Sky money


    Does this add up?


    Who honestly thinks there are more tickets to be sold? (considering the already full take up year on year)


    how much more merchandising gets sold if we are 5th? (someone post the robson year's figures if they have them)


    how much more TV money comes with success? IIRC we lost £2m max due to fewer cup games. Also, the majority from Sky is fixed collectively no?


    and if there is, does this increase cover the proposed investment?


    I don't think it does. Belgravia are looking at something else to recoup their investment, possibly the casino or individual media/TV contracts when Sky finishes



    Improving the team would increase revenue in all sorts of ways. Television revenue gets bigger. The Champions League brings loads of cash. The brand becomes more valuable which means more sponsorship and more shirts etc are sold outside of home territory. I'm sure they can bring in a brand-manager/marketing type who can do a better job than Dougie sodding Hall.


    But yes, they would also look for revenue in new ways. There have been articles posted on here that mention plans for a hotel or two, and the hope of a casino (though they stressed that no plans depended on the casino). If a hotel on the site would prove to be a solid revenue stream, increasing the wealth of the club and stability of its finances, and they have the investment needed to build it, then as far as I'm concerned they should go right ahead.


    (Pure speculation, but combine a hotel and whatever at the Gallowgate end with an expansion of stadium capacity and what's not to like?)


    For sure, the club under Fat Fred probably doesn't have the vision and evidently couldn't muster the cash for that sort of development. We're still paying for the stadium and he's scrabbling around for funds to buy players.


    but it would take £70m+ to make us better than Liverpool, Arsenal, Man Utd, Chelsea.

  20. The fundamental flaw in this argument is that Shola is NOT a good enough striker.


    He would be fantastic at a Championship club, do a decent job in a bottom-seven of the Prem type club. But he's nowhere near good enough for where we want to be, even just the top 10.


    Martins is still proving himself, we don't know if he's going to make it yet. But he's clearly a better player than Shola,a nd could well turn out to be a great buy.


    But Shola - donkey shite.

  21. Add Dyer to the list above and we have 4 good enough strikers which should be fine....


    bluelaugh.gif bluelaugh.gif bluelaugh.gif bluelaugh.gif bluelaugh.gif Comedy Gold.


    I agree, that shoudl be fine......


    Except Ameobi is nowhere near a good enough striker. No-fucking-where near.


    And Dire is neither a striker, nor a good enough forward to be part of a top-4 striker force.


    And Martins has done nothing t prove he is good enough for a top 4 side.


    Of course, its a moot point, as there are very few players in our squad good enough for that level anyway.

  22. Nolberto Solano, Craig Moore, Titus Bramble and Antoine Sibierski all have contracts that end during summer 2007. They will all be free to talk to other clubs in the January transfer window.


    Which are worth keeping?


    Solano is not the player he once was. If nobody comes in for him the club would be in a strong negotiating position and would probably be able to reduce his weekly wages (assuming Nobby wanted to stay and the club wanted to keep him). The same applies to Bramble. Ipswich have made noises about wanting him but I'm sure he'd prefer to stay at Newcastle. Moore has said if the club don't offer him a new contract soon he will go home to Australia. Sibierski has been a reasonable emergency stop-gap.


    I know a lot of people will want rid of Bramble but if we can keep him as a squad player on a lot less money than he's on now then he may be worth keeping. We have a very small squad and don't have a lot of money at the moment. We need squad players.



    Nolberto Solano - bin/offer coaching role

    Craig Moore - if he wants to stay, keep, but NOT as a first team player, please god.

    Titus Bramble - bin, he's shite.

    Antoine Sibierski - bin.

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