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morpeth mag

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Everything posted by morpeth mag

  1. He'll be our deadline day interest
  2. Fernandes went all in, Mike's called his bluff
  3. Carr to be let go - transfer policy is just to sign french international squad, no need for scouts
  4. Sign him on a pre-contract then haggle the price for the next six months - classiic nufc
  5. Gouffran doesn't look like a left winger to me. For a start he's right footed. Looks more like a straight swap for Demba from what I've seen. We need someone who can play up the middle in case Cisse gets injured. HBA can play left forward if Gouffran needs to play right. what's important is a striker who can play as part of a front 3
  6. Mind you being French of Senegalese extraction ticks all the right boxes when it comes to bonding.
  7. Great, another non scoring LB.
  8. But if you play it first then you can get to play it best. Mind you when Villa have tried this formation this season they've been gash. Think its the sort of thing you introduce over the summer or when you are set for a mid table finish
  9. That's just an opening bid before we go back in with our final one - £1m take it or leave it
  10. Won't be able to fly in directly today because of the snow - coming via Heathrow?
  11. In this ducked up world of ours one thing I'd say is that we are bidding for quality players that just might be within our reach. Gives my hope.
  12. Was stood on the stretford end with my dad when Mira scored the two at OT for the 22 draw. In truth he was one footed and very greedy but he was an improvement on what we had. I commented earlier on Nattrass who was an all together classier player.
  13. Claims he thought Cabaye would last the 90 which is optimistic for a first game back. Even if Perch or Bigi were needed to strengthen midfield then surely moving Marveaux to the wing instead of Jonas or Shola was the call. He's obsessed with defending a lead rather than getting the second.
  14. Krul Taylor. Colo. MVM Debuchy. Anita. Cabaye. Santon HBA. Cisse. Marv
  15. morpeth mag

    Alan Pardew

    He's going nowhere short term. The club have clearly decided to back him in the transfer market, and they owe him after last summer. If we sign MYM and a striker plus two squad players and are fourth bottom at Easter then they might have to make a decision to make. Personally I think we'll be OK in the end but I'm worried that Pards is so slow to learn.
  16. Santon could play the wide left position better than Jonas right now but what is worrying is why Marveaux isn't tried there when the subs round begins on 70 mins if we need to bolster midfield. I guess we just need a bench who are first team standard so we can rotate a bit.
  17. Was at fault for the first goal but Krul hardly covered himself in glory ( or mud)
  18. Ferguson. Final challenge in his career. A chance to put Pards in his place. You know it makes sense.
  19. Back tracking cos he knows you can't survive long if you criticise the fans
  20. Arsenal have been watching him for a while now. Only hope is that they ave three high profile CB already.
  21. After the Remy fiasco lets just hope this goes smoothly. Just what is needed. A striker who can play from the wing next.
  22. His lack of form is a major issue. I think he is one of the players struggling to adapt to 433 as he doesn't have the passing to play in the three midfielders and he isn't enough of a goal threat to plat wide left. His confidence is clearly low and if our squad was stronger would be due a rotation.
  23. Wish he'd been on the bench to have a chance of the record. Can only think he plays to defend set pieces CSS he doesn't contribute anything up top.
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