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Everything posted by SAK

  1. Let’s be honest two spawny come backs against Chelsea and City, and dominate performance in the final against Liverpool made people think Real had a chance. Totally dominated.
  2. Is it me that foreign teams foul and no cards, first foul by an English team and it’s a yellow? So many fouls on Grealish.
  3. Hope City smash these, theres just this smugness with Real and Barca that I can’t stand.
  4. He’s back for Jan, sign him up now and bank him for later.
  5. Exactly, people not allowed to express an opinion on a message board/chat forum/internet forum.
  6. Trent scores, commentators will be wanking themselves senseless.
  7. Hopefully they have some professional pride, maybe lose but don’t get thrashed.
  8. Or two draws against Brighton and Chelsea and rely on goal difference.
  9. If we turn up we should thrash Leicester on this showing.
  10. Maybe post game dejection speaking but we didn’t look good.
  11. Think we’re sleep walking out the CL places. Brighton are better than us at the moment, Leicester are fighting for their PL status, and Chelsea away isn’t easy.
  12. Come on Tripps free kick, stick it in.
  13. That’s still two wins and draw and we’re struggling against relegation fodder? edit: I meant two wins
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