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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey

  1. Playing in that shitty Charlton team probably didn't do him any favours this season, and if we can't get any better it'd be 2m well spent.


    He'd be a significant improvement on Carr.


    Same argument didn't hold water a while ago when people talked about Heskey being an improvement on Ameobi. A player is either good enough for where we want to be or isn't. Young isn't a big enough improvement.


    Enough money has been wasted already, the club needs to buy players who are a significant improvement on what we already have.


    Young IS a significant improvement on Carr.


    I'd agree but the fact remains that while Young is average, Carr is absolutely dreadful. Neither is good enough to hold down a first team spot if we want to get to where we all want to go. 


    In the short to medium term, we are looking at what, top 7? I reckon Young is good for that. For the kind of money talked about here, certainly.



    See what you're getting at but I think we should be aiming for top 4 tbh. Agree with HTL, we should be looking for a RB who's good enough to compete in a top 4 side. Luke Young isn't the answer. Yes, he'd improve us but it would mean replacing him in 2 years time with someone better. Let's just sign the better player now. I know that sounds glib as fuck but the player we need is out there and I trust Allardyce to find him.  O0


    We are currently so far from a top 4 side that its laughable. Apart from Given and Owen, not one other player os capable of playing at that level properly. Its a pipe dream to want top 4 players in every position. You have to be a big club to get that, and we are far from a big club.


    Young woudl greatly improve our squad, and give a genuine alternative to a rapidly ageing  right winger at right back. If thats a bad thing, then you must hate the rest of our squad more than i do, because they aren't good enough for the top 4 either.


    Never said they were tbh.  :undecided:


    Just think that we should be scouring the globe for the bloke who's better than Young to take us back into the top 4. Not that long ago since we finished top 4 you know!  :lol:


    I couldn't give a toss how long ago since we finished top 4 - twice out of the last 10 seasons, the last being 4 ago - you clearly can't think the rest of the squad are up to it. Like signing Duff last season, its the same thing - wrong priority. I'd rather take a RB good enough for the top 7 (which should be our short/medium term place) and get similar players in other positions, rather than pretend we can attract top top players.


    We have, in my opinion, 7 or 8 players who can comfortably play at that level. Lets get the rest in, and build from there.


    This is a better summary than yours




    erm, why is a link a better summary (ignoring the fact that a link is by no means a summary in the first place) than a concise, 7 word summary??


    I just meant that going 13/14 years back gives you 8 top 7 finishes rather than 2 top 4 finishes in the last 10. Its just a case of perspecive tbh.


    But we were talking about top 4 finishes. Not top 7.



    I know and its the right benchmark too. I just think that top 7 is about right for the 7th most successful club in English football.


    Which would be really relevant, if it had any relevance to the debate. Which it doesn't.


    Still waiting to hear how your non-summarising link provides a better summary than my summarising 7 words.


    Its relevant if you think that judging the club by top 4 finishes is more relevant than judging it by top 7 finishes. Its a question of perspective. I agree i've changed the debate slightly but i thought it was justifiable. I said that top 4 was the right benchmark so my view isnt as different to yours as you might imagine.


    Aye, right.

  2. tis in more than one paper,to play for LA in the summer and us in the winter


    The Sun and the Star? :lol:

    notw and people i think


    oh, if you'd said THAT before...... :lol:

    what did you expect with a thread title heading of "sunday papers",did you think it was going to be true actual goings on,100% solid fact,or the back page rumours ?


    I expect an absolute load of jizz, that some cretins on here will believe.


    I don't think you let me down on the first point.

    very freudian


    Don't try to be clever, it doesn't suit you. There was f*** all freudian about my post. Unless, by "freudian", you mean "not in any way freudian, unless you're stupid enough to relate any kind if vaguely-sexual lin to Freud, which would be imbecilic in the extreme".

    me thinx he doth protetht too muth


    ouch. You really are desperate now, aren't you. Bless.

    yes i am very desperate,0130and i'm replying to you


    I would give you a "touche", but that didn't warrant one.

    freudian again ?


