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Everything posted by Haz

  1. These threads usually degenerate into photos like the above. Thankfully.
  2. http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2014/06/24/article-0-1F1657A100000578-963_634x418.jpg
  3. Does she remind you of the Bimpess?
  4. Notice she's got her "Tug" next to her.
  5. What we need first is a world class sniper.
  6. "That video - christ almighty! " Aye. Nurse! He's out of bed again!
  7. They're in a minor meltdown on SMB. Suddenly Colback isn't the player they thought he was.
  8. Haz

    Loïc Remy

    Remy to Arsenal according to SSN.
  9. So suppose he buys Rangers. Where does that leave us?
  10. Pardew singing "I who have nothing' as Shirley Bassey.
  11. "The two footed midfielder" Thank God he's got two feet.
  12. Giggsy favourite to take over !
  13. Sky Sources now saying sacking could come within the next 24 hours.
  14. Haz


    Just as there were various Hominid species (most of which died out) Sunderland maintained a very narrow DNA pool, observing incestuous behaviour. That's why the buggers are close yet so far apart.
  15. Haz

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Fuck sake man Bimps. Don't sugar coat it.
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