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Everything posted by ATB

  1. ATB

    Match tickets

    You can't see 19 home games on Sky in the UK. ah, that's crazy. Still. don't give Ashley money.
  2. ATB

    Match tickets

    Can´t get around this. I mean, just dont go Dont give Ashley money and watch it at sky - we win
  3. I'd hope we could threaten the keeper with twelve f***ing players on the field! s***, I thought it looked a bit good. Fixed it, still looks ok. bla bla Pardew are still the manager.
  4. Precisely. Provided it's not a ordinary night's meal it'll do them more good than bad. ... no. a pizza for a athlete can mean the world in the end. Nice to see that this club, with Ashley and Pardew, are as crap as you can imagination.
  5. What a waste him going to that league.
  6. Can people just stay away from the matches
  7. Not that I really care anymore. But I hope we lose every fucking game untill this prick get sacked.
  8. Sammy ahead of Ben Arfa, is this a fucking joke!!! Hope we lose this.
  9. if you know anything abouy psychology or sport psychology you just cant say that Pardew has nothing to do about it. and motivation isnt just about to tell someone to give it all. its more complex then that.
  10. I´m also surprised that so many just buys this. Before Newcastle supporters would stand up for a thing if it when wrong, now days...
  11. Hopefully, one day, Newcastle will be worth spending money on again. I may not even be close to have spent the money that some has here, but still, I will not even consider it again as long as this idiot is here.
  12. He is stupid if he wants to join us instead,
  13. Wenger is just a class trainer. No matter who´s playing they just seems to have that extra level most of the time. Would love to see what he could do with our players
  14. Great football and he has been sitting at the bench
  15. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    That second half was the best half I seen since Chelsea, was really surprised to see. It makes me even more frustrating that we have to see this clown as our coach, great potential in the squad. And add a great owner to that
  16. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    Do no one get it. the mess in this club effects the players badly and it shows. I wouldnt lay anything at them, and tbh, feel bad for them.
  17. dont understand why people still gives this man Money. I Will never Do that again. I remember when Big Sam was the manager. he barly got a few months before STJ wanted him out. Now? no one makes a pip when the situationen is worse and has been for years.
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