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Everything posted by SAK

  1. SAK

    Sandro Tonali

    Not looking good, but hopefully these new sponsorship deals I.e. Saudia and Daka, plus the already agreed Adidas deal give us wiggle room to bring in a midfielder to cover his loss.
  2. SAK

    Sandro Tonali

    Club statement said he has our full support and that we and Tonali won’t comment further whilst it’s being investigated.
  3. SAK


    Was hoping he would sit the matches out and be fresh.
  4. SAK


    World cup semi and Euro final Southgate deserved the last World Cup but we were poor there and nothing since suggests we’ll take that next step under his leadership. FA need to bin him but won’t and we’ll make it to quarters/semis next summer but get knocked out as per usual. Frustrating thing is we have the players to win with the right coaching, tactics, and selection.
  5. SAK


    Not sure how booing helps the players to perform better.
  6. SAK


    Lovely Aussie move, nearly a goal.
  7. SAK


    Footie matches in pouring rain worries me, go for a sliding tackle and you can loose control and do some damage.
  8. SAK


    Australia seem more motivated so far.
  9. SAK

    Sandro Tonali

    If you need to gamble why not do it on unrelated sports like horses, dogs, rugby etc.
  10. SAK

    Sandro Tonali

    He is, all these international breaks aren’t helping him gel with the rest of the team.
  11. The injury situation plus our lack of depth is unfair on developing players like Anderson as they’re expected to perform like seasoned pros when what they need is to come in with 20 minutes to go when we’re already winning.
  12. Probably because we were a few minutes away from a win and were masters of our own downfall regarding their equaliser.
  13. Disappointed with the draw in the end as we were so close to the win but overall thoughts: -We played a difficult away game soon after playing PSG and dominated possession though WHU were dangerous on the break - We were able to improve second half against a team that didn’t for the majority of the game want to play football -Tonali needs time and looked like he was gassed at 75 mins, maybe should have been subbbed. Was loose with passing (tried a flicked 1-2 and WHU got the ball) and played his part in their equaliser but think he’ll come good when he’s used to the pace of the game -Anderson isn’t ready yet to be a starting player against the better teams, needs to play against weaker opposition or come in as an impact sub against tired players. Seems confident retaining possession in tight spaces but sometimes when he could have offloaded the ball to a teammate to recycle possession didn’t and lost the ball. Needs to improve decision making. Also charged out to close them down high up the pitch which set of a chain reaction that lead to their equaliser.
  14. If only that Isak shot after he rounded the keeper didn’t hit the post, what if, but 2-2 is fair in the end.
  15. They must use software that looks through stats to find a profile of players you’re looking for. Only thing I can think of.
  16. Ball goes across our goal after Bowen shoots and pope saves.
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