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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey

  1. Playing in that shitty Charlton team probably didn't do him any favours this season, and if we can't get any better it'd be 2m well spent.


    He'd be a significant improvement on Carr.


    Same argument didn't hold water a while ago when people talked about Heskey being an improvement on Ameobi. A player is either good enough for where we want to be or isn't. Young isn't a big enough improvement.


    Enough money has been wasted already, the club needs to buy players who are a significant improvement on what we already have.


    Young IS a significant improvement on Carr.


    I'd agree but the fact remains that while Young is average, Carr is absolutely dreadful. Neither is good enough to hold down a first team spot if we want to get to where we all want to go. 


    In the short to medium term, we are looking at what, top 7? I reckon Young is good for that. For the kind of money talked about here, certainly.



    He'd be a stop gap. I don't want the club to sign stop gaps.


    I think he's good enough to be in a team/squad in the top 7.


    Many players are stop gaps before the club moves on to bigger and better things. There are only 2 players in our squad capable of top 4 football, so what exactly SHOULD we be signing? We're not going to get 11 world beaters in one go, its a gradual process.

  2. Reo-Cokers got the lot for a midfielder.


    Got the lot? What exactly has he got?


    I've never seen him pass the ball further than 10 yards, everytime he gets past the half way line he runs down a blind alley and loses possesion, he can't shoot, he's got no leadership qualities whatsoever and as he's shown this season as soon as the going gets tough he dissapears from games and starts moaning.


    you're thinking of Dyer. Easy mistake to make.

  3. Playing in that shitty Charlton team probably didn't do him any favours this season, and if we can't get any better it'd be 2m well spent.


    He'd be a significant improvement on Carr.


    Same argument didn't hold water a while ago when people talked about Heskey being an improvement on Ameobi. A player is either good enough for where we want to be or isn't. Young isn't a big enough improvement.


    Enough money has been wasted already, the club needs to buy players who are a significant improvement on what we already have.


    Young IS a significant improvement on Carr.


    I'd agree but the fact remains that while Young is average, Carr is absolutely dreadful. Neither is good enough to hold down a first team spot if we want to get to where we all want to go. 


    In the short to medium term, we are looking at what, top 7? I reckon Young is good for that. For the kind of money talked about here, certainly.


  4. Playing in that shitty Charlton team probably didn't do him any favours this season, and if we can't get any better it'd be 2m well spent.


    He'd be a significant improvement on Carr.


    Same argument didn't hold water a while ago when people talked about Heskey being an improvement on Ameobi. A player is either good enough for where we want to be or isn't. Young isn't a big enough improvement.


    Enough money has been wasted already, the club needs to buy players who are a significant improvement on what we already have.


    Young IS a significant improvement on Carr.

  5. But now that we've got a competant manager and a potential billionaire owner, we could get a team that he wants to play for.


    You think we'll be a top 4 team in the next 2 years? Nope.

  6. Being touted today for £2m, anyone take him for that? Certainly an improvement on Carr (imo) and £2m isn't a vast amount of money.




    i hope you're laughing at the £2m thing, because he is without doubt better than Carr, by dint of not being a fucking shithouse.


    I'm laughing because even though he may be better than Carr this is either an indication of how much expectations have fallen since Souness or is an indication of a lack of football knowledge on the part of the person who started the thread.


    It's probably a combination of both, tbh. Young is a very, very average footballer from what I've seen.


    And we have no even average right backs, really.

  7. £5m plus one of Keane & Defoe and I'd accept.


    5m + Defoe for Michael Owen?  No, just no.


    I think some people forget just how good the guy is.


    And how much he isn't arsed about playing for us, have you forgotten that?

  8. He is laughing because he doesn't really have anything clever to say. Its starting to become a bit of a theme with HTL, I reckon he has probably just posted that smiley a couple of hundred times.


    Ah, i see. I thought for one horrific moment that he thought that Carr was a competent right back. Although, in fairnedd, having nothing clever to say woudl be the least of his worries if he thought that. He'd be far too concerned with rocking back and forward drooling, and waiting for the nurse to come with his next meds.

  9. Being touted today for £2m, anyone take him for that? Certainly an improvement on Carr (imo) and £2m isn't a vast amount of money.




    i hope you're laughing at the £2m thing, because he is without doubt better than Carr, by dint of not being a fucking shithouse.


