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Everything posted by SAK

  1. Can’t get out of our own half so far.
  2. Has Willock been injured often aside from the current injury which goes back to last season? I don’t think he’s a crock. correction: I see his previous injury was hamstring and currently it’s Achilles tendon. So maybe he’s a crock.
  3. Surprising thing is it went on for ages.
  4. Shite as a kid as I wore glasses. My eyesight was so bad I couldn’t cross the road without them as cars were a blur. Once they were off to play football I couldn’t see the ball until it was next to me. Always last to be picked? When I moved to contacts in my late teens went from Ali Dia (fake George Weahs cousin) to Emmanuel Rivière.
  5. Don’t you mean Gordon to the left of me, Mahrez to the right, Isak in the middle with you.
  6. Hilarious reading. They think if they, Man U and Arsenal leave and join the EFL the PL would fall apart. The self importance. So whose place would they take in the Championship? Would it be an expanded Championship and why would other clubs agree to playing six additional games a year and have three powerful teams join the league and limit their chances? Could they survive the cut in TV revenue, they seem to think the TV money will follow them ?. Pretty sure Sky, TNT, and Amazon are tied in long term with PL plus foreign broadcasters. So massive reduction in income and they’re not backed by sovereign wealth or a sugar daddy. What happens if they win the Championship or place in the promotion spots, do they promote to the league they left and immediately leave it again? Do they convince EFL to break link to PL so there is no promotion in the hope that starves and kills off PL (more likely to kill EFL as PL gives % of revenue to EFL). Why would Championship teams agree to that break and no promotion to what has been the top league since the nineties. Deluded.
  7. No change, related party transactions need to show fair market value but the need to show equivalent offers from other potential sponsors hasn’t passed
  8. Brighton send their players outwards to get experience. They don’t loan in from their partner clubs. Understand the proposed ban was inwards only.Not sure about Bournemouth.
  9. Trainers are even more disturbing.
  10. Easy cap budgets to the highest budget in the league, don’t let owners lump debt on to club beyond their ability to service that debt, allow owners to spend their own money up to the budget limit. Level playing field for those who want to challenge and can afford it i.e us and those who can’t pump their own money in can’t bankrupt clubs by taking out loans against their club.
  11. Maybe now FFP is biting people on the arse the Other 14 may want to reconsider and see it was set up to protect the established clubs. Being selfish this could turn out to be a positive thing for us in the long run, maybe less inclination to support the Big Six with their attempts to bring in restrictive rules.
  12. SAK

    Lewis Hall

    He may come good in the long run but with FFP restrictions a more established left back would have made more sense (he’s not cheap at £28m to be paid at end of season plus up to 7m in add ons). Guess the club is looking long term but sometimes I wished they looked at immediate needs.
  13. SAK


    Wilson better drop out of the squad if he wasn’t up to playing today.
  14. “After Greizman signed me for Newcastle on Football Manager I wanted to do it for real”.
  15. Adeyemi pulling Tinindown by his arm but still tackles ball back. No card given, joke.
  16. So dumb with our fouls letting Dortmund off.
  17. Need to learn how make the snide pushes they do when the ball is in the air.
  18. https://x.com/averagestriker/status/1720876950175015221?s=46&t=YPwchm7Eflkd4EF16wTg5w
  19. SAK

    Miguel Almirón

    Swap sides with Gordon.
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