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Everything posted by geordie_b

  1. I disagree with this. These goals are memorable events and having the score and date provides context of the day. Makes it more memorable. By the way if this hits big time, you might want to consider filing some sort of patent or intellectual property protection. Otherwise some f***er will just copy your idea. Great idea this, but might want to follow the advice in the above post as a priority. Also, since you're looking to commercialise this, you might want to check that you are not breaching someone else's IP. I know Codemasters had the Sensible Soccer brand, and I can't imagine they would be happy someone else making cash out of this. Having said that, they might have just bought the name rights, not whatever intellectual property exists in the original graphics for example. It would still rest with someone though, maybe Jon Hare and the original guys at Sensible. It is not a foregone conclusion that they could prevent this (you are not after all releasing a computer game with the same graphics), but as soon as you start making money from something you will find that the owners of the IP will start taking a bit of interest in this. Might be worth just checking this point with someone before you spend a load of your own time and money on it. Im already exploring this, the original plan wasnt to monetise the site via selling items but people demanded it Hopefully ill get permission as it would be a shame not to be able to do framed prints etc
  2. This was just requested on our Facebook page http://www.pixelreplay.com/Samples/ZidaneRealMadridLeverkusen.png EDIT - Just realised it was probably you who requested it there
  3. You're right, they were all over the place. It was late and I was knackered but they are fixed now
  4. No idea yet I'm afraid, i'm exploring a number of options and they will dictate prices. To be honest I've been surprised by the response and it's caught me a little off guard, and I haven't even launched to concept to an audience wider than NO yet! As soon as I have products/pricing in place I will be posting on here along with a special discount for NO users
  5. Agree with this. It also makes the image a bit too 'busy'. We have similar concerns and are looking at some alternatives. I like the original simplicity of the design and the concept that to the people it means something to they will know the score and scorer. I think there is a balance to be found and hopefully I'll find it... By the way we will be randomly selecting a request from our Facbook page at 1pm so head over to Facebook.com/PixelReplay and get involved
  6. geordie_b

    Alan Pardew

    He looks good these days. Rather he was playing for England than Downing. shame he is Nigerian then...
  7. Here is my first attempt at a hatrick set, im pretty tired and may have made some mistakes but ill correct them in the morning. I will also make an attempt at adding Tino's celebration too. http://www.pixelreplay.com/Samples/AsprillaNewcastleBarcelona1.png http://www.pixelreplay.com/Samples/AsprillaNewcastleBarcelona2.png http://www.pixelreplay.com/Samples/AsprillaNewcastleBarcelona3.png EDIT Champions League advertising boards added
  8. THIS!!!! Ill have a go at this later on, it was the one I had in mind
  9. Prints will be available in a few weeks. Ive just posted a new Pixel Replay to the Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=553534908004601&set=a.552562371435188.129542.356744551016972&type=1 It wasnt a Newcastle goal so didnt want to bump this thread. Someone mentioned the idea of hatrick sets early today and I fancy making one, can people suggest some hatricks that would look good?
  10. Although full animations wont be done for a looooooooong time here is a sneak preview http://www.pixelreplay.com/Samples/running.gif
  11. How about.... http://www.pixelreplay.com/Samples/GazzaEnglandScotland2.png Also would the score reflect the score when the goal went in or the fulltime result?
  12. A few people have mentioned adding the score and game details to the images. In some versions of the game they showed the score when the ball went dead. http://www.xboxic.com/wp-content/uploads/2006/02/Amiga%20Sensible%20Soccer%20Screenshot%2002.gif Adding this was the plan but what do people think? Will it take too much focus away from the players?
  13. Oops, totally forgot to to it this time.... Corrrected Think ill have to make a checklist of things to do on each
  14. Bugger, i forgot that again EDIT - Added but im still working on exactly how the ball will be displayed
  15. Just finished a new one, this time with celebration included! http://www.pixelreplay.com/Samples/GazzaEnglandScotland.png
  16. To encourage some activity on the Facebook page I will be randomly choosing a request made on http://www.facebook.com/PixelReplay/posts/553366621354763 to make within the next hour. Don't miss out!
  17. Or have a ball at the feet of the player if he's dribbling. Was thinking about this last night when doing the Ben Arfa one, it didn't seem right using the same line for Hatems run as the Dembas I really like this idea, thanks! If anyone has any experience of doing quality prints which can then be framed please get in touch via PM. If possible I would like to go down the home printing route rather than being fleeced by another company for one off prints.
  18. Thanks for all the feedback so far, lots of good ideas. Thanks also for the requests, ive added a few to my list and will hopefully have a few to show you tomorrow. In the meantime please click liking the facebook page at www.facebook.com/PixelReplay
  19. Aye, can see that looking cool. Also need to be released in standard desktop resolutions for wallpapers. Both planned
  20. Ben Arfa vs Bolton, This is my favourite so far! http://www.pixelreplay.com/Samples/BenArfaNewcastleBolton.png
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