    Graphic Approach is lying in the road outside. There's a stick. Get to work.

  3. Playing in that shitty Charlton team probably didn't do him any favours this season, and if we can't get any better it'd be 2m well spent.


    He'd be a significant improvement on Carr.


    Same argument didn't hold water a while ago when people talked about Heskey being an improvement on Ameobi. A player is either good enough for where we want to be or isn't. Young isn't a big enough improvement.


    Enough money has been wasted already, the club needs to buy players who are a significant improvement on what we already have.


    Young IS a significant improvement on Carr.


    I'd agree but the fact remains that while Young is average, Carr is absolutely dreadful. Neither is good enough to hold down a first team spot if we want to get to where we all want to go. 


    In the short to medium term, we are looking at what, top 7? I reckon Young is good for that. For the kind of money talked about here, certainly.



    See what you're getting at but I think we should be aiming for top 4 tbh. Agree with HTL, we should be looking for a RB who's good enough to compete in a top 4 side. Luke Young isn't the answer. Yes, he'd improve us but it would mean replacing him in 2 years time with someone better. Let's just sign the better player now. I know that sounds glib as fuck but the player we need is out there and I trust Allardyce to find him.  O0


    We are currently so far from a top 4 side that its laughable. Apart from Given and Owen, not one other player os capable of playing at that level properly. Its a pipe dream to want top 4 players in every position. You have to be a big club to get that, and we are far from a big club.


    Young woudl greatly improve our squad, and give a genuine alternative to a rapidly ageing  right winger at right back. If thats a bad thing, then you must hate the rest of our squad more than i do, because they aren't good enough for the top 4 either.


    Never said they were tbh.  :undecided:


    Just think that we should be scouring the globe for the bloke who's better than Young to take us back into the top 4. Not that long ago since we finished top 4 you know!  :lol:


    I couldn't give a toss how long ago since we finished top 4 - twice out of the last 10 seasons, the last being 4 ago - you clearly can't think the rest of the squad are up to it. Like signing Duff last season, its the same thing - wrong priority. I'd rather take a RB good enough for the top 7 (which should be our short/medium term place) and get similar players in other positions, rather than pretend we can attract top top players.


    We have, in my opinion, 7 or 8 players who can comfortably play at that level. Lets get the rest in, and build from there.


    This is a better summary than yours




    erm, why is a link a better summary (ignoring the fact that a link is by no means a summary in the first place) than a concise, 7 word summary??


    I just meant that going 13/14 years back gives you 8 top 7 finishes rather than 2 top 4 finishes in the last 10. Its just a case of perspecive tbh.


    But we were talking about top 4 finishes. Not top 7.



    I know and its the right benchmark too. I just think that top 7 is about right for the 7th most successful club in English football.


    Which would be really relevant, if it had any relevance to the debate. Which it doesn't.


    Still waiting to hear how your non-summarising link provides a better summary than my summarising 7 words.

  4. tis in more than one paper,to play for LA in the summer and us in the winter


    The Sun and the Star? :lol:

    notw and people i think


    oh, if you'd said THAT before...... :lol:

    what did you expect with a thread title heading of "sunday papers",did you think it was going to be true actual goings on,100% solid fact,or the back page rumours ?


    I expect an absolute load of jizz, that some cretins on here will believe.


    I don't think you let me down on the first point.

    very freudian


    Don't try to be clever, it doesn't suit you. There was f*** all freudian about my post. Unless, by "freudian", you mean "not in any way freudian, unless you're stupid enough to relate any kind if vaguely-sexual lin to Freud, which would be imbecilic in the extreme".

    me thinx he doth protetht too muth


    ouch. You really are desperate now, aren't you. Bless.

    yes i am very desperate,0130and i'm replying to you


    I would give you a "touche", but that didn't warrant one.

  5. Pavel Srnicek, Edgar Davids, Tino Asprilla, Eddie Johnson, Roque Santa Cruz,

    Ronny Johnsen, Alan Shearer, Michael Owen, Amdy Faye, Gareth Bale, Emre

    don't quite understand the rules do you ?


    Something this shit doesn't deserve rules. tbh.

