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Everything posted by magorific

  1. People who wear glass dunce caps shouldn't throw stones you stupid c*** If you can educate me as to my spelling mistake there (their? they're?), I'm all ears. Otherwise, f**k off. Oh, and I didn't have to look back through your posts, the error caught my eye when I first read it. Of course, if your general patter hadn't been utter s****, I'd have let it go. He didn't mention your spelling; he may have meant the first letter in the sentence being lower case. I think you'll find he criticised me for "picking out spelling mistakes" and then said "I don't have to look so far:" QED. What's it to you anyhow? Or is that another question you won't answer?
  2. People who wear glass dunce caps shouldn't throw stones you stupid c*** If you can educate me as to my spelling mistake there (their? they're?), I'm all ears. Otherwise, f**k off. Oh, and I didn't have to look back through your posts, the error caught my eye when I first read it. Of course, if your general patter hadn't been utter s****, I'd have let it go. Now you can't even use quotes properly you thick f***, how embarrassing for you :-[ My apologies for knowing my way around the English language better than a message board. So what was wrong with that sentence of mine?
  3. People who wear glass dunce caps shouldn't throw stones you stupid c*** If you can educate me as to my spelling mistake there (their? they're?), I'm all ears. Otherwise, f**k off. Oh, and I didn't have to look back through your posts, the error caught my eye when I first read it. Of course, if your general patter hadn't been utter shite, I'd have let it go.
  4. As I know the difference between "their" and "there", nowhere near as thick as you.
  5. Take your head for a s*** you moron.. what's the matter son, too many long words for you?
  6. By telling you how I know doesn't change that. No, of course you're right. I'm privileged just to be discussing NUFC with a genuine ITK ...............
  7. How I know isn't relevant. Whether you know . . .
  8. We get offers for the club from different people and it's roughly once a week that this happens. As for why the company would lie, no idea but I'm sure the publicity they'll be getting will do them no harm. and how do you know this?
  9. This is getting daft, why would we contact a random company when the club gets offers on a regular basis? Offers on a regular basis from who????? What is so daft about the owner of a company sounding out a private equity firm (ie a firm whose business is buying - or buying into - other companies) about their interest in buying him out? What's so daft about pointing out that the same private equity firm have no reason whatsoever to lie to the BBC?
  10. They claim that someone offered them the club, that doesn't mean it's true. Again, why would they lie?
  11. And they would do that why . . .? I don't need to know why they'd to it, logic tells me they have to be lying about one or the other. You don't just randomly offer to sell something to a company (for more then twice its value no less) that has no interest in buying in the first place. As I said, either they're lying about having no interest, or lying about being offered the club. Eh? How do you know that someone doesn't want to buy something off you until you ask them?
  12. Surely not! Ashley´s s*** smells of roses don´t you know..? learn from NE5's mistakes, even if he wont, pouncing on a vague quote like this only reduces the well put points of your argument as you begin to sound like someone with a grudge or agenda Vague? What's vague about it? could have been approached by anyone, doesnt have to be nufc, co-investors looking for a partner, someone looking for funding, anyone./b] Someone offered them Newcastle United. Whether it was Ashley or someone on his behalf. Deal with it.
  13. Surely not! Ashley´s s*** smells of roses don´t you know..? learn from NE5's mistakes, even if he wont, pouncing on a vague quote like this only reduces the well put points of your argument as you begin to sound like someone with a grudge or agenda Vague? What's vague about it?
  14. Feel free to carry on your personal crusade against one of our more talented players every time a completely unrelated news story breaks.. be interested to see the zog next season huh? this new lad suggests wingers next season and seeing as duff is an utter waste of space i'm hoping we finally see a manager put their total faith in charlie to see what he can come up with, one thing we know is keegan can get wingers playing well and this lad has the talent as for taylor some of the s**** on here is a disgrace, home grown player who can play in the PL week in week out at his age and people would have shot of him - i mean what's the choice there? sell him for 4-5m and buy a rozenthal or god forbid a bramble for the same money to sit on the bench instead (assuming we sign better CB's than the lad) mind boggling N'zogbia may be a talented player but if he can't be arsed to play then he can have all the ability in the world and it doesn't do us much good. He hasn't got any better over the last two years and I think the point is that he was awarded a new contract whereas Taylor's situation has dragged on and on. Clearly n'zogbia has not justified the new contract in terms of performance and I'd have to assume that his attitude/enthusiasm in training is poor. These items are not unrelated because the players are the same age so if I was Taylor I'd be looking at what I was doing, the number of games played and how much similar players are getting. Bit unbeleivable that you can't see that, IMO. Spot on. N'Zogbia got a new deal in October, told us he wanted out in January and has hardly played since yet escapes criticism by the majority on here.
  15. Incredible that anyone is hung up on Taylor getting 35k a week when Milner (equally mediocre) and Zoggy (traitor) are getting more.
  16. Quotes from Gutierrez and KK in the Chron. He's signed a five-year deal.
  17. Real Mallorca winger Jonas Gutierrez (nicknamed Spiderman) is signing for us after buying out his contract. So says the Chron anyway. co.uk link: http://www.nufc.premiumtv.co.uk/page/NewsDetail/0,,10278~1337343,00.html
  18. If they are the blueprint, then someone should remind Ashley that Wenger's team was built on a defence full of experience (ie Adams, Keown, Winterburn, Dixon).
  19. Am I blind or is Torres not in there? The list must be at least a year old if not.
  20. Would be laughable if it wasn't so insulting. It was us fans turning up en masse that enabled the club to waste £5m on this sack of shit, then waste 40-50k a week on him for the next 4-5 years. We made this c*** for life.
  21. The report in AS admits they lifted the news from tuttomercato, an Italian gossip site, who had it on Tuesday and clearly lifted it from Tribalfootball, who admitted lifting it from the People on Sunday. In other words, it's four-day-old news. Top notch journalism.
  22. Back on topic, Chron says Diatta has now "talked himself out" of a deal with us.
  23. Should it be "puff" or "poof"? I've never been sure.
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