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Everything posted by Theregulars

  1. Parry criticising us for booing Enrique. Do you know how he left us, you one-sided, high-voiced pillock?
  2. Will this be a record for individual players booed in a game for the whole 90 minutes? Carroll, Bellamy, Enrique, Suarez?
  3. So true, during that line-up all he did was praise them for how good they are and simultaneously unlucky.
  4. Bollocks tbf, seen Rob Lee, Ferdinand, Ginola, Lee Clark on our games before.
  5. Nope, it will be an explanation of how we're really small-minded and should have given Dalglish the freedom of the club, then he would have led us to the promised land because he's immortal.
  6. To be fair Murphy makes a great point, it's always fucking hard to win when your first choice central defensive partnership is out.
  7. 3-1 today you ginger muff. At this point, Captain Hindsight strides in: should have taken Coloccini off as soon as he felt his hamstring, never let Enrique leave and not eaten than dupiaza 2 weeks ago.
  8. if they get in europe league, it's like winning the league - no it's not, at all.
  9. I hate all this, "when you play for Liverpool, it's a different kind of pressure"/"it's just such a massive club"/"you just don't understand it until you play there" - it's complete twaddle.
  10. He's not Oliver Biefhoff or Les Ferdinand, tbh. I mean, I think he'll beat Williamson 6/10, but Williamson should be able to do enough to put him off doing anything greatly useful with it.. I hope. When I see Suarez's teeth, I know I'm going to get angry. Bierhoff How can anyone (who's not German) have him on his minds here? Strange... Because he's knowledgeable about football and correctly references a player who is decent in the air?
  11. Genuinely think I've never wanted us to beat a team more than these today.
  12. There is legitimately not one player in it who makes me in the least bit calm. Jonas? In his well-established capacity as a solid full-back?
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