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Everything posted by geordie_b

  1. http://www.fanshirts.co.uk/designs/shirts/500/11645.png
  2. If he has then it would be a large amount given that he would have been a free agent, fair play to the lad!
  3. http://www.fanshirts.co.uk/designs/shirts/500/11631.png #justguessing
  4. http://img580.imageshack.us/img580/7145/ballboyj.jpg https://twitter.com/CHARLIEM0RGAN The kid is going to get slaughtered for this....
  5. http://www.fanshirts.co.uk/designs/shirts/500/11596.png
  6. So the ill wife thing was bollocks then?
  7. Fairly sure we are but i doubt he will take a wage cut
  8. looks class, might have to do this. Thanks, its my website
  9. http://www.fanshirts.co.uk/designs/shirts/500/11434.png :frantic: :frantic: :frantic: :frantic:
  10. Ive been thinking the same recently, everyone seems to attack with more pace and ideas than us
  11. Looking at the pitch at WHL it doesnt look like they are trying to get the game played. Anything to do with injuries and ACN...
  12. Walcott is such a stupid player, someone with his pace should never be standing in an offside position when a ball is played through
  13. theberrypub strawberrypub 2h Unsure about game going ahead @theberrypub pic.twitter.com/KqaVuqqq Doesnt look too bad at the moment
  14. This guy really doesnt realise that he isnt a position to set deadlines
  15. Show him the money Blinky!
  16. beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew
  17. Someone should remind Quinn that they missed the pen, what punishment would there be if it was just a yellow then?
  18. Very useful if you trade with high stakes, wouldnt have thought its much use for your standard punter on low odds.
  19. http://www.nufc.co.uk/articles/20130103/debuchy-deal-close-says-boss_2281670_3026432?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=facebook "He's going through the medical process now and hopefully that all goes to plan," Pardew said. "He's not available for Saturday but hopefully for Norwich, yes. "It's massively important for our senior players; our senior players who are actually fit and playing have had to see the younger players come in and one or two have struggled, one or two have done well, but they want to see good players around them. "So it'll be a lift for them in particular - the (Fabricio) Coloccinis, the Tim Kruls, the Perchys, the (Mike) Williamsons who have played most of our games, that there are one or two more senior players in that dressing room."
  20. Saturday 2nd February, the return of the greedy BA-stard
  21. IF in theory we did a player swap deal to the value of £7.5m (The release clause amount) would 'the Ba's' get anything other than the signing on fee ie not the 50% of the transfer fee?
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