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Everything posted by ATB

  1. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    He´s just not a top PL manager.
  2. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    No We are still in a divided lead looking at the percent ranking.
  3. The problem is that Pardews so called A-plan is terrible. There is a reason why we always chances things around and why we always are so bad in the beginning of games.
  4. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    shhh Dontooner you are not allowed to curse in the church...
  5. Again. It´s not about the players quality (ok the cb and gb is shit) but the way we are performing and setting up. We have been this bad all season but everyone has been looking away and everyone has been blaming me for knowing fucking all. Right now we are not better than top 10. But we should be. Pathetic from the right off - this season.
  6. Defend? We can´t play football. But hey. What do I know?
  7. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    The more he can learn the better really. I found it quite strange he didn't celebrate the first goal, but did for the 2nd (3rd also?). Maybe he had a strong word with the team on what he expected from the game. Really happy with him tonight though, team and tactics seems spot on He's talking about ATB. Alan Pardew, ATB, what's the difference? A winning smile and a way with the ladies. Nah, you should have seen me last night
  8. Jonas isn´t good enough to be a starer. He can do a job as a CM in a 4-3-3, but nothing more then that. If we play 4-4-2 he shouldn´t start. He offers nothing offensively and it will only invite pressure. Fair enough. Manure is games he should be playing, if he should be playing at all, but not if we plays a 4-4-2.
  9. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    We controlled the game from start to finish. Your understanding of football on and off the pitch is apalling. Ok. Then I prefer us to control the game in another way if that was the case... So in other words you would have preferred it if we closed them down in their half and used all our energy to put pressure on them for 90 minutes rather than control the game with patient and clever passing while not emptying ourselves for Sunday? You reason as if the only acceptable approach is to push them into their own box while winning the ball at the half way line and constantly create chances for 90 minutes. Speaks volumes in terms of your understanding of the game, but I bet you've never played yourself which sort of explains it. We should have kept the ball. Fair enough for the second half. I really didn´t saw the last minutes and with a 3-0 lead it really doesn´t matter how the game works out. But I´m mainly talking about the first half when we had a 1-0 lead. No I don´t we played that great after 1-0.
  10. And we´re back at this "next week" talk from Pardew about our injured players. Great.
  11. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    We controlled the game from start to finish. Your understanding of football on and off the pitch is apalling. Ok. Then I prefer us to control the game in another way if that was the case...
  12. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    I agree. To clarify. I liked the way we started the game. But I still don´t like the backing off and letting the other team control and create. You may not be able to press hard all the game, but we never do that, so that not the point. The point is that we can´t hold on the ball. Or we should try to do that more when we have the lead. Anyway. It was a big step up (if we can do this in the PL) but we can still make it better. We have to be better to create in the final third without playing it high and long, and keep the ball in the team when in the lead, or to set the tempo we want. I think Pardew to often is playing after how the other teams are playing and trying to stop that, instead of be the team to dictate the game. Against teams that are better then us on paper, fine, be more careful. Against teams we are better on the paper. Take the match to them!
  13. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    Of course we won´t play like Barca. But don´t be silly. Against Bordeaux, and how bad they were compared to the PL teams we have been playing, we should be able to control the game better, no matter what you says.
  14. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    We just can´t bossing games. Though that the first 20 was just what I wanted to see. Definitely the best 20 minutes for the season. Then suddenly we stopped playing and Bordeaux got invited to start creating chances while we just was defending - Why?! We were the much better team. Still we just can´t control a game at home. I just can´t get this, and never will. But maybe I just should be happy that we tried to play and that players like Cabaye really was up for it?
  15. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    Seriously I´m not surprised at all to read that. I can´t believe how some can try to talk away this. Hopefully we can play better (I doubt that) but until now we hasen´t. Hasn´t fell this unexcited to watch us play in years. Lost all confidence whats so ever with Pardew and that we can bring decent football. Top 8th. I would that that immediately!
  16. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    He seems to understand the problem, he doesn't seem to know what to do about it.
  17. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    We look like a League two team, or that there are just some mates that are playing.
  18. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    Has anyone chanced their mind from the first half yet (and the rest of the season btw)?
  19. Not good enough anymore. That fact that he is a automatic starter says everything you need to know about our squad.
  20. Jonas is so finished. Let´s face it. We have so many crap players, still we didn´t buy anything. Pardew is coming up with crap tactics and the players don´t look happy at all.
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