  6. Playing in that shitty Charlton team probably didn't do him any favours this season, and if we can't get any better it'd be 2m well spent.


    He'd be a significant improvement on Carr.


    Same argument didn't hold water a while ago when people talked about Heskey being an improvement on Ameobi. A player is either good enough for where we want to be or isn't. Young isn't a big enough improvement.


    Enough money has been wasted already, the club needs to buy players who are a significant improvement on what we already have.


    Young IS a significant improvement on Carr.


    I'd agree but the fact remains that while Young is average, Carr is absolutely dreadful. Neither is good enough to hold down a first team spot if we want to get to where we all want to go. 


    In the short to medium term, we are looking at what, top 7? I reckon Young is good for that. For the kind of money talked about here, certainly.



    See what you're getting at but I think we should be aiming for top 4 tbh. Agree with HTL, we should be looking for a RB who's good enough to compete in a top 4 side. Luke Young isn't the answer. Yes, he'd improve us but it would mean replacing him in 2 years time with someone better. Let's just sign the better player now. I know that sounds glib as fuck but the player we need is out there and I trust Allardyce to find him.  O0


    We are currently so far from a top 4 side that its laughable. Apart from Given and Owen, not one other player os capable of playing at that level properly. Its a pipe dream to want top 4 players in every position. You have to be a big club to get that, and we are far from a big club.


    Young woudl greatly improve our squad, and give a genuine alternative to a rapidly ageing  right winger at right back. If thats a bad thing, then you must hate the rest of our squad more than i do, because they aren't good enough for the top 4 either.


    Never said they were tbh.  :undecided:


    Just think that we should be scouring the globe for the bloke who's better than Young to take us back into the top 4. Not that long ago since we finished top 4 you know!  :lol:


    I couldn't give a toss how long ago since we finished top 4 - twice out of the last 10 seasons, the last being 4 ago - you clearly can't think the rest of the squad are up to it. Like signing Duff last season, its the same thing - wrong priority. I'd rather take a RB good enough for the top 7 (which should be our short/medium term place) and get similar players in other positions, rather than pretend we can attract top top players.


    We have, in my opinion, 7 or 8 players who can comfortably play at that level. Lets get the rest in, and build from there.


    This is a better summary than yours




    erm, why is a link a better summary (ignoring the fact that a link is by no means a summary in the first place) than a concise, 7 word summary??


    I just meant that going 13/14 years back gives you 8 top 7 finishes rather than 2 top 4 finishes in the last 10. Its just a case of perspecive tbh.


    But we were talking about top 4 finishes. Not top 7.


  7. tis in more than one paper,to play for LA in the summer and us in the winter


    The Sun and the Star? :lol:

    notw and people i think


    oh, if you'd said THAT before...... :lol:

    what did you expect with a thread title heading of "sunday papers",did you think it was going to be true actual goings on,100% solid fact,or the back page rumours ?


    I expect an absolute load of jizz, that some cretins on here will believe.


    I don't think you let me down on the first point.

    very freudian


    Don't try to be clever, it doesn't suit you. There was f*** all freudian about my post. Unless, by "freudian", you mean "not in any way freudian, unless you're stupid enough to relate any kind if vaguely-sexual lin to Freud, which would be imbecilic in the extreme".

    me thinx he doth protetht too muth


    ouch. You really are desperate now, aren't you. Bless.

  8. tis in more than one paper,to play for LA in the summer and us in the winter


    The Sun and the Star? :lol:

    notw and people i think


    oh, if you'd said THAT before...... :lol:

    what did you expect with a thread title heading of "sunday papers",did you think it was going to be true actual goings on,100% solid fact,or the back page rumours ?


    I expect an absolute load of jizz, that some cretins on here will believe.


    I don't think you let me down on the first point.

    very freudian


    Don't try to be clever, it doesn't suit you. There was fuck all freudian about my post. Unless, by "freudian", you mean "not in any way freudian, unless you're stupid enough to relate any kind if vaguely-sexual lin to Freud, which would be imbecilic in the extreme".

