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Everything posted by magorific

  1. Shame we couldn't get him on the ball more often. Would have loved to have seen him play a bit deeper and get us moving on the ground rather than us playing things long too often. I guess that was a no no once Airey went off though. Tavernier had an absolute 'mare. Thought the Villa centre-backs and their No 8 in centre mid were absolute class.
  2. 0 goals in four months for us last season. Face it, Ronaldo's right.
  3. Embarrassing, head-up-his-arse stuff from Moore as usual.
  4. There's a basic difference. Munich was a tragic accident, whereas Hillsborough was the result - in the main - of criminal negligence by the police and authorities which nobody has answered for. And for those people happy to blame it on Liverpool fans alone, many older heads will tell you it VERY nearly happened to us at Hillsborough on Boxing Day 1985.
  5. magorific


    Best player I have ever seen & I saw Billy Askew. Sadly lost on the vast majority here mate, but I chuckled nonetheless. I'll never forget a certain journalist once writing "Billy Askew literally ran himself into the ground"....
  6. Were you calling Taylor earlier this season when he was hardly putting a foot wrong? His "performances on the pitch" this season can't be questioned. As for players wanting what they feel they're owed, why do you think Carroll changed his agent last year other than to ultimately negotiate him a big fat pay rise? i dont really get what taylors playing to the crowd is either ? Seriously? That's secondary to whether he's the last man off the pitch, I was a bit concerned as he almost mugged himself and went off second last yesterday, but he showed a good level of concentration to notice the man behind him, stop and turn to applaud the almost empty stand and delay until he was the only player that loves the fans more than life itself left on the pitch. Deserves 104K a week for his exits this season. he's always the last off away from home applauding the travelling fans when others often f***ed off without a peep....the t*** eh ? people dont mind andy carrolls violence providing he puts in a performance but taylor gets stick for this. this deserves a place in the "what baffles you" thread. EXACTLY. "Oh Coloccini, I'll let you shag my wife" As they say. A player that performs on the pitch can do whatever the f*** they like. A player that doesn't perform on the pitch, but mouths off like he's the best thing since the bread knife is seen through. Taylor has performed on the pitch this season. FACT. No doubt. But he won't play again this season...and we know he's not the player in the Premier League that he is in the Championship. Ditto Coloccini, and yet . . . "EXACTLY. "Oh Coloccini, I'll let you shag my wife" As they say. A player that performs on the pitch can do whatever the f*** they like. A player that doesn't perform on the pitch, but mouths off like he's the best thing since the bread knife is seen through."
  7. Were you calling Taylor earlier this season when he was hardly putting a foot wrong? His "performances on the pitch" this season can't be questioned. As for players wanting what they feel they're owed, why do you think Carroll changed his agent last year other than to ultimately negotiate him a big fat pay rise? i dont really get what taylors playing to the crowd is either ? Seriously? That's secondary to whether he's the last man off the pitch, I was a bit concerned as he almost mugged himself and went off second last yesterday, but he showed a good level of concentration to notice the man behind him, stop and turn to applaud the almost empty stand and delay until he was the only player that loves the fans more than life itself left on the pitch. Deserves 104K a week for his exits this season. he's always the last off away from home applauding the travelling fans when others often f***ed off without a peep....the t*** eh ? people dont mind andy carrolls violence providing he puts in a performance but taylor gets stick for this. this deserves a place in the "what baffles you" thread. EXACTLY. "Oh Coloccini, I'll let you shag my wife" As they say. A player that performs on the pitch can do whatever the f*** they like. A player that doesn't perform on the pitch, but mouths off like he's the best thing since the bread knife is seen through. Taylor has performed on the pitch this season. FACT.
  8. Were you calling Taylor earlier this season when he was hardly putting a foot wrong? His "performances on the pitch" this season can't be questioned. As for players wanting what they feel they're owed, why do you think Carroll changed his agent last year other than to ultimately negotiate him a big fat pay rise?
  9. So anyone who doesn't think Taylor is not necessarily a complete c**t must be a member of his family? Tragic tbh. Not as tragic as someone who thinks the sun shines out of all the Newcastle players' (past and present) arses and can't see the blindingly obvious though! Why/how is it "blindingly obvious" that Taylor is a complete c**t? Why/how does pointing out that Given's 11-year service to the club should not be forgotten = the sun shining out of every NUFC player's arse? For the record, I think it's pretty clear that Nolan is a complete c**t, Leon Best is utter shite, Colo will bomb again the PL and Simpson will be raped at right-back next season week in week out. Good enough for you pet?
  10. So anyone who doesn't think Taylor is not necessarily a complete c**t must be a member of his family? Tragic tbh.
  11. Do you have any idea how sad you sound? No idea mate. How sad? As sad as a pathetic, probably single little cyber warrior who hurls abuse at those who barely deserve it from the safety of his spunky Kleenex-littered bedroom. You're right about my bedroom being "spunky-kleenex littered" (If there's not a song with that as the title, there should be). What deserves a little bit of stick more than trying to get into the drawers of the mother of your teamates child? We know that for a fact about as surely as we do that Taylor is a brown-nosing little f***er... Fair play for the unexpectedly witty and mature response though.
