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Everything posted by Haz

  1. Remember when they sang it on "Escape to Victory"? made the hairs on your neck stand up.
  2. I thought the idea with Thauvin was for him to remain with bastia anyway? Makes me think its not over.
  3. Haz


    Probably but they are all wound up themselves. Bless.
  4. Haz

    Moussa Sissoko

    Deep breaths Skirge lad.
  5. Ok then, which striker do we go after now?
  6. Haz

    Moussa Sissoko

    Ho way la Toon.. Je suis ower la lune
  7. Haz

    Moussa Sissoko

    There was video and it certainly looked like ours.
  8. Haz

    Moussa Sissoko

    At the airport. SSN showed him arriving.
  9. Haz

    Moussa Sissoko

    Has he flown in? SSN suggesting so.
  10. Haz

    Moussa Sissoko

    Have just checked with pal at airport. he reckons there are direct flights from Toulouse (Flybe) and they take one and a half hours.
  11. Haz

    Moussa Sissoko

    http://img836.imageshack.us/img836/5826/lafraise.jpg Sorry if its already posted!
  12. Haz

    Moussa Sissoko

    Whats "Jizz" in French?
  13. we need to drop the Wonga logo and go with FCUK!
  14. Haz

    Moussa Sissoko

    Aren't we getting a bit previous?
  15. http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m7nt5eYDPJ1r289jj.jpg
  16. http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mdlpn6CPqL1rgn907o1_1280.png
  17. Look chill out. I don't have any inside information BUT one question...if Pardew decided he wanted Carrol, could he come here in the Jan window? Just to settle an argument.
  18. Haz

    Alan Pardew

    How long before we hear the usual pearl: " The team play better away from the home pressure"?
  19. Haz

    Alan Pardew

    Do you think they are already preparing for relegation?
  20. I still cant make jokes about glen Keeley. It's too soon.
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