    You were expecting a load of jizz. I think madras imagined you with your mouth open.


    Then what i wrote wasn't in any way Freudian, he just has some issues that he needs to sort out.

  9. Playing in that shitty Charlton team probably didn't do him any favours this season, and if we can't get any better it'd be 2m well spent.


    He'd be a significant improvement on Carr.


    Same argument didn't hold water a while ago when people talked about Heskey being an improvement on Ameobi. A player is either good enough for where we want to be or isn't. Young isn't a big enough improvement.


    Enough money has been wasted already, the club needs to buy players who are a significant improvement on what we already have.


    Young IS a significant improvement on Carr.


    I'd agree but the fact remains that while Young is average, Carr is absolutely dreadful. Neither is good enough to hold down a first team spot if we want to get to where we all want to go. 


    In the short to medium term, we are looking at what, top 7? I reckon Young is good for that. For the kind of money talked about here, certainly.



    See what you're getting at but I think we should be aiming for top 4 tbh. Agree with HTL, we should be looking for a RB who's good enough to compete in a top 4 side. Luke Young isn't the answer. Yes, he'd improve us but it would mean replacing him in 2 years time with someone better. Let's just sign the better player now. I know that sounds glib as fuck but the player we need is out there and I trust Allardyce to find him.  O0


    We are currently so far from a top 4 side that its laughable. Apart from Given and Owen, not one other player os capable of playing at that level properly. Its a pipe dream to want top 4 players in every position. You have to be a big club to get that, and we are far from a big club.


    Young woudl greatly improve our squad, and give a genuine alternative to a rapidly ageing  right winger at right back. If thats a bad thing, then you must hate the rest of our squad more than i do, because they aren't good enough for the top 4 either.


    Never said they were tbh.  :undecided:


    Just think that we should be scouring the globe for the bloke who's better than Young to take us back into the top 4. Not that long ago since we finished top 4 you know!  :lol:


    I couldn't give a toss how long ago since we finished top 4 - twice out of the last 10 seasons, the last being 4 ago - you clearly can't think the rest of the squad are up to it. Like signing Duff last season, its the same thing - wrong priority. I'd rather take a RB good enough for the top 7 (which should be our short/medium term place) and get similar players in other positions, rather than pretend we can attract top top players.


    We have, in my opinion, 7 or 8 players who can comfortably play at that level. Lets get the rest in, and build from there.


    This is a better summary than yours




    erm, why is a link a better summary (ignoring the fact that a link is by no means a summary in the first place) than a concise, 7 word summary??

  10. tis in more than one paper,to play for LA in the summer and us in the winter


    The Sun and the Star? :lol:

    notw and people i think


    oh, if you'd said THAT before...... :lol:

    what did you expect with a thread title heading of "sunday papers",did you think it was going to be true actual goings on,100% solid fact,or the back page rumours ?


    I expect an absolute load of jizz, that some cretins on here will believe.


    I don't think you let me down on the first point.

    very freudian


    Don't try to be clever, it doesn't suit you. There was fuck all freudian about my post. Unless, by "freudian", you mean "not in any way freudian, unless you're stupid enough to relate any kind if vaguely-sexual lin to Freud, which would be imbecilic in the extreme".

  11. tis in more than one paper,to play for LA in the summer and us in the winter


    The Sun and the Star? :lol:

    notw and people i think


    oh, if you'd said THAT before...... :lol:

    what did you expect with a thread title heading of "sunday papers",did you think it was going to be true actual goings on,100% solid fact,or the back page rumours ?


    I expect an absolute load of jizz, that some cretins on here will believe.


    I don't think you let me down on the first point.

  12. G. Messiah eh? Name reminds me of someone...


    Liverpool must be having a good think about Owen's situation. This season has proven without a shadow of a doubt that the one player theyre lacking the most is a 20+ natural goalscorer. Owen happens to be that, and hes also allegedly available for close to what theyve sold him for.


    To be fair, he's never scored more 20 in a season as far as I know.


    He's never even ("even" :lol:) got 20.


