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Everything posted by Decky

  1. I wouldnt be bitter with new fans, i just wouldnt give them the time id give someone who has been a fan for years.
  2. This is more for those outside of Newcastle, ive seen about 2, maybe 3 other Toon fans in my local area of Newry. Say its the same where you are, if we start winning things and become part of a top 5 how will you react if all of a sudden there are more and more Newcastle fans, if we become a typical top 4 club and have our fans who only start supporting when we are going well. Will you judge them in such a way when say your in the pub watching the game with them? What if the glory hunter argument comes up, where does that leave us? We may get slated for being glory hunters or a typical top 4 supporter, how will you react to that? Me personally i wouldnt give the new supports the time of day, my mates and people in my local know im a Newcastle fan and thats all that matters to me, if anyone calls me a glory hunter ill fuck them off telling them ive been a Newcastle fan my whole life and i couldnt give a shit what they think, because tbh most fans in Ireland (where i live) are glory hunting cunts themselves and i will be furious to be put in that category with them.
  3. http://home.skysports.com/list.aspx?hlid=466781&CPID=8&clid=21&lid=3&title=Fifa+to+investigate+Tevez+row&channel=& Surely if they are being docked points it should be next season? This is ridiculous, i bet Warnock is smug as fuck right now tbh, i hope its next season and Sheffield Utd play in the Championship where they belong.
  4. http://home.skysports.com/list.aspx?hlid=466779&CPID=8&clid=4&lid=4161&title=Allardyce+targets+Owen+stay Where did he say it was his first priority to keep OWEN, not both strikers but Owen. I think injuries was more of his first priority.
  5. Hes got a one to one with SSN now shortly, Harper and Taylor will give interviews aswell.
  6. Decky


    The reason why i made this was because of Sams record with supposedly has been players.
  7. Decky


    Who said i wanted him?
  8. Decky


    Been released by Charlton, some wanted him last year, would you take him on a free?
  9. Could be Owen signing a new contract, wouldnt rule it out tbh
  10. The board of Newcastle United would like to announce that Stuart Pearce has been appointed as Newcastles next manager. Freddy Shepherd has this to say: "He has the qualities of a Geordie"
  11. sure it does. "Newcastle United do not win trophies." Sounds reasonable to me. So we havent won a trophy in our history then?
  12. He is our next manager in 2 weeks!!!!!!!!
  13. http://newsimg.bbc.co.uk/media/images/42919000/jpg/_42919793_jewell_getty.jpg
  14. Errrr because they were playing an illegal player. Would they have complained if they finished 7th?
  15. This is bollocks, SU are only bitter because they went down, they are just trying to get themselves back up again, Wigan did all this shit when they were down there and shitting themselves, the fact is no one was docked points, so over the course of the season Sheffield were not good enough to survive and shouldnt be up in the big league. He mentions the argument about playing by the rules, well then why should a team who was good enough to stay up go down and a team that wasnt good enough stay up? Good ridance to them.
  16. What did it say? Thanks for f*** all? How about: "Give us £10million or so for paying you your wages to get back to fitness with the help of doctors who we paid for you merchant money grabbing piece of fucking scum" If he leaves of course
  17. He will be here for another year, if Sam gets us into the top 6 then he will sign a new deal and finish up here
  18. No question id keep Martins, wouldnt think twice
  19. Decky


    Thanks Toon Amy, great read, and stick around ill enjoy more posts like this
  20. They guy who cleans my dogs bollocks also cleans FFS dogs bollocks and FFS told him that he cant comment on this story. Im ITK
  21. Sorry edited the title
  22. Red Bulls coach Bruce Arena is being lined up by English Premiership side Newcastle United to take over control of the struggling club. Arena is seen as the man to take the club forward in a ground breaking change of direction. Arena who has only coached the Red Bulls since August 2006 has been in talks with the United consorteum in a secret UK location since yesterday and advisors were quoted as being very optomistic towards an outcome. Arena has managed a number of former Premiership stars including Claudio Reyna and Juan Pablo Angel and is known to be a huge admirer of the United Kingdom. Arena, former US head coach is set to take over the club at the end of the English Premiership season on Sunday following Uniteds last match against fellow North East strugglers Watford City. Arena, known for his fast talking and no nonsense approach to management is expected to carry out a blow out within the club clearing out many of the big name stars including England star Michael Owen in favour of bringing in his own players. Angel is expected to be the first player to follow Arena across the Atlantic. Red Bulls fans were less enthusiastic about the move, many feeling that Arena has let down the club by moving so early into his contract and after the sterling work he carried out for the National side taking them to the brink of the World Cup final he was seen as the coach to propel the club to the top of the worldwide rankings. Red Bulls Chairman Phil Anschutz was unavilable for comment yesterday http://us-nn.com/sports/more_sports/2007/05/10/2007-05-10_arena_in_united_talks.html
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