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Everything posted by geordie_b

  1. This will be added before everything goes live properly, slight oversight... Its possible but a serious amount of work, long term this is planned though Other teams will be available as soon as I done developing, I always like to give NO a sneak preview though
  2. A few people requested this one, cant think why http://www.pixelreplay.com/Samples/ShearerNewcastleEverton.png EDIT Sorry Neil
  3. If you were seriously interested I could look into the costs involved
  4. This will be added very soon, im just working on the font that will allow me to do it properly.
  5. Hi all As some of you will have already seen I have been working on a new website which will be going live next week. The website is called PixelReplay and the basic concept is to recreate classic and current goals using Sensible Soccer style graphics. Over time the images will be available to buy as prints and also available to put on t-shirts, mugs, mousemats etc Like I did with my website FanShirts.co.uk I would like to give Newcastle-Online a preview and get your feedback. I'm still playing around with some of the design features but here are some sample images http://www.pixelreplay.com/Samples/SissokoNewcastleChelsea.png http://www.pixelreplay.com/Samples/GouffranTottenhamNewcastle.png UPDATED http://www.pixelreplay.com/Samples/ShearerNewcastleEverton.png http://www.pixelreplay.com/Samples/BenArfaNewcastleBolton.png Please feel free to respond with ideas and constructive criticism, everything you post will help me improve the site further. Please also make requests for goals that you would like given the 'Pixel Replay' treatment, I wont be able to make all them but I do want to have some more practice so fire away. As ive already mentioned the website isnt live yet but the supporting Facebook page is and you can visit it at www.Facebook.com/PixelReplay. Likeing the page and sharing the image will help spread the word and I really need your help getting things going! Thanks in advance for your help and thanks to Dave for allowing me to open this thread!
  6. Another preview from my new website http://img24.imageshack.us/img24/5069/gouffranspurs.png
  7. - something that has words like sensible, pixels, goals etc in it - name needs to be under 15 characters long so that I can secure social media usernames - .co.uk and .com must be available I had the perfect name for the project but some gimp in America owns the .com and isn't using it. If you have a good name please PM it so that I don't risk oth people taking it. Thanks! Thanks everyone for your comments and name ideas. I think I have decided on a name and the site will be launching sometime next week. If there is enough interest we could possibly have a dedicated thread for requests and created images. Ill be in touch soon
  8. I think unless he was using their sprites (I think that's what they're called) and/or advertising using the Sensible Soccer name then they couldn't do anything? They are fine with it, Sensible Soccer is now pretty much open source. Having said that I'm not planning on using Sensible Soccer in the name to avoid any confusion
  9. No idea yet waiting for them to get back to me
  10. Pixelgoals.com is unavailable but im looking into buying it
  11. - something that has words like sensible, pixels, goals etc in it - name needs to be under 15 characters long so that I can secure social media usernames - .co.uk and .com must be available I had the perfect name for the project but some gimp in America owns the .com and isn't using it. If you have a good name please PM it so that I don't risk oth people taking it. Thanks! What are peoples thoughts on the name 'PixelatedGoals'? Im not sure if I like it but it ticks the boxes
  12. - something that has words like sensible, pixels, goals etc in it - name needs to be under 15 characters long so that I can secure social media usernames - .co.uk and .com must be available I had the perfect name for the project but some gimp in America owns the .com and isn't using it. If you have a good name please PM it so that I don't risk oth people taking it. Thanks!
  13. Thanks for all the positive feedback about my Sensible Soccer artwork. If you would like to suggest more names for the site it's would be a great help as I'm currently struggling to find something that ticks all the boxes. If you suggest a name and I end up using it there will be some kind of reward
  14. So i've been working on a new project for a little while and here is the first output from it. A mix of my love of football and Sensible Soccer... http://img9.imageshack.us/img9/7746/sissokochelsa.png Ill be making more goals soon and will be doing requests via the website and Facebook page. EDIT The facebook URL isnt facebook.com/comingsoon thats just a placeholder whilst I decide on the name of the site
  15. We dont really have the luxury to think like this, the home leg is the next game after Spurs and the away straight after
  16. geordie_b

    Players in public

    Jonas almost crashed into me at Kingston Park Tesco earlier
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