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Everything posted by magorific

  1. Will wait to read refs' apologist Poll explain where Webb got more than 3 minutes of injury time from.
  2. Massive ask for Gosling to be thrown into a derby after so long out though. Can't help thinking Guthrie is another victim of the haters on here. Was injured himself for much of the season. Yes, he's struggled since he's been back, but people on here easily forget what he did for us last year and instead suggest he's "heartless". Pathetic, frankly.
  3. We already have 4 very average strikers no point in buying a 5th one. Bothroyd has shown nothing to most people to show he can do it in this division, and he's just an average championship striker for me. Harsh, given he has 15 goals in 19 games this season.
  4. Because of Bolton away, Blackburn at home, Arsenal in the League Cup, Wigan at home....
  5. magorific

    Steven Taylor

    He hasn't had a good game for as long as I can remember. You're missing the point. It seems that everyone is willing to overlook Taylor's weaknesses due to some bizarre sense of loyalty. The relegation season, you say? Was that the relegation season where he was (supposedly) close to leaving the club? He did well in the Championship when he played. So did Shola. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to work out the common denominator. You point out Colo's weaknesses, so it's obvious you are able to critically analyse a player. So why not turn your talents to Taylor, who has played nearly 150 games for the club. He cant help that he grew up here ffs. He is a fan of the club, he has only been a pro at one club (apart from being out on loan) so he is hardly a Wayne Rooney/Carlos Tevez type character when it comes to kissing the crest of the club he plays for. You make it sound like its a bad thing that he has scored goals for us. "* Conveniently ignoring the fact that he was born in Greenwich, obviously" = Who conveniently forgets this? Any examples? Most of us class him, Shola, Kaz Lua Lua as Geordies but then people liked me classed Terry Butcher as English. I thought it was obvious that I was being flippant - evidently not. What I mean is that people are willing to overlook all of his quite apparent failings for reasons I cannot understand, so I've attributed it to what I perceive to be "local lad loyalty". I'd love it if he turns out to be a world beater, but I suspect that he'll just be another mid-table and exceedingly average centre back. Bizarre post, IMHO. If you've been posting here any legth of time, you should know that Taylor has been slagged almost mercilessly - obsessively by some - in recent months, for both the contract saga AND supposedly playing the loal hero card too often. As for "he hasn't had a good game for as long as I can remember", I'm sorry, but I you can pick just about any game in the first half of last season. Sorry to say this, and it's not meant to be a low blow, but how often have you watched Newcastle live in recent years?
  6. magorific

    Steven Taylor

    Clearly, yet again, the first half of last season, when Taylor was pretty much flawless, escapes people's memories. Anyway, absolutely nothing has been agreed as barely any talks have taken place, although a meeting is supposedly scheduled for Wednesday, says my mate in the know.
  7. magorific

    Dale Roberts

    Because you strongly hint at an absurd/bitter antipathy towards just over half the human race (as well as most on this forum)? What on earth are you talking about? I don't have as much sympathy for someone who consciously ends their life as I would for someone who has no say in the matter. I cannot comprehend someone ever wanting to end their life without a terminal/horrically disabling illness being involved, it's a simple as that. I was referring to your comment on women, ffs. Your comments re depression barely warrant a response, but I suggest you go and read up about the chemical inbalance in the brain that the condition can trigger. Severe depression is not a lifestyle choice, it's a physical illness.
  8. magorific

    Dale Roberts

    Because you strongly hint at an absurd/bitter antipathy towards just over half the human race (as well as most on this forum)?
  9. magorific

    Alan Pardew

    He's the only "journalist" Llambias will speak to. I wonder why...
  10. A vicious atmosphere it is then (on Sunday). Why the f*** would any top manager want to work for these w***ers?
  11. magorific

    Steven Taylor

    Will that be the Mike Williamson who had a good second half of last season for us (after Taylor had a good first half) and has been inconsistent in the Premier League (er, like Taylor)?
  12. magorific

    Steven Taylor

    Its how they handle the expiring contracts of more important players during next summer i am more interested in. If we cant afford to keep the Enriques and Bartons on contracts they will be happy with yet give Taylor a huge rise i wont be so happy given he isnt near the same level. Nowhere near on Barton's level? Slight overstatement of Joey's performances?
  13. magorific

    Steven Taylor

    Apologies if I sounded cryptic. I suppose what I'm getting at is that the Journal gets their info on a story lime this from one place according to my mate in the know - that one place being Derek Llambias. It all smacks if a clear and sustained agenda to portray Taylor as the bad guy in all this. Or do we take it as read that this "new contract offer" really exists?
  14. magorific

    Steven Taylor

    educated guess? A figure suggested to the press by a club keen to convince us they are doing everything to keep him?
  15. For someone who couldn't get a game for Portsmouth? Wake up. Didn't he not play for Portsmouth because they'd have had to have paid an extra instalment on the deal they did for him with Watford?
  16. By the same token, suggesting Williamson is better than Taylor on the evidence of half a Championship season and some okay performances in the Premier League seems groundless.
  17. It was, until the WUMs got their teeth into him and everyone followed suit. People can't complain about a lack of perspective when it comes to criticising Williamson while going way overboard in slagging off Steven Taylor.
  18. I can't remember Taylor making many (if any) mistakes on the scale of those committed by Colo and Williamson in the last fortnight. Did you take a season off from supporting us last season? Taylor was outstanding before his injury. Taylor's made plenty of errors far worse than Williamson and Coloccini. If it's a question of consistency alone, Taylor's the worst CB out of the four of them. Plenty? Far worse? Sorry, you'll have to be specific, as I don't think you'll see a much worse episode than Colo v Elmander (Pts 1 and 2). Was Taylor not consistent last season?
  19. I can't remember Taylor making many (if any) mistakes on the scale of those committed by Colo and Williamson in the last fortnight. Did you take a season off from supporting us last season? Taylor was outstanding before his injury.
  20. You can't have been watching very long. He's bad, but we've had far worse.
  21. Truly staggering that people so easily overlook how well Taylor played in the first half of last season - and that Williamson was only bought because he got injured.
  22. Agree with the point made re Carroll not being an ideal selection if all it is going to do is tempt our defensive cloggers to lump the ball 60 yards to him. Only if they play out and out wide men on their natural side will Carroll get the type of service he can make something of. With Johnson wide left and Lennon (who actually looks to take full-backs on on their outside) wide right, he could be devastating. Ashley Cole playing - and overlapping - would also help.
  23. Lovencrap? Classy way to decribe an honest pro who was key to getting us promoted. And people wonder why our "fans" attract derision from elsewhere...
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