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Everything posted by ATB

  1. ATB

    Players in public

    Sometimes football is just to much.
  2. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    No matter what teams we are playing we just can´t creating anything, just defending. Yes it was better, especially the players seemed up for it, but it was one game. I wouldn´t say that from now things will only get better.
  3. Sick of this now. He can leave and take Pardew with him.
  4. Some of the most shameless backpedalling from you of late after the way you've spent the last eighteen months up the man's arse. No backpeddling whatsoever. He's done a good job and I like him and don't want him sacked. Doesn't mean I can't criticise because he's done a dreadful job of late. Thing is, neither of us wanted him appointed and only one of us was truly prepared to get behind him as NUFC manager. Why would anyone get behind someone who clearly wasn't good enough? It is to NUFC supporters' eternal shame that we didn't give this plum the reception that Benitez got at Chelsea. We clapped along and beat Liverpool and enough mugs convinced themselves that he was up to it. That's ridiculous. You'd rather we barracked him off the pitch and ruin the already low chance of any decent manager wanting to work with us for all eternity? Not to mention negating the entirety of last season. We already had a decent manager and sacked him. Remember?
  5. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    If they come to defend we stand a far better chance than we do if they come here and have a go. --- We improved tonight and while it wasn't great there are positives to be taken in to the Wigan game, just need to have a go. I agree and we could turn our season around against Wigan. We won´t turn around any season regardless of results. Maybe we can scrap some results and leave the worst danger, but turning around the season... nah.
  6. Can´t get my head around this "Krul is shit he can´t kick". His not. But it´s Pardew that want´s him to do it.
  7. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    I though you could see from the last pre-season matches that this shouldn´t be a good season, or most of all, that we hadn´t developed our play from the season before.
  8. I think the players has given up. First we was playing the wrong formation, than it didn´t matter because we couldn´t hold on to the ball. Now though it doesn´t matter how we play because the players aren´t doing anything. They are just standing there, we are even losing 20/80 duels.
  9. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    I got no problem with statistics in sports, in fact the opposite as I both have a degree in statistic and soon in sports science. The problem though is that football is too complex to only use numbers, you can´t just sit and read the data isolated. You also have to analyse the data with the reality, and that´s something Pardew seems to struggle with big time.
  10. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    Average managers in the game, ex player bullshit. Nobs on Motd saying bruce was a top top manager and he would sort sunderland out. Old pals covering backs. In England it´s seems more important to have been an ex footballer than what you have done as a manager or coach. That´s the problem. Just because you have been a footballer doesn ´t make you a good coach. Jobs for old pals isn´t a problem just for English football managers though.
  11. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    Probably not much. But sacking him for Pardew was just a side way move. I was loving the spirit, we played to our strength and it was just a great time. there was no way he should have been sacked. at least he should have got the first season. Again. Pardew was not the man to come in after he went. We should have got a more proven manager. I´m still convinced that the only reason he came was that he and Ashley somehow has a connection. I just can believe anything else.
  12. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    Don't think anyone's saying that. They're just arguing that our recent achievements should buy the management some credit. He took over a team with great team spirit and a team that was playing great with the team we had. It was a super year last year. I can´t explain it any better than that everything when our way. But still, we wasn´t playing great and had a lot of luck. To be true, more than plenty of it.
  13. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    http://gifrific.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/computer-close-hulk.gif I still think he has bought himself time with last seasons finish of 5th. Not sure if our football will improve, or depends on what your definition of football is. We wont go down, we'll bobble aout picking up points and will be safe... IF he carries on like this and we are dropping more home points then I think the sword will fall, as much as Pardew is their man, they are a pair of ruthless buggers. He's just been given an 8 year deal. The club want stability and I'm absolutely certain that unless there's a genuine threat of relegation he'll remain in post and rightly so. Chopping and changing managers has never been conducive to good results, particularly at NUFC. The worst thing Pardew could've done was finish fifth last season. People seem to have forgotten we were a Championship side three years ago. We were playing in the Championship, but our team definitely wasn't. It was bad enough to get relegated to it, it was a Championship team. It makes our form even worse. I still brings this up. But sacking Hughton for Pardew was just a stupid and unmotivated move. I would love stability. But I want that with a manager that I believe in. I don´t believe in Pardew.
  14. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    Just want to say that he can FUCK OFF. Can´t believe that after all this people is still playing the "give him the time" card The small squad is something Ashley has to take the most of the blame, but that we are playing like this because of injuries and a small squad We didn´t play better when everyone was available. Still can´t believe that people is laughing at the comparison of him and our other so called "managers", I said that month ago. What exactly is Pardew doing better? I wouldn´t be happy. But he could at least admit that he is a bad manager that can´t teach a team to play offensive, that he likes to play it long and sit back, and that Ashley won´t give him any money. The truth should feel so much better than this lying show. I can´t even get angry anymore when we won´t win. Because it´s so obvious and it has gone so far that I just can´t feel anything I´m worried. I´m worried that we will get relegated again
  15. Don´t think so. Shakthars goal is just a disgrace.
  16. If your team is depending on Nolan, your team has problem.
  17. Shola should have buried a header against West Ham tbf... Nice a good corner, and it ends up at Shola Seriously though, it's beyond embarrassing the way we are handling the set pieces.
  18. ATB


    Don´t think so. But after we got relegated a few years ago I wouldn´t say that it´s impossible, especially not the way we are playing now.
  19. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    Don't agree with that. The way we are playing is permanent flaws imo, flaws that were pointed out last season when we were winning and flaws that are now exposed partly because of the thins you mention but also because our top players aren't having those moments of individual brilliance that happened so often last season. We have a fairly solid defence usually but that's about it, little to no movement going forward, far too many players either not aware of what they should be doing or not in suitable positions and also a tendency to start games very slowly. I agree that the suspensions, injuries etc haven't helped but there are fundamental problems on the field, problems that have been lurking for ages regardless of our position last season. So many excuses. You could see from game 1 that Pardew wasn´t interesting in playing "good football". And I agree. Even if we had a fantastic season last year I can´t agree that we was that good. We are not playing better football with our "star" players. We just have more individuality quality that makes us able to make wounder goals. Oh, the bad form for players like Cissé, Tioté, Cabaye etc etc can´t be a coincident. I think Pardew has A LOT to do with it.
  20. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    I have been reading a lot of stuff today that I can´t agree with for one bit.
  21. So you are saying that it´s ok that we haven´t scored a goal, or even coming close, to score a corner more than 1 years ago?
  22. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    btw. Are none going to be calling me names again because I compared this with Roeders time and that I can´t see Pardew turn this around a few weeks ago. Pathetic.
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