    England B


    S Carson (Liverpool) P Neville (Everton), L King (Tottenham Hotspur), M Dawson (Tottenham Hotspur), N Shorey (Reading) A Lennon (Tottenham Hotspur), G Barry (Aston Villa), J Jenas (Tottenham Hotspur), D Bentley (Blackburn Rovers) M Owen (Newcastle United), A Smith (Manchester United).


    Television: Live on Sky Sports 1 from 7.30pm (kick-off 7.45pm).







    I don't see how that is an England B team.. You see most of those players bar carson, barry, bently and shorey get a run out for the England A team. Where is the young talent?


    in the U21s?

  11. so much for pedro saying a few weeks back at a talk in that distin are sidwell are in the bag !!



    Sidwell - nailed on.






    Clearly wor Pedro isn't in the loop these days :lol:



    Its up there with "Roeder will be in charge next season" (Parky i think), and

    "we'll be challenging for the top 4 next season" (Parky definatley).



  12. All this 'never good enough' SHITE from a club that has continually bankrolled some of the most underperforming bags of SHITE for years


    So we should keep players on now because we have made mistakes on the past??


    Thats some good change management, that.


    No we should stop pretending that certain players aren't worthy of respect from the fans of this shithouse club, when clearly they have done a good job when no other cunt could be persuaded to come here



    He did a decent job for us - thats what it was, his JOB. He got paid well for it, he got praise from the fans at the time for it, and thats the end of it. We don't owe him anything, same as he doesn't owe us anything. Time for a parting of the ways between a true joutneyman, and a club who were desperate enough to sign him.

  13. Bale is quality. Seen him a lot for Southampton.


    The best thing about him is that he plays with so much maturity. You tend to forget you are watching a 17 year old. Physically strong too.


    how many times have you seen him? Can't leave much time for watching anyone else, if you have seen enough to judge him properly.




    I've seen him around five times for Sothampton and two or three times with Wales.


    Does that meet your requirements? How many times do you have to see someone before you can judge them. What do you mean it won't leave me with enough time to see anyone else?


    Goodness grief ...


    Not really, no.

  14. I heard they were holding a minutes silence before the match for the bin dippers that were unable to get tickets.


    Better than... no actually I'm not saying that.


    pssst!......don't mention the 'm' word.

  15. Bale is quality. Seen him a lot for Southampton.


    The best thing about him is that he plays with so much maturity. You tend to forget you are watching a 17 year old. Physically strong too.


    how many times have you seen him? Can't leave much time for watching anyone else, if you have seen enough to judge him properly.

  16. Talking of overpaid defenders, I was listening to a local sports phone-in down here, and the presenter was talking about the rumoured interest of Birmingham's least evolved football club, Birmingham City, in the legend they know as Lord Titus of Bramble. Presenter said the main sticking point would be his wages, rumoured to be *67k* a week at Newcastle.


    Now, said presenter is known around these parts as being a moron, so he could have got it wrong, but even so, had I been drinking at the time, I'd have expelled it at high speed through my nostrils.


    That can't be right, can it? 67k?




    That's absolute bollocks.


    That's good to know. I don't know what perturbed me most, the fact that Bramble could be on that kind of money, or the fleeting thought that I actually believed it briefly.


    about £40k from the most recent undeserved payrise, i thought. Still £35k more than he deserved, in fairness.

  17. To be fair, I think it's a decent enough point from Jon. Same goes for Lee Clark who may have potential to be a decent coach - you never know. I think we can write-off Terry Mac though.


    Bollocks to potential, lets get soem good, proven coaches and an assistant in. Let them prove whether or not they are good enough somewhere else, i'm sick of us pretending potential is actually ability.

  18. All this 'never good enough' SHITE from a club that has continually bankrolled some of the most underperforming bags of SHITE for years


    So we should keep players on now because we have made mistakes on the past??


    Thats some good change management, that.

    He'll ask you point out where he actually said that. Well, he would have if I hadn't just posted this.


    Even though his inference is clear?? Yes, i expect he would.

  19. why are people even arguing, his lack of mistakes was primarily because he didn't assert himself properly on the pitch


    he's slow, weak, shit in the air, average at best in the tackle, and he's a fucking drunk


    exactly right, although you missed out the fact that his reading of the game was as bad as fucking Brambles.

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