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Everything posted by chicago_shearer

  1. chicago_shearer

    John Carver

    Get in. Didn't think Schteve had it in him.
  2. Begging Steve fucking McClaren to take the job three times. Glad he accepted. 4 times might have been humiliating.
  3. He'll be on the next Learjet to a non-extradition country.
  4. The resignation and disappointment at the idea of McClaren is slowly being replaced by the horror of them actually giving the job to Carver.
  5. http://fox6now.com/2015/06/01/soccers-coming-back-to-miller-park-atlas-futbol-club-vs-newscastle-united-futbol-club/ Newscastle Futbol club.
  6. Odd choice but he's obviously intelligent, respected in the game and ambitious to prove himself as a manager. Would happily take a chance on him.
  7. Just boycott the World Cup unless he leaves. Actually do it. Russia and particularly Qatar will be miserable wastes of time for the fans anyway. 2018 is a de facto endorsement of a tyrant, and 2022 is just a total, cynical affront to the game. This is the problem with the UEFA nations, including the English FA and British government. Launching a real investigation and trying to get them extradited for an actual criminal trial would never even cross their minds. And they won't even consider withdrawing from the tournament either. It's all sternly worded letters from Culture & Sport Ministers and Parliamentary inquiries followed by Panorama documentaries and public moaning. If you don't like it, do something. Withdraw. The World Cup is s*** now anyway. To be clear, I have no problem at all with rotating the Cup to Asia or Latin America or Africa, and no problem at all with equal representation for global regions. But this entire FIFA racket - from the corruption to this farce of a vote today - is just propped up by Blatter and fat, rich, blatant crooks from FAs in the developing world that have no interest at all in developing their local game.
  8. If West Ham get Bielsa and we quietly stick with Carver
  9. The most frustrating thing about Ashley is he seems clueless as well as deeply cynical. If you were a fat sportswear magnate who bought a football club you didn't care about for the purposes of free advertising and selling lots of plastic Wonga shirts to teenagers...what would you do? Probably appoint an experienced, local DoF and ambitious, positive manager. That would be the easiest, cheapest way for Ashley to get some of the fans off his back and get on with the important work of selling them trainers and shirts. You could maintain the same minimal investment on players, Ligue 1 bargain buys and sell-on transfer policy and let a competent manager keep things effective on the pitch (the model being Southampton). Some might complain, but most would be placated by decent football on a Saturday and decent results. But you really could see him appointing Carver. Everyone knows he doesn't give a damn about the club itself, but it's like he goes out of his way to damage his investment.
  10. chicago_shearer

    John Carver

    Does anyone actually, in their heart believe Hull aren't beating Man U? Look at that man. We're gone.
  11. If the situation was reversed, and we had Man Utd at home needing a result to survive while they had a struggling West Ham 90 minutes away from their holidays, we'd lose 0-4 and Hull would win comfortably. At least you know Hull will fight and make a game of it. On paper, I think Man U will win this and keep us up. But I know to a certainty that we'll lose next Sunday. It's an embarrassment. It feels so different to last time, which was just desperate and hard to conceive. This time relegation feels deserved and appropriate.
  12. I hope he does a full Phil Brown singalong at full time.
  13. That end of season lap of honour would be amazing.
  14. He couldn't give a fuck. Parachute payments and he can recoup any other losses with another Solero yellow Wonga kit.
  15. Lots of options, but I would say Souness. A better appointment there and things are a lot different.
  16. In FM or FIFA this would definitely be a sim match.
  17. I got through 35 minutes of the first half before switching it off. Felt like an achievement.
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