  12. Do you have any idea how sad you sound? No idea mate. How sad? As sad as a pathetic, probably single little cyber warrior who hurls abuse at those who barely deserve it from the safety of his spunky Kleenex-littered bedroom.
  13. Aye, that'll do it - fine him 2 weeks wages for an offence which, if the police - as they should, if you read their guidelines - investigated it, would mean certain jail (for breaking his bail conditions) even before he answers the charge of glassing the kid in Blu Bambu. How is dealing with it in-house going to change Carroll's pattern of behaviour? How is it going to make us look any less of a joke club to the nation at large?
  14. knee jerk reaction. Contrast with the support for someone who isn't bothered about the club at all ie Ashley and Llambias. stupid comment it's a knee jerk reaction. Taylor and Carroll will be Newcastle supporters long after Ashley and his friends have gone. The support they get is a joke. Of course they will. But your follow on about Ashley and Llambias is ridiculous. How many posters on here can you name who are Llambias supporters? As for Ashley I think the most supportive attitude he gets is that people are of the opinion that he bought something that was in a financial mess and which he didn't understand and, through his own fault, screwed it up further. But at least he had the funds to pay for his mistakes, and the recent transfer window suggests a slight improvement in his decision making. If anyone wants to come out with something more pro Ashley than that please feel free. I think what bobthemag is saying is that it's absurd that Taylor is being branded a grade A irredeemable c**t by a fair few people on this board who, at the same time, are willing to at least make allowances for Ashley.
  15. ...because Coloccini has done more this season, is the simple answer. Did or didn't Taylor play very well this season up until his knee injury?
  16. Financial security Didnt you know only playing for the top few clubs gives footballers financial security! I don't give a dam what he did before he left, So 11 years' service counts for nothing? Had you even heard of Newcastle United 11 years ago? A good point well made.
  17. Financial security Didnt you know only playing for the top few clubs gives footballers financial security! I don't give a dam what he did before he left, So 11 years' service counts for nothing? Had you even heard of Newcastle United 11 years ago?
  18. I find the vilification of Taylor on this board very sad, but all too predictable. Has he put a foot wrong this season? If not, why is he any more or less worthy of praise than Coloccini?
  19. What, a player throwing a sly but full-blooded punch at a team-mate from his blind side - a punch strong enough to break his jaw (and let's not forget Taylor is a big lad) - happens at every club once in a while? Jesus wept.
  20. Taylor was in the ice bath, Carroll came in and smacked him (don't know why). Taylor was still in hospital today, but has agreed to go along with club's "training ground injury" line. Just what I've heard.
  21. Absolutely spot on. There are some who would still have Xisco back, despite him being ridiculed in Spain in recent weeks. Aside from the age 17 point, which is like 'well of course, thats obvious' I don't think that's true. He'd just get a different kind of stick, more the Xisco kind of stick. No, theres a definite section of our support who believe foreign kids must be world beaters in the making and local lads must be s****.
  22. they will have to be shrewd if the reported wage levels are anything to go by, do you think the recent signings are good enough for the premiership, do you know the length of their contracts ? Bob, we wont actually know until we see the likes of Routledge, Williamson etc play in the EPL. What I will say is that the likes of Dann, Johnson at Birmingham, Lescott at City, Baines at Everton and quite a few others, have come from lower divisions and done well in the PL so it is not beyond the realm of mpossibility that our signings will also succeed. Furthermore, if you look at the teams near the bottom of the PL, I dont think any of them are that much better than us, if at all. Also, there are plenty of good quality players around who would more than likely jump at the chance of coming to NUFC at realistic prices and whilst most peoplke on here would like to see Arsenal type football played, realism says that workmanlike performances are the order of the day under Hughton and that hasnt done the likes of Birmingham, Villa, Everton any harm this season at all. Maybe we can see a sim ilar response next season. I've seen these players, I'm not going to watch the smoggies or anybody else, as you are telling people to do, but I don't think they are as good as the players he has sold. What do you think of them ? You are probably right there, to a certain extent. However, the players who left, no doubt, with the undoubted skill they had, failed miserably to mput that skill to good use for the club. Ask yourself, how many have suceeded since they moved! Given, Milner are the only ones I can think of. Viduka retired, Owen spent most of the season benched as did Beye, Martins at Wolfsburg? What has he done there? Even Edgar at Burnley cant get a game there. So, as for their undoubted skill, yes, they were skillful but only when they felt like it which wasnt very bloody often, was it? The players coming in have substantially less salaries, points to prove and who knows yet, maybe huge successes in the PL. I would much rather be top of the CCC at the moment than bottom of the PL. Your comment about managers was very relevant and certainly a major mistake by Ashley last year, which so far, he has learned in his backing of Hughton. I actually think CH will do well next year and believe he deserves a great deal of credit for this season's success. Ashley put his faith in him and he has rewarded that faith, so far. Lets look ahead and not back. Ashley got lucky with Hughton, end of. If he had so much faith in him, why wait until the end of October to give him the permanent job? It's Hughton and the players who stayed who have "steered" us back in the right direction. Yes, Ashley has probably kept us on course by coming up with sensible money in January, but he would have been a complete moron not to see that minor investment in our squad would result in promotion and all its benefits.
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