    Was that a dig at my lack of the word "than" NM? :)




    No, it was my backing up your being (almost) right. He's never hit 20 goals (and probably never will, certainly not for us!). :)

  13. This 20 goals a season things bollocks. There aren't many strikers who'll score 20+ PL goals, especially if they aren't a regular pen taker. If we have a striker who's scoring 15/16 goals from open play, I don't think we can have too many complaints as long as others are chipping in as well.


    There's never bene more than 4 players get 20+ in a season for 10 years or more -  normally fewer.


    Mind, Melanchronic, people don't complain (unless they are a mental) about Martins not scoring 20+, but about his phenomenal inconsistency, frequent issues with ball control, and inability to read the game.

  14. Liverpool must be having a good think about Owen's situation. This season has proven without a shadow of a doubt that the one player theyre lacking the most is a 20+ natural goalscorer. Owen happens to be that, and hes also allegedly available for close to what theyve sold him for.


    To be fair, he's never scored more 20 in a season as far as I know.


    He's never even ("even" :lol:) got 20.

  15. tis in more than one paper,to play for LA in the summer and us in the winter


    Thats up there with "NUFC to sign Ronaldo/Rivaldo/Rooney/etc", it really is.


    And some idiots will buy it. :lol:

  16. Playing in that shitty Charlton team probably didn't do him any favours this season, and if we can't get any better it'd be 2m well spent.


    He'd be a significant improvement on Carr.


    Same argument didn't hold water a while ago when people talked about Heskey being an improvement on Ameobi. A player is either good enough for where we want to be or isn't. Young isn't a big enough improvement.


    Enough money has been wasted already, the club needs to buy players who are a significant improvement on what we already have.


    Young IS a significant improvement on Carr.


    I'd agree but the fact remains that while Young is average, Carr is absolutely dreadful. Neither is good enough to hold down a first team spot if we want to get to where we all want to go. 


    In the short to medium term, we are looking at what, top 7? I reckon Young is good for that. For the kind of money talked about here, certainly.



    See what you're getting at but I think we should be aiming for top 4 tbh. Agree with HTL, we should be looking for a RB who's good enough to compete in a top 4 side. Luke Young isn't the answer. Yes, he'd improve us but it would mean replacing him in 2 years time with someone better. Let's just sign the better player now. I know that sounds glib as fuck but the player we need is out there and I trust Allardyce to find him.  O0


    We are currently so far from a top 4 side that its laughable. Apart from Given and Owen, not one other player os capable of playing at that level properly. Its a pipe dream to want top 4 players in every position. You have to be a big club to get that, and we are far from a big club.


    Young woudl greatly improve our squad, and give a genuine alternative to a rapidly ageing  right winger at right back. If thats a bad thing, then you must hate the rest of our squad more than i do, because they aren't good enough for the top 4 either.


    Never said they were tbh.  :undecided:


    Just think that we should be scouring the globe for the bloke who's better than Young to take us back into the top 4. Not that long ago since we finished top 4 you know!  :lol:


    I couldn't give a toss how long ago since we finished top 4 - twice out of the last 10 seasons, the last being 4 ago - you clearly can't think the rest of the squad are up to it. Like signing Duff last season, its the same thing - wrong priority. I'd rather take a RB good enough for the top 7 (which should be our short/medium term place) and get similar players in other positions, rather than pretend we can attract top top players.


    We have, in my opinion, 7 or 8 players who can comfortably play at that level. Lets get the rest in, and build from there.


    If you can read my mind then read this..................................






    Get that? Goodnight mate.  :rolleyes:


    1) You sid you wanted to scour wherever to find a bloke to lead us to the top 4. The factthatyou failed to mention the other 8 first teamers, plus backup players we'd need, led me to that conclusion.


    2) <concentrates>....urgh, you pervert. No thank you, i'm not that type.

  17. Lets start by building up a core of problem free players in the mold of Speed, Shearer, Taylor, Given etc. getting rid of the bad apples like Dyer, Baba and the likes. After that Sam can do his magic and rescue the careers of the misunderstood. If the culture is professional they would have to adopt to that, right now we have a circus-culture here and Adriano wouldnt really help put that straight.


