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Everything posted by geordie_b

  1. geordie_b

    Managerial Odds

    Betdaq is a betting exchange meaning that it is punters setting those odds. The odds mean nothing its the liquidity of the market which shows where the money is going
  2. from what i have been told by my person ITK is that Keegan has been approached to have a role in some capacity at the club and that Big Sam will be in on tuesday if things go well tomorrow. A shearer and rob lee combination has also been discussed. If this info is wrong im sorry so dont lynch me.
  3. i think it will be more the case of..... "Glen you can resign and have your old job back, or you can be sacked and just fuck off" He did well for us last year but should never have been given it full time
  4. ideally Hiidink But would be very happy with Sven or Big Sam
  5. Things alladyce DOES have - Tactics - Ability to motivate players - The will do anything to win Things Roeder DOESNT have - Tactics - Ability to motivate players - The will do anything to win He isnt the best out there, but he is certainly the best we could get PS The reason he didnt sign before sourness was that when said he was unsure about signing, Shepherd then said he would send Shearer down to persuade him and he then said no. Sam couldnt work at a club where a single player had such and influence on the running of the club, something Gullit also said
  6. the owen shirt never, its just some kits that they hang up in the changing room for the tours. The shearer is just the home euro design from last season, worn v deportivo etc
  7. how much are they bumming spurs on the commentry........! Arsenal have just hit the post and the commentor thought it was spurs scoring that way, idiots!
  8. Emerton to sign by the end of the week?
  9. just saw this on ebay, looks like luque was err..... lucky http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/PORSCHE-CAYENNE-DAMAGED-FAMIOUS-OWNER-NEWCASTLE-FC_W0QQitemZ200099690178QQihZ010QQcategoryZ9860QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  10. get spurs chucked out, feyenoord were........................
  11. Just saw the shirt on a lifesize cut out of owen in the club shop. The blue is on the sides of the shirt as well as the collar and cuffs
  12. the shorts spoil it, as does the match arrow thingys on the side of the shirt
  13. i have a feeling that the sponsor wasnt actually on the shirt they took the photo of. There is some weird lines that look like it has been cut and paste from another picture to give a prototype
  14. oh dear oh dear! The main section looks square The sponsor is cramped AND the sponsor is a different black to the stripes!!!!!!
  15. note they didnt do both sleeves > so that will be another piece the later then...... just to annoy us!
  16. made me pretty angry/sad reading it tho!
  17. only single tickets left it seems. If anyone gets 2 together they dont want please please PM me thanks Jon
  18. I waited an hour in the queue after waiting 4 hours to get in the sodding queue! At the front i was asked if i had a username and password which i didnt have. I signed up went back and my queue position had expired. Queue has closed now £800m on a new stadium and that still have a shit booking system in place!
  19. I imagine that would work, doubt the other teams would be very happy!
  20. Saw it at the game today and just now on MOTD. When sibi won the pen he gave him the 'smelly french garlic breath sign'. How is that different to any other racist action like nazi salute or monkey arms? Its a racist gesture and we should complain.......
  21. so are you all saying that he just shouldnt play and should rot somewhere in the club until his contract ends? If not shut the fuck up and get behind the team!
  22. So Luque cant win tonight then? either way he is gonna get slated. Heres a thought lets remove all of Shearers goals from playing against crap opposition cos 'anyone could score against that pile of crap'. People on here should take there head out of their arses and realise whats good for the team, which is what Luque playing tonight is. Whether it gives him a boost or puts him in the shop window its better that he plays. Afterall how many people on here are glad that the 'waste of space pile of w*** red manc ginger t***' never played for the club again, oh yeah thats right he did......................
  23. looks like the millwall lion to me
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