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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. I've already started. Got the rugby on so started drinking 2 hours ago!
  2. The sad thing is, a draw will be spun as 'three ahead of Fulham, game in hand, our three best players are about to return, good job' What's sadder is some fans would lap that up.
  3. Sifu


    If we don't win against Brighton, think that's us done imo - if we don't have enough about us to beat a relegation rival, it'll tell all you all you need to know about the "fight" in the supposed head coach and his squad of players. Bruce is (obvs) literally hoping for a resurgence when ASM, Almiron and Wilson are back in the fold...which is an absolutely dangerous game to play. And Bruce calls that management? Fuck off.
  4. Think the "too good to go down" stigma has settled in the players - there's certainly enough arrogance from Bruce in this regard.
  5. Epitomises what we as a football club at the moment. Fuck him, he's a cunt.
  6. What's been definitively realised this season (and, of course, last) is that Steve Bruce is an absolute bigger cunt than Alan Pardew and John Carver (football managerial-wise [you can add Allardyce and Souness]). Fuck him right to hell.
  7. Won't be able to do Friday I'm afraid. Any other day (apart from Saturday) will be fine for me.
  8. Bruce will probably start the same team that played in the FA Cup, that'll be his genius psychological edge.
  9. His constant "woe is me" press conferences are beyond a joke now.
  10. Sifu

    Merry Christmas

    Merry Christmas to all!
  11. Had a falling out with Wilder over his refusal to sign a new contract.
  12. Things just keep getting worse week by week. Unless there's a massive change in tactics/system, they're on course to beat Derby's low points record.
  13. It's a shame to see them in their current plight. It does look like teams have now found ways to nullify their overlapping 3 CBs system and that, in combination with a lack of quality in midfield and upfront, seems to have destroyed the team's confidence. Signing Brewster but starting him from the bench behind the likes of McBurnie and McGoldrick (players who work hard but offer little in the way of movement) doesn't particularly make sense. Wilder is stubbornly persisting with a failing system and it doesn't look like he's open to making any tweaks to it any time soon.
  14. Unfortunately, Shearer will always defend Bruce to the end on the basis that they're "mates" - on that basis, I don't pay much attention to whatever Shearer has about his so called mate.
  15. If the takeover doesn't happen...
  16. In Any day and time after 5pm will be best for me.
  17. Steve Bruce. The most fake Geordie ever and that combined with how fucking shit he is clinches it for the title for the worst NUFC manager in my lifetime. I hated Pardew, Souness, Allardyce, Carver and McLaren but the cunt who's managing us now is a new level. With Bruce, it's always me, me, fucking me, fuck off.
  18. I had a similar group chat last year. I kept explaining why I didn't feel as into NUFC as I did in the past...one lad kept replying with "relax". I left said group chat for the sake of my sanity, certainly not on that I was being constantly dismissed just because I felt broken.
  19. Tbf to Burnham, he's an Everton fan.
  20. Yep, the c*** is breaking and it's only the start of October
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