    Good points.

  18. Playing in that shitty Charlton team probably didn't do him any favours this season, and if we can't get any better it'd be 2m well spent.


    He'd be a significant improvement on Carr.


    Same argument didn't hold water a while ago when people talked about Heskey being an improvement on Ameobi. A player is either good enough for where we want to be or isn't. Young isn't a big enough improvement.


    Enough money has been wasted already, the club needs to buy players who are a significant improvement on what we already have.


    Young IS a significant improvement on Carr.


    I'd agree but the fact remains that while Young is average, Carr is absolutely dreadful. Neither is good enough to hold down a first team spot if we want to get to where we all want to go. 


    In the short to medium term, we are looking at what, top 7? I reckon Young is good for that. For the kind of money talked about here, certainly.



    See what you're getting at but I think we should be aiming for top 4 tbh. Agree with HTL, we should be looking for a RB who's good enough to compete in a top 4 side. Luke Young isn't the answer. Yes, he'd improve us but it would mean replacing him in 2 years time with someone better. Let's just sign the better player now. I know that sounds glib as fuck but the player we need is out there and I trust Allardyce to find him.  O0


    We are currently so far from a top 4 side that its laughable. Apart from Given and Owen, not one other player os capable of playing at that level properly. Its a pipe dream to want top 4 players in every position. You have to be a big club to get that, and we are far from a big club.


    Young woudl greatly improve our squad, and give a genuine alternative to a rapidly ageing  right winger at right back. If thats a bad thing, then you must hate the rest of our squad more than i do, because they aren't good enough for the top 4 either.


    Never said they were tbh.  :undecided:


    Just think that we should be scouring the globe for the bloke who's better than Young to take us back into the top 4. Not that long ago since we finished top 4 you know!  :lol:


    I couldn't give a toss how long ago since we finished top 4 - twice out of the last 10 seasons, the last being 4 ago - you clearly can't think the rest of the squad are up to it. Like signing Duff last season, its the same thing - wrong priority. I'd rather take a RB good enough for the top 7 (which should be our short/medium term place) and get similar players in other positions, rather than pretend we can attract top top players.


    We have, in my opinion, 7 or 8 players who can comfortably play at that level. Lets get the rest in, and build from there.

  19. Playing in that shitty Charlton team probably didn't do him any favours this season, and if we can't get any better it'd be 2m well spent.


    He'd be a significant improvement on Carr.


    Same argument didn't hold water a while ago when people talked about Heskey being an improvement on Ameobi. A player is either good enough for where we want to be or isn't. Young isn't a big enough improvement.


    Enough money has been wasted already, the club needs to buy players who are a significant improvement on what we already have.


    Young IS a significant improvement on Carr.


    I'd agree but the fact remains that while Young is average, Carr is absolutely dreadful. Neither is good enough to hold down a first team spot if we want to get to where we all want to go. 


    In the short to medium term, we are looking at what, top 7? I reckon Young is good for that. For the kind of money talked about here, certainly.



    See what you're getting at but I think we should be aiming for top 4 tbh. Agree with HTL, we should be looking for a RB who's good enough to compete in a top 4 side. Luke Young isn't the answer. Yes, he'd improve us but it would mean replacing him in 2 years time with someone better. Let's just sign the better player now. I know that sounds glib as fuck but the player we need is out there and I trust Allardyce to find him.  O0


    We are currently so far from a top 4 side that its laughable. Apart from Given and Owen, not one other player os capable of playing at that level properly. Its a pipe dream to want top 4 players in every position. You have to be a big club to get that, and we are far from a big club.


    Young woudl greatly improve our squad, and give a genuine alternative to a rapidly ageing  right winger at right back. If thats a bad thing, then you must hate the rest of our squad more than i do, because they aren't good enough for the top 4 either.

  20. No.  We should go for better.


    he has international experience and would probably be a regular if nev wasnt in the squad. At one point he was being linked with nearly every club.


    Balls. He's never going to be an England regular.


    Neither are almost all of the English players some of us want to keep.

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