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Everything posted by Theregulars

  1. It's true - anyone coming up - and don't forget, practically that may mean moving their family/hope up to the north east - would fear that Ashley could just get rid of them without any reason (as a law student sometimes I ponder whether Hughton should try an action for unfair dismissal, although it would probably fail on contractual terms I'm not aware of), and therefore they consider it a fairly pointless and dangerous upheaval. Another reason to add onto the pile of why I hate him.
  2. Does it worry anybody that so few people in their right mind would want to come and work for a club under a man like Mike Ashley? I personally believe that's a reason people like him have rejected us, and their distaste at his appalling treat of Hughton.
  3. Theregulars

    Alan Pardew

    Does anybody else watch his interviews and think he's an absolute moron? Managerial skill/ability aside, he just strikes me as thick as mince.
  4. Win's a win, pleased with the performance - better side for vast majority of the game, shame we didn't score more but I'd say that's a mixture of bad luck (two woodworks), lack of match-sharpness (Lovenkrands,Best chances), and a bit of poor finishing (Shola, arguably Jonas).
  5. Fairly concerned we haven't scored a second, have had the chances.
  6. No he didn't, that would have required him to be operating a bulldozer. He literally knocked over two players. I'm so sorry.
  7. You know when commentators say "they can taste victory"? That's what he tastes of.
  8. working the channels really well yup, that miss apart he's playing well.
  9. EXPERIENCE IS ALL Windass > Messi (were he to play in the Premier).
  10. Sort your quoting out, ginge. A man of my stature and repute doesn't need to play